Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I have been gone a few days

I left Sunday and it is Tues night .  NO NO NO it was not a vacation!!!!My dd an dher husband had to do a lot of overtime at their jobs this week and someone needd to be there for grandbaby and I volunteered/was drafted, He is in school and when he gets home he needs some one with him.  His finger is healing somewhat.  He went to the dr. yesterday and dr. said it was lookin good .  I hope that means that it is healing.  Baby said it does not hurt unless the bandages need to be removed and I suppose the bandage sticks to the nub where the finger is gone.  It still makes me want to cry everytime I think about how that must have hurt him when the door slammed on his tiny finger and popped the end off of his finger. 

I have not really been watching what I ate while I was gone.  They really don't have the right kind of food for me considering I have so many food allergies.  BUt I was grateful that they had a few things for me, and those few things was high in calories and seemed to be so heavy in my stomach.  Anyway I gained two pounds and tomorrow I will start all over again.  It is supposed to rain a lot here tomorrow,  I just heard the report on tv and it said some area here could get up to 10 inches of rain.  WOW  that is a lot of rain.  I don't think I will be able eto go walking, but I can put a Leslie Sansone video in and do some arobics.  I do like to her exercises they are low impact and I can hold 3 pound weights and get that extra oomph added to my workout.

Nothing else going on here. 

Good night
God bless

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