Sunday, February 20, 2011

Not a lot going on

It has been a very boring couple of days.

I have stayed consistant in my dieting and even upped my exercises some.  The weight does not seem to be wanting to leave me.  I gurss those fat cells feel so much at home they do notwant to leave. 

Chrch was food tonight, we had a jr. preacher come in and he preached on what God expects of us as Christians.  Mostly what I got out of it is something I already knew.  God expects us to be gatherers.  He wants us to be be light that the world can look at and see their way to God.  Our life may be the only bible that some people read and so we better be sure that we are living in a way that God shines through.

My grandbaby came Fridaynight and stayed until Saturday.  Then today he wanted to come back.  My dd is a Christian and she goes to a differant church than I do.  When they got out of church she brought him to me.  We go into a closet and use flashlights and pretend so much stuff.  Today he wanted to pretend we were stuck in an ice cavern.  That kid has such an imagination. 

Tomorrow I really need to start working on my yard.  IT is supposed to be in the 70's and that is perfect for  working outside. 

Have a great night everyone
sleep well
God bless

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

BIL, niece, walking, nice weather

Bil had chest pains today, sister had to take him to the hospital,  and I kept her granddaughter.  I am so glad that I am a pack rat.  I was able to pull out things that I had bought years ago. Like I have some p. canvas patterns for Indian outfits to make for Barbie dolls.  When I was at teh flea market a few years back the barbie dolls were on sale for 50 cents each.  so I bought them all.  Niece really loved playing with them.  When I was a little girl we would all go to my grandmas house and I would play with her sewing box.  It was like a treasure box to me.  It was full of so many neat things like golden buttens and silver thread.   Now I have a sewing box full of anything I can think of to put in it that will interest the children.  They love it just like I did. 

I went walking several times today.  The weather is just perfect not too hot and not too chilly.  I love hearing the birds singing and even now with cold weather just last week the birds are beginning to act like it is spring. 

I have been trying to watch what I eat since I did splurge a bit  over the weekend.  I over ate today by a few hundred calories, but the good part is that it is not unhealthy.  I ate an oatmeal energy bar after supper tonight and just a little while ago I ate an apple with a bit of peanut butter on it.  So, kinda not unhealthy.  Tomorrows a new day, and I can try again.  I can do this.

Things I like about me
I love to smile, I love to help others,  I love to worship the Lord,  I love children and seem to have unlimited patience with children. I love my family.

Good night everyone
Sleep well
God bless

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy valentines day everyone

Dh and I celebrated valentines day yesterday.  He had to work all day with a rush job in a business conferance room.  It has to be finished in just a few days because some big upper managment is coming in from overseas.  So we celebrated yesterday .

We went out to eat and then yesterday evening friend invited us to their church for a valentine banquet.  She is the pastor so when I said t did not look right for us to just show upwhen they have a special dinner she told me that dh and I were part of their church even though we "go" to a different church.  So we go there and boy did they have delicious food.  My favorite was homemade pork barbq.  Church women sure do know how to cook.  So many cakes and pies and fudge.  I could not eat any of them but dh did.  Potatoe salad, and peas , homemade mac and cheese (could not eat) baked smoked ham, yummy,  homemad biscuits (could not eat), deviled eggs, fried chicken (could not eat) chicken bog, (could not eat) more food and I can't remember everything.  Oh yes strawberries sliced thin and in some kind of thin sweet liquid.   I loved it.

Since I ate way too many calories yesterday I decided to double up on exercise to day. And I did the fire trail behind my house 3 times and walked outside around my house several times.  My daffadils are about 3 inches high and the hyacinths are going to be blooming soon. The lillies are starting to come up.  I could not see anything on my gardenias.  I love it when they bloom  the entire yard smells so good.  My camillas did not bloom this year although they did have lots of blooms on the branches.  Maybe they will bloom in the next couple of weeks.  My blueberries are just beginning to put out new branches and my plum tree looks like it is ready to start getting new branches.  I hope my peach tree gets fruit this year.   Dh said he would get me some fig bushes and some grape vines this year.  

My yard need to be cleaned up so bad.  I want to push my mower over it to pick up all the debris that has accumalated over the winter.  It is so much easier to push the mower than to rake it. 

Thats my day

I hope everyone has a wonderful valentine evening with the ones that you love. 

I became a Christian on Valentines day 8 years ago.  On the day of love I found the ultimate love.  John 3:16.

God bless

Saturday, February 12, 2011

My hobbies, my passions,

I have hobbies, I like to crochet, and right now I am working on a floor runner for the side of my bed, it is 3 strands of multicolor yarn worked togeather.  Colors are tans and browns, and rust and beige. It is oval at the ends I did one a few weeks ago and it turned out nice.  That one was multi greens and white and red.  Really pretty. I also like to do plastic canvas I work with yarn there too. 
  Many years ago when my dd was about 13 and my son was 11 I noticed that they were beginning to get new interests and the time was coming that we would begin to not be so close.   I started looking at the things they both were interested in and they both loved the nintendo and all their friends did too.  I did not want to be their "friend" --- I wanted to share interests with them and keep them talking to me.  so one day while they were in school I turned the system on and taught myself how to play a few of their favorite games.   When they came home they found me sitting there totally engrossed in Dragon Warrior 1,  We sat there for a few hours talking about the game and a few others.  They told their friends and the kids from the neighborhood began coming to my house in the afternoons.  My children seemed to be proud that they had a mama that played, and I overheard one kid tell my son he had the coolest mom.  I knew what my kids were doing and where they were and we had something that we enjoyed togeather.  And as they grew older we still had that in common.

My  son is 31 and has 2 children and my dd is 33 and she has 1 child and all of us still play and we pass games back and forth.  I have a ds that I totally enjoy. That is one of my hobbies.  Sometimes I get really odd looks when people find out that I play,  but when I took gerontology in college years ago, I found out that gaming increases brain activity and seems to reduce dementia. 

I love to read, and garden, I have flowers and a vegetable garden.  I love to exercise wellll I love the way exercise makes me feel.  Sometimes when I exercise  I almost feel euphoric. I have read about the pleasure center in my brain and I think that exercise is turning on the pleasure center.

I love my Heavenly Father, I love being a Christian. 

 I love my husband, my children and Grandchildren.  I don't get to see the older two grandchildren very often and I miss them very much.

So those are my hobbies and my passion.  I had someone tell me one time they did not have a reason to get out of bed in the morning.  I felt such compassion for her.  I have so much in my life and how do you get to the point in your life that you find that kind of emptyness in your days.   She was only a few years older than me, she had a husband and children,  How does one person look at their life and see nothing and another person looks at their life and see a life overflowing with happiness.   I did  a lot of praying for her. 

Enough rambling
love you all
stay save
God bless

Friday, February 11, 2011

The best laid plans of mice and men-----

My dd and I were supposed to go have a mother daughter day.  She was supposed to drop her son off at school and then she and I would go play but grandson got sick during the night and so he did not go to school.  Her husband had to work , she had to stay home with the baby.  I was disapopointed and worried about baby.  I hope he did not ge tthe flu.  So many children are out because of the flu and one of the private schools in the area has simply closed down for a week now becasue so many of the students had to miss.

My dh got off of work early so we went out to get some groceries, and then we went to Wendys,  but we left without eating.  About the only thing there that I could eat was the boneless honey chicken, and they discontinued serving that item.  I wish I did not have the allergy but I do and so I had to leave without eating.  But dh said tomorrow everning he and I are going to the local restaurant and I will be able to order from the menu just what I can eat.  Next Fri. dd said she and I will be going out and we will play all day.  I think she wants to go to Ruby Tuesdays,  and I know I can eat there.  I like their cheese fries,  (maybe too much) 

This morning I heard some dogs barking, and I looked out of the window. There were 3 dogs barking so I went out to see what was going on.  They saw me and started towards me growling and acting like they were going to attack.  So I began yelling and kicking and clapping my hands I picked up a huge branch and began swinging it at them and they ran away.  I told my dh about it and I know how to shoot a rifle and a shotgun and we have both.  The next time I see those dogs I wll shoot because when grandson is here I can't take a chance that those dogs could get after him.  Those were huge dogs and he is so little.  Dh told me to call the police first.  I will but really people should keep their dogs in a pen or tied up. 

It's going to be cold tonight and then we will start getting warmer and warmer.  Tomorrow I will be planting some lettuce seeds, and peas.  Who will help me plant my seeds??? said Henny Penny.

Sleep well everyone,
God bless.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

yesterday, warming up, going shopping

Tuesday I called my mom and told her that she had hurt my feelings the last time we talked.  I told her what she said and she said I was imagining things.  She said I made it up.  I told her I didn/t , that she really did say those things and she told me again she didn't.  I forgve her but I sure don't want to talk to her ,  I don't like being hurt.  I have cried enough.

Tomorrow my daughter is coming to get me and we are going to spend the day togeather.  We are going shopping and then going out to eat.  Because of my alergies, I can not eat anything with with flour, which means that we have to be careful where we go.  I leave it up to her, she knows about my problem.  I can eat at Golden corral, and one chinese place.  Maybe we could go to Cee Cees if they have whole grain pizza crust.  I love going to Wendys,  ok it is not very fancy but they make a wonderful bar b que chicken it is delicious and very filling.  BUT I am hoping she takes me to Golden Corral, it has been a long time since I was there and I do love their food.

We are sopposed to be through a warming period - In the next ten days the temps in the day time will be going up and up, all the was to the 70"s.  I can't wait.   Saturday I am going to plant some cauliflower some snow pea pods and some lettuce.  I may have to cover them if the temps drop again but I am looking forward to workingin my garden..

I love vegetables. I steam almost all the vegetables that I eat.  I just put it in a bowl and put a plate on top and microwave for 5 to 10 minutes depending on what it is that I am fixing.  I even steamed a potatoe today.  I peeled it and diced it and then put it in the microwave. It was so good,  just put some salt and pepper on it.You get to taste the vegetable flavor.  Sometimes I put a small amount of butter on it but mostly I just eat it with salt pepper simetimes, garlic powder or other seasonings.

Today I fixed some salmon patties. ( Always buy wild salmon it is better for you) I found a new recipe and it  called for instant potatoe flakes in it and shredded cheese and that was scruptious.  I had steamed okra, steamed, potaoe, steamed broccoli to go along with it.

I exercised today and walked, and still doin my spring cleaning.  so I stayed busy and I noticed thatI do not think about food as much when I stay busy. 

Do you have hobbies?  I have several and I get passionate about one and I leave the others aone, then after several weeks or months I will switch to another of the hobbies. 

Sleep well
God bless

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sunday, church, Monday, early spring cleaning

I had a great Sun. ----- Sun. morning services was such a wonderful spiritual time. God moved and people were blessed.  Sun. nt we had an in house singing and again the Lord moved in such a sweet way.

Last night we had a womans ministry meeting and I tried to eat moderately but it just did not work I ate ok but all they had to drink that I COULD drink was sprite and I was so very thirsty.  I don't usually drink much soda and I could tell it this morning I had gained 3 pounds and I was bloated. Oh well I can get that off.  And the next time I will take a caffeine free calorie free drink for me.  I don't mean to complainn I had a great time.  We all laughed and worshipped togeather so I really don't mean to complain.

Today I walked 2 times down the fire trail total of 4 miles and then when dh came home he wanted to walk and I went with him.  Wow that was a lot of walking.  But I did not have any trouble doing it.  feet and ankles and knees all were doing good.  Also this morning I started doing my spring cleaning early.  I wiped cabinents down with bleach and cleaner and wiped refrigerator.  cleaned cabinents and counters and stove.  Tomorrow I hope to finish in the kitchen.  I need to do it before spring cause dh said he would need me to help him with some of his jobs that he has lined up.  Plus when grandson comes I won't get anything done. 

I figured up my calories I am almost ashamed to put it down but here it is------1945- the only positive thing about it is most of it is healthy stuff, --oatmeal, blueberries, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet peas, okra, one small barbcued pork chop, apple w/peanut butter, mini wheats, whole wheat bread.  1 egg, one egg white, raisens. one negative-4 cups of decaf coffee w/ yummy flavorings I love the chocolate mint truffle flavor that come out at Christmas.  I stocked up on that flavor and put it in my freezer.

I figured up how much calories I burned off for today and that is almost 1000, So I suppose that is pretty good. 

Sleep well
God bless

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mom, shopping, rain, daughter and grandson, walking

On Tuesday I called my mom just to chat and tell her I love her and she just started fussing and accused me of doing things that I did not do.  I told her I did not and she pretty well told me she did not believe me.  I am just so upset over it and hubby told me  not to talk to her again because he did not want me to cry anymore.  It is just tearing me up .  I would not lie -I have a fellowship with God and I do not want to lose that fellowship. 

Dh and I went grocery shopping this morning, we were ou of so much stuff and we went to Aldis.  I love that store.  we spent about 50 dollars but we probably saved close to 25 dollars.  I like the food and I love the savings. Plus it was close to where dd and her family live so we called her and she met us there.  I did love seeing them.  We spent some time togeather and then we came back home.  I wish they lived closer to me.  I sure do miss them both.

And it rained off and on nearly all day long That cold dreary rain that seems to seep into your bones andall you want to do is sit in a tub full of hot water until you thaw out.  But dh and I went for a walk and we carried our unbrellas so if it started to rain we could use them and we had to use them twice.  But we persevered and we got the walk done.

Shopping for one hour burned off 200 calories and altogeather dh and I walked 3 miles and that burned off 300 calories.  My calories for today was 1210, I have been so upset today that I had to really force myself to get that much. 

Remember me telling of the grey cat that someone dropped off? Well dh and I came back from shopping and he went out to feel the cat and it was dead in our backyard,  we could not tell what happened to the cat.  I helped him dig a hole and we buried the cat.  I wish people would not just drop off their unwanted animals.  I suppose a  car hit her and she made it to the backyard and then she died.  That is the only thing I can figure out .  Just sad about it.  

Sleep well,
God bless.

Friday, February 4, 2011

allergies, exercise, weights,

Not feeling good tonight.  My face around my cheeks and eyes is swollen, and I feel tired.  I am pretty sure it is my sinuses.  I took some meds, but so far not improved.

I ate 1490 calories today
I worked out with weights for 30 min. I burned off 135 calories.

I also did a 5-mile walk at home advanced exercise video by Leslie Sansone.  I held my 5 pound weights during the entire 75 minutes to boost my workout.  Shse says that when you do a 5 mle walk at home video it burns off the same about of calories as if you were actually walking.  If that is true then I burned off 544 calories.

So far so good.  I do love seeing how much I burn off when I exercise, it seems to motivate me to exercise a few minutes more,  or walk one more time around the house. or down the lane.  

Sleep Well
God Bless

Thursday, February 3, 2011

stretching,walking, rain, rain, rain

I did stretching today, and since it is supposed to rain and rain and rain tomorrow I tried to walk a little extra just in case my ankle will not let me do any leslie arobics tomorrow. 

Strtching/flexability exercises burned off 110 caloies
walking 6 miles burned off 599 calories

My calories that I ate was 1635.

I am going to try to do some leslie arobics, if that does not work I will do a denise austin kick boxing training tape.  I have never done that one.  I don't even remember getting it, I don't remember anyone giving it to me, I don't think I ever saw it before.  I think I will do it while dh is not here.  He would probably laugh himself sick. 

Josie I love Sweet potatoes.Thinking about it I love a lot of vegetables and the ones that I do not like but will eat because they are super good for me-collards, turnip greens, boiled cabbage and a few others.  I detest spinach and just refuse to eat it. I could live off of broccoli, cauliflower, squash, mushrooms, sweet peas, okra, snow pea  pods, tomatoes, cucumbers,  brussel sprouts, and asparagus. (and others).  In fact I like to make a super omelet with 1 whole egg and two egg whites and just throw vegetables in it with a sprinkle of shredded cheese. Now that is yummy.

Guess what I am going to have for brunch in the morning. 

Sleep well, stay warm and dry

God bless.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

weights, walking, telephone, church

I worked out with weights early this morning, then the phone began ringing and ringing and ringing.  I love my portable phones.  I have two of them and I walk while I talk,  it rang so much that the battery ran down on one of the phones and I had to switch them so I could recharge the battery.  I got a lot of steps in, but I did not get a whole lot of anything else done. 

I went walking for my two mile official walk around noon.  By that time the weather had warmed up to the point that I had to take off my wind breaker.  I as actually perspiring.

Went to church tonight and it was a good service, he preached on staying committed.  I enjoyed it very much and two people got saved.  Since Jan. 1 9 people have gotten saved there.  I love it, that is 9 people that have been snatched out of the hands of satan.  God is good and He is moving in wonderful ways.

Josie---I weigh every day.  I use a calendar to keep up with what I weigh and that way I can see at a glance any ups or downs.  Usually the only weight that I really keep up with is the first of each week.  I know that a lot of people say not to do that , but it works better for me.  BTW  I went to look at your new post and I could not get it to load,  I could not get any of your posts to load..    I will try again tomorrow.  I love you and am praying for you. 

calories for today-1460
lifted weights this morning for 30 minutes-burned off 135 calories
walked altogeather 5 miles and burned off 545 calories---total burned off is 680

Have a good nights sleep
God bless

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

pedometer, walking, foot, cooking, temperature, interesting site

The pedometer that I had stopped working.  I realized that I was not walking as much without it so dh and I went to walmart, and bought a cheap one.  I always wear it at my waist but this time I could not make it work.  It was picking up a lot of steps that I was not taking,  from my computer room to my stove is about 35 steps but the pedometer said I walked over 200.  So I put it on my shoe and it is totally accurate.   The only problem is that when I take a step with that foot I hear the pedometer click click. so walking through the house it is step, step click click.  I hope I can get used to it. 

I walked today for 6 miles total.  That was from working in the house and going out for my 2 mile walk. It was chilly so I was bundled up good.  My nose stayed cold the entire time I walked.  Now my foot is so much better but I walked kinda slow.   It took me almost an hour to walk the 2 miles, but I did it. \

The site that I was reading about the diet that did not work out for me, did talk about a few things that I already knew but forgot.  Like losing weight is all about calories in and calories out (if you are in good health and nothing wrong with your thyroid)  I knew this from my dr.  He told me that I could add a zero to my weight and eat less than that in calories and  I would lose weight.  Don/t cut back too far cause then you stop losing. Also need to exercise.  and that will burn off calories too. 

I found a really good site that has a lot of calculaters on it The name of the site is

and at the very top, is all of the calculaters.  One that I really like is calories burned calculater.   For the 6 miles I walked today I burned off 540 calories.  That is really a terrific thing to do.  Exercise and then figure up how many calories you have burned off.

I cooked a few vegetables today,  I have noticed that when I eat vegetables my appetite seems to stabilize.  I don't crave food,  and I have no interest in grazing.  I hate it when I go to the refrigerator and open it just to see if something has appeared in there since the last time I opened it.  And I just get something to nibble on or munch on, cheese usually.Or I go to the pantry and get a handful of cereal, mini wheats, cinnamon toast crunch, etc.  I don't do rice Krispies that way,  I would leave a trail of cereal throughout the house. 

Calories for today was 1540
I ate tuna, okra, squash, turkey breast, whole wheat bread, oatmeal, carrots, potatoes,   coffee,  southern butter beans,   Good healthy food.  After I ate my last meal around 3 pm, I was done with eating for the day, and I have worked around in the kitchen and have not felt tempted to munch and snack.  

It has been a good diet day, a good exercise day, and I spent some wonderful time worshipping my Heavenly Father. 

Sleep well everyone
God bless