Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I do not like the new format here.

Still am not losing weight, am feeling pretty discouraged at the moment.  I wish the pills would go ahead and do what they are supposed to do.  maybe they are not strong enough. lose a few pounds and then overnight gain them back this has been going on for weeks now. and honestly I don't know what to do about it.  I have lowered my cal;ories and I have tried to eat low carb and I have exercised nearly every day and still the weight will not budge.

the situation with son in law is still not good.  He actually got mad at grandson and said(don't come here again I don't need you"  He asked my daughter that night if she needed him the next day he asked me the same question and of course we told him we do. 

Still working at Harvest Hope twice a week and last Monday I tried to be Superwoman and lift a 50 pound box and tore a minor muscle in my shoulder.  I have babied it along and it is almost back to normal so I think I will be back to being superwoman in about a month :). 

That is my update

God bless you all

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I have said it before

if I exercise early it seems to control the beast that lives within me  whose name is" out of control and untamable and trying to make me gain weight appetite" I will give it a nickname of George. No special reason except years ago I watched a bugs bunny cartoon with my little children about and abominable snowman that finds a rabbit (only it was daffy duck) and he names him ;George and he hugs it and rocks it and etc. It is really odd  the funny things that stick in my mind but I have the worlds worst memory for actual peoples faces and  names.


fact number one-exercise curbs my appetite

fact number two-the calories from the peanut butter m &ms that I ate two weeks ago is not going to be nice and just disappear from my cells simply becasue I regret eating them and have decided I need to lose weight.

fact number 3 -my husband is a male and his body is different from mine(no snickering allowed) and the fact that he loses weight faster than me does not mean that he is working at it harder than I am.

Fact number 4-I want a piece of cream cheese chess bar. and the only thing I can do is try not to think about it.

Fact number 5-Sometimes I want to wallow in a huge vat of "life is not fair"

OK that was my pity party for today
It's someone elses turn tomorrow.

Have a beautiful and blessed day. I promise to be more upbeat next time.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How excited should I get over the loss of one pound :)

Seriously I lost one pound ok lets break this down a bit, 

I went nutso and tried to eat everything in the house last week just in case I needed to hybernate for the upcoming weeks and months of being toatally without food.

On Sat.  I woke up refreshed from the alien that had invaded me, (got to blame something for the out of control actions) made a new (old) plan to go on low carb induction and I did.  So between Sat. morn and this morn I lost 1 pound.It's a good thing and surely a step in the RIGHT direction.  

I broke down last week and actually ate a floured item.  My weakness is sweets you know cake or cookies or fudge,  I did keep it at a minimum but still only a small amount will cause hives.    I am grateful that so far there is not sign of discomfort,

My plans for today is to do laundry first and this afternoon I will push my mower over my backyard.  This is a great workout and I love my backyard, it is peaceful and totally enclosed with trees and privacy bushes and my hyacinths are blooming, my irisis are just starting to bud out and my azalias are in bloom.  Birds are all over the place and I have one semi-tame rabbit that I feed.  

Have a blessed day everyone

Our Father, may everything I do begin with Your
continue with Your Help,
and reach perfection under Your Guidance.
With Your loving care guide me in my daily actions.
Help me to persevere with love and sincerity.
Teach me to judge wisely the things of earth
and to love the things of Heaven.
Keep me in Your presence
and never let me be separated from You.
Your Spirit made me Your child,
confident to call You Father.
Make Your Love the foundation of my life.
Teach me to long for Heaven.
May its promise and hope guide my way on earth
until I reach eternal life with You.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

day 1 and day 2

or is it day 1, 2 and 3?   I think today is the 2nd day,  I sound a bit like I have lost my memory.  but I do have a seriously visually can't miss it,  sinus discomfort.  Not quite a pain and yet not NOT a pain, know what I mean? swollen and bluish looking around my eyes.  Ok it is kinda clownish looking. lol 

You know how most of us what immediate gratification, well stomps foot, I have not lost any weight.

Have a wonderful evening,