Wednesday, February 2, 2011

weights, walking, telephone, church

I worked out with weights early this morning, then the phone began ringing and ringing and ringing.  I love my portable phones.  I have two of them and I walk while I talk,  it rang so much that the battery ran down on one of the phones and I had to switch them so I could recharge the battery.  I got a lot of steps in, but I did not get a whole lot of anything else done. 

I went walking for my two mile official walk around noon.  By that time the weather had warmed up to the point that I had to take off my wind breaker.  I as actually perspiring.

Went to church tonight and it was a good service, he preached on staying committed.  I enjoyed it very much and two people got saved.  Since Jan. 1 9 people have gotten saved there.  I love it, that is 9 people that have been snatched out of the hands of satan.  God is good and He is moving in wonderful ways.

Josie---I weigh every day.  I use a calendar to keep up with what I weigh and that way I can see at a glance any ups or downs.  Usually the only weight that I really keep up with is the first of each week.  I know that a lot of people say not to do that , but it works better for me.  BTW  I went to look at your new post and I could not get it to load,  I could not get any of your posts to load..    I will try again tomorrow.  I love you and am praying for you. 

calories for today-1460
lifted weights this morning for 30 minutes-burned off 135 calories
walked altogeather 5 miles and burned off 545 calories---total burned off is 680

Have a good nights sleep
God bless


  1. hey Joy, sorry about my blog disruption. i was playing with the fonts and layout, but it should work now. i'm glad you've found a way to work with the scale. i am wondering if i should weigh every day. i am one who tries to weigh once a week, but often get ahead of myself, see a high number, freak out, binge. crazy, i know! i like that you have that one weight per week that you really keep up with.

    good job on the exercise! it's so cold here! but i didn't exercise inside, either. i love that you're doing weights. i've read that it's the best thing you can do for metabolism. i forget where, but i read that it's a mistake to think that the older you get the more your metabolism slows down. the article said what happens is, the older you get, the more muscle mass you lose, and that accounts for it being harder to lose. keep up the hard work! you're a wonderful example. love you and God bless!

  2. ps: do you like sweet potatoes? just wondering if that's something you eat. i had the best meal today (mentioned it today on my blog) of a roast chicken thigh, baked sweet potato, and sauteed yellow squash. so filling! thought of you because i know you like those whole foods....
