Thursday, February 3, 2011

stretching,walking, rain, rain, rain

I did stretching today, and since it is supposed to rain and rain and rain tomorrow I tried to walk a little extra just in case my ankle will not let me do any leslie arobics tomorrow. 

Strtching/flexability exercises burned off 110 caloies
walking 6 miles burned off 599 calories

My calories that I ate was 1635.

I am going to try to do some leslie arobics, if that does not work I will do a denise austin kick boxing training tape.  I have never done that one.  I don't even remember getting it, I don't remember anyone giving it to me, I don't think I ever saw it before.  I think I will do it while dh is not here.  He would probably laugh himself sick. 

Josie I love Sweet potatoes.Thinking about it I love a lot of vegetables and the ones that I do not like but will eat because they are super good for me-collards, turnip greens, boiled cabbage and a few others.  I detest spinach and just refuse to eat it. I could live off of broccoli, cauliflower, squash, mushrooms, sweet peas, okra, snow pea  pods, tomatoes, cucumbers,  brussel sprouts, and asparagus. (and others).  In fact I like to make a super omelet with 1 whole egg and two egg whites and just throw vegetables in it with a sprinkle of shredded cheese. Now that is yummy.

Guess what I am going to have for brunch in the morning. 

Sleep well, stay warm and dry

God bless.

1 comment:

  1. good job on the eating and exercise today, Joy. gonna make one of those super omelets for breakfast tomorrow? i think i might have two strips of bacon and an egg and half a grapefruit. i didn't know what to eat for dinner tonight so i just had oatmeal. i love it, so i went with it.

    when you say you don't like spinach, do you mean fresh, canned, or both? i HATE canned spinach, but i love fresh- like in a salad or even wilted cooked with other veggies or meat. i love cabbage, too, but it just smells so bad nobody in the house likes the odor. we used to eat it with hoecakes. so good!

    thank you for your support on my blog, Joy. you are a dear soul, and i love you! take care, and stay warm tomorrow.
