Sunday, February 20, 2011

Not a lot going on

It has been a very boring couple of days.

I have stayed consistant in my dieting and even upped my exercises some.  The weight does not seem to be wanting to leave me.  I gurss those fat cells feel so much at home they do notwant to leave. 

Chrch was food tonight, we had a jr. preacher come in and he preached on what God expects of us as Christians.  Mostly what I got out of it is something I already knew.  God expects us to be gatherers.  He wants us to be be light that the world can look at and see their way to God.  Our life may be the only bible that some people read and so we better be sure that we are living in a way that God shines through.

My grandbaby came Fridaynight and stayed until Saturday.  Then today he wanted to come back.  My dd is a Christian and she goes to a differant church than I do.  When they got out of church she brought him to me.  We go into a closet and use flashlights and pretend so much stuff.  Today he wanted to pretend we were stuck in an ice cavern.  That kid has such an imagination. 

Tomorrow I really need to start working on my yard.  IT is supposed to be in the 70's and that is perfect for  working outside. 

Have a great night everyone
sleep well
God bless


  1. hey Joy, i've been away and am just now catching up. i'm with you on upping the exercise and not seeing results as fast as i'd like! just keep holding on. like they say, and i know it's cliche, but if you ever get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. you've got a good plan for tomorrow.
    ps: i liked your list of what you liked about yourself in (i think) the last entry. a lot of people aren't as gifted with children as you seem to be!
    love you, and i'm still praying for you.

  2. hey Joy, how are you? i miss reading your blog, and i hope all is well with you.
