Sunday, January 20, 2008

The weatherman was a little off in his prediction of snow

I know - I know (shaking my head in exasperation)

If we got snow it was very little-my puddles in the yard are not even frozen. lol

Boy did the weather people have that one wrong. One good thing came of it-I will not have to cook for several days. I am relieved about it. I get so worried for everyone when we have storms if it is in the winter or the summer. Plus, now dh and I and baby can go to church. I really hate to miss and it is not because I feel, hmmmmm---- you know all of the trite reasons that some people go to church. I sure do not go to be seen, and I don't wear the best clothes.

I go because I feel renewed and spiritually refreshed-I go because I get stregthened being in the sanctuary with so many of my Christian brothers and sisters praising God and raising their hands in love and adoration for our God. And I go because God said "forget not to assemble yourselves".

Anyway yall have a wonderful Sunday
Stay safe and warm

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Bad weather headed our way

Here it is Sat. morning and there is a snow warning.

Right now it is raining and is not cold out at all BUT in a few hours they say we will be getting rain, sleet and sow and then according to the weather channel there will be a "transitioning over to snow". What i get out of that is it is going to snow.

The south just is not prepared for this. Usually we lose electricity for days. The temp is supposed to get down to 22 degrees. That is not real cold when your heater works. If the power goes out, we are fortunate that we do have a small gas heater that we can use to stay warm in the day and at night we snuggle under lots of blankets. But that temp will kill people that is not prepared for the cold.

My dd and g-son is coming today to spend the night. The baby will be better off with us here than he would be in dd's house. They do not have alternate heating.; I hope that this storm does not happen. The last time we lost power it was for 5 days. I got up early and did my devotions, exercised and started preparing things that we could eat if the power did go off for a few days. Hubby and I and dd and g-son will need to be fed.

Please just keep us all in your prayers. I know that with all of you that is used to this kind of weather I probably sound like I am over reacting but I promise you that if it gets that bad we will not be able to get on the highway to go to the grocery store.

We do have town water so I don't have to get much of that up, although I will get some collected. We don't have snow plows, so ambulances can't get around.

I'm telling you the south practically shuts down when we get and inch of snow. Have a good day and send us warm thoughts.

Send us warm thoughts and prayers
Have a great day

Thursday, January 17, 2008


I live in SC and it snowed here last night.

It is always a big deal when we get snow. Of course it was too warm for it to stick and it only lasted a few hours but it sure was pretty coming down. This morning it is raining and cold.

In our church the children and chaperones are going north (not sure where) for a snow sledding trip. They will be back on Sunday afternoon and I am going to be helping the substitute teacher in the toddlers classroom on Sunday morning. My grandson is in that class room and he is not going on the trip and a few other smaller children are not going. All of the children in there know me becasue of going in with g-baby, so I think it will be ok. Some children does not like change at all.

I had grandson day and night since Sunday Morning. Now I did have children so at one time I kept 2 kids 100% of the time. BUT I have not kept children consistantly in years. I was set up for it at that time. Now G-son and I sleep in the guest bed and it is a king size. Plenty of room but he wants to sleep right under my chin and he talks and laughs in his sleep. He talks as plain in his sleep as he does when he is awake. He talks about trains and cars and wheels on bus go round and round and he laughs, that very endearing uncontrollable laughter. And I lay there beside him and smile cause I know not all grandmothers get this type of wonderful time with there grandchildren. And he turns toward me in the morning and smiles and says"I see ooo, A-mama"

The point of that paragraph is I enjoyed baby being here but I sure didn't get much sleep. He went home last night at 7:15 and we had just enough time to get to church about 4 minutes late. But still we were there. I almost talked myself out of going and maybe I should have stayed home. I am ashamed to say that I fell asleep during preaching. Dh noticed immediately and nudged me but I so hope noone else noticed.

I wonder if anyone else has times when they fall asleep. I'm not talking about older people that fall asleep or children I am talking about people in good healt, like me, people that are not on medication, people that do not work night shift. Just your average person.

God bless you all

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

God is good to me

It has been a wonderful 6 days

Fri.-Golden Harvestors

Sat. -concert by the Healeys

Sun. morn.- Sunday school

Sun. Night-evening service

Monday-district meeting

Tuesday night-motivational speaker/evangelist

tonight-mid week service.

tomorrow night-at this time nothing-The revival we planned to go to was canceled.

The singer on Sat. said something that really hit home with me.

Paraphrasing-When you get saved the bad things are pushed out, then you have empty places and you need to fell the empty places up with spiritual things or the bad things will have room to come back and move in. I think that is what I am doing. I am trying to stay filled up with good things.

I read the bible nearly everyday, I listen to only gospel music. I go to singings and revivals and meetings at my home church and have made friends at other churches and I am often asked to come and give devotionals or just come and fellowship.

One of my New Years Resolutions is to try to find even more ways to keep me filled up with Godly things. God is good and I love Him

Sunday, January 13, 2008

My whirlwind weekend

I am president ofthe Golden Harvestors at my church and we had a meeting Fri. night. Started at 6:30 and we got back around 9. Us older people know how to party. lol We really did have a good time. I had our pianist play the key board and our older retired preacher sang Amazing Grace. He is 75 but has the voice of a young man. It was beautiful, and then we sang as a group several songs. Then we gave a few testimonies. And of course lets not forget-we ate supper there. So much good food-so many calories.

Last night we went to a local church for a singing- The Singing Nealey's were there and it was a wonderful time. You ever heard the saying "we had church"? Well last night we had church, and a wonderful time was had by all.

Today I will get the baby in about an hour and then we will go to morning worship-Sunday School and then preaching, and then at 2:30 we will go hear "The Couriers" perform and then tonight we will go back to our church for evening services.

Ihave a full weekend and it looks like I will have a full week ahead. Baby comes today and I know I will have him overnight and maybe through Tuesday evening.

My dd and her husband work schedule is all messed, up because of grandopenings and floor strippings through the night, and resets, and I don't understand all of what they have to do but I do know that some people have quit and has not been replaced yet and that means extra hours for them and that means overtime and I try to help them all I can.

And I am going to a district meeting tomorrow night and then I am going to a revival most of next week.

If it wasn't for church I would not have a social life at all. lol

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year-New Month-New Day

Happy New Years Day

A new year and a new month.

I am so excited about this year. It is like a clean chalkboard and I can write what ever I choose on it.

I have made several resolutions, I am going to go to more church functions. I am going to actively seek out the "open to all" occasions and gather as often as I can with others that seek and worship God.

I used to go to bars often and now I go to church often. BUT I searched my mind and I find that in the past I sought out worldly pleasures more than I seek out the Godly pleasures.
I pray every day and I read the bible every day and I study on the Sunday School lesson nearly every day. I listen to Gospel music only and I do not read anything worldly for entertainment purposes, (no Stephen King, no Robert McGammon), and I stopped watching a lot of the shows that I used to enjoy. But I used to seek out friends that drink and went to bars and I just led a sinners life.

I am a Christian now and I should put just as much effort in serving God as I used to do in not serving Him.

So that is resolution number one.

Number two is try to get healthy by eating right and exercising. I hope in the process to lose weight. Did you know that of all the people that make resolutions losiong weight was the number one resolution of the majority of people?

So many small things I need to work on , I have often heard we are a work in progress, I am glad that God does not give up on us as easily as I want to give up on me.

I must learn to let the past go. I have prayed and I have left it at the feet of Jesus only to find that I have sneaked back and picked it up AGAIN and am worrying over it like a starving dog with a bone.

I must train myself not to jump to conclusions. Dh is a quiet man, slow to speak, and over the years I have learned to read his actions and reactions. BUT sometimes a raised eyebrow is just a raised eyebrow.

So many more but I think I have beat myself up enough for one day.

So how many of you are having the traditional new years day foods ? And because we all live in different areas what are your traditional NYD foods?

Here in the south, we traditionally have black eyed peas, hog jowls and turnips, and cornbread. I thought we were going to have breakfast for supper last night at the night watch but we had all of the above mentioned food. I put a small amount of each on my plate but could only eat a small amount of each. Now the strawberry fluff was delicious.

love you all
Have a happy and safe day