Monday, June 30, 2008

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down

I lost track of my calories for today, (dhboughtmoosetracksicecream) I hope that if I say that really fast all in one breath I can act like no one heard me and if no one hears me maybe the calories will not stick.

My exercise was really good, almost 4 and 1/2 miles I walked some and even ran soem while playing with the baby tonight. Not a lot of running because my foot is still achy but I did walk and I did run a little. So things is getting better, plus my allergies is finally geting better. I have hope that I will soon be over it all and get back to my daily exercise routine.

My dd brought baby today. She is prone to her back going out and as she turned to close her door her back popped out and she drove all the way to my house with her back like that . I would have gone and stayed with her until her husband got off of work and them brought the baby home but she thought she could handle it. Shedid but poor ting you could tell she was in agony. She has pills to take, muscle relaxers, but they make her drowsy and she should not have to take care of baby when she takes them. I am so glad my health makes it posssible for me to help her .

My mom refused to help me whem I had my children she said she raised hers without help and we could do the same; She is still like that and sometimes I feel such pity for her because she does not know what she missed by not trying to have a relationship with her grandchildren. I consider myself blessed-I look over to my right and grandbaby is aslep in my kingsized quest bed. Soon I will cut off computer and get in beside him and he will not wake up but with in a few minutes he will be pressed up against me and his little arm will be around my neck. No it is not very comfortable but it sure is sweet.

Sleep well everyone, May you be blessed with the most wonderful dreams and may you wake refreshed.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sunday, Praise God,

June 15-232.6
June 22-227.6
June 29-227.0
First weeks weight loss was great 2nd weeks weight loss not so great BUT STILL A LOSS AND I WILL TAKE IT WITH A VERY TINY """cheer""" for me.

I did not post yesterday because about 5 pm someone drove a pickup truck into a light pole down the street from here and the pole fell on the time warner box. Computer and tv was down for over 12 hours. sob. I was reduced to just watching tv and playing a gameboy. It is fixed now (obviously) and I sit here catching up on everything while I watch Cold Case on tv.

I multi task and sometimes when am on the phone I will triple task. I over caloried yesterday too much to talk ab out and today I went over just a bit (honest not much over) and I only went over because dh picked me some fresh plums. And they are so sweet and so good and so irrisistable. I did not try too hard to resist them.

Hard to believe that this month is almost over. July 1st is Tuesday. Unreal how fast time seems to be going.

I had a great time at church tonight . The sermon was on praising the Lord and I learned so much. God is so very good to me. He set the table and I just pulled my chair right up there and I feasted on His love.

Sleep well everyone

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

my journal, my thoughts, my day

Good morning

Baby spent the night and I got one and 1/2 minutes of sleep. He likes to sleep right up under my chin, he will throw his arm over me and say in that sweet half asleep baby voice "baby 'oves a-ma"> One I woke with his butt right at my face, he had twisted and turned until that is where he ended up. Another time I woke up with him pulling on my gown. he had kicked the sheet off of him and he wanted to cover back up and my gown is what his hand landed on. He has a bed in my house , he has his own bedroom that he plays in and he will take naps in the bed, spider man sheets, surrounded by his books and toys. But he will not sleep in there at night, He says "I seep in a-ma's big bed" I'm sure it will end within a few years and so i don't make a big deal out it. I always asks if he is going to sleep in his bed. And he chooses. What wonderful memories I am going to have when I get to be 100 yrs old sitting in my wheel chair in the nursing home.

Mainly all that bothers me about it is, tonight is church night. I have fallen asleep before during service. When I don't get enough sleep I can go all day long usually, but if I stip -if I sit down I start just going to sleep.. It has happened before and it is very embarrasing....Dh knows how I am and he sill keep an eye on me and if I start head hanging down he will gently nudge me. I told the preacher how I am and most times I am all right and would he prefer me stay home or run the risk of falling asleep during his sermom. He said he would prefer me in church,He said that if I stayed home it would feel like satan won, come to church and show satan he can't tell me what to do. So I go even when it feels like I can not hold my eyes open.

Baby is sitting in front of the movie cars and he wanted waffles for breakfast and then he set in An-daddys chair. I don't like for him to watch a lot of tv, and when he does I like for him to watch the shows that teaches, sesame street or Barney. I know a lot of people do not like Barney but that show teaches how to get along with others and problem solving and academic learning. Between watching those shows and the way his mama and i play with him, he is on an academic level of a kindergarten child.. ANd he thinks we are playing with him.

He know and recognizes his abc's and his numbers and his colors, he know shapes and comparisens like which is big and which is small. He can follow directions, he loves books and when I reward him for anything he asks for books.

OK enough bragging for one day. Aren't you glad that when you read something you just have no interest in you can skim it or even skip it all togeather and no one will know you just are not interested?
Have a good day.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My thoughts and plans for Wed.

Good morning Journal (and anyone else that happens by-good morning to you too)

Yesterday was a good day, we got some rain and we needed it badly. My grass is turning brown in some places. I had a day off from babysitting my almost 3 yr. old grandson. I love him -he puts a smile on my face, but sometimes I really need to clean house and when he is here most of the time I am with him. I feel that in a short time I will not have him so often and THEN I can clean my house thouroughly. Right now for the most part I just leave his books and Thomas the train where he can get to them easily. He does have his own room in my house but still he wants his stuff in the middle of the living room.

He got here about 15 minutes ago for today and he wanted to play with my exercise ball, read a book, watch "Barneys Christmas star" I like for him to watch Barney, it calms him down, teaches him good manners and how to get along with others. I went to the revival last night and we had a wonderful time at church. I am a Christian and there is nothing I enjoy better than being in church.

I am the president of our Golden Harvestors at my church and we meet once a month. There is always a lot of food there. I have also made a lot of Christian friends that go to other churchs and I am invited to homecomings and fellowships and womens ministrys meetings and there is always a lot of food at those occasions. There was food served last night after the revival and dh said he wanted some, chicken and rice, southern speckeled butter beans, candied yams, banana pudding, but I did not get any-I was justifiebly proud of myself.

The revival is also tonight but I think I am going to stay home because g-son will spend the night and he is not old enough to understand that he should be quiet. Theydo not have childrens church (nursery) during revivals so I would spend my time either trying to keep him quiet and worrying about him and me disturbing other people or in the nursery. He spends 2 to 3 days overnight with me each week.

My dd and her husband live 20 miles away and when they have to get up early to go to work it is better for the baby if he just stays overnight. Plus gas is so high, they save money by not making the extra trips. I do not charge them for baby staying with me, it is a wonderful time for me. I almost feel I should pay them for this wonderful time with him. My dd does buy nearly all of my groceries for me(she works in a grocery store and she knows when things go on sale and she stocks up for her and for me), and she takes me out at least once a month for a mother daughter grandson day.

Today I probably won't get to exercise but I will be taking care of the baby and I have some of ironing to do while baby takes his nap. Ironing is exercise. My eating plans are 1300-1500 calories.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

cute sayings

'Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.' ==================================================================================================================== A sharp tongue can cut my own throat.

If I want my dreams to come true, I mustn't oversleep.

Of all the things I wear, my expression is the most important.

The best vitamin for making friends..... B1.

The happiness of my life depends on the quality of my thoughts.

The heaviest thing I can carry is a grudge.

One thing I can give and still my word.

I lie the loudest when I lie to myself.

If I lack the courage to start, I have already finished.

One thing I can't recycle is wasted time.

Ideas won't work unless ' I ' do.

My mind is like a functions only when open.

The 10 commandments are not a multiple choice.

The pursuit of happiness is the chase of a lifetime!

It is never too late to become what I might have been.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Good morning

I have a sore throat, I know it is from allergies, I have it every year. It is like a recurring nightmare.


My pastor had a cloth annointed for my mom and the retired preachers and deacons of our church prayed over it. It was given to me to give to give my mom. So I called my mom and told her what our pastor had done. She said "you pray over it and keep it" I thought that was so mean, and so ----words escape me.

Yesterday at church, I took Ryan up stairs to his class room and we were early and he was playing with the toys. He is doing good on his potty training and he told me he had to go to the bathroom. We were att he top of the stairs and he wanted to go down by himself and I was willing to let him learn I showed him how to hold on to the banister and take one step at the time and he turned loose and fell from the top to the bottom. My fingers brushed his shirt but I just was not quick enough. I hurry to the bottom and he was getting up he had lost his breath so I quickly began rubbing his chest and back and face. When he could speak he said "ga-ma my shoe came off" I told him I would put his shoe back on , but I wanted to kiss his boo boos. I asked where he hurt and he said no place. God had His hand on our baby. This could have been very tragic.

By this time Sunday School had started and Ryan said he wanted Granddaddy so i sent somone to get dh. He came and and said' Hey buddy I heard you fell" I could tell dh was shaken up but he was staying calm for Ryans sake. Ryan said "Gan-da My shoe came off" He has no bruises and as of last night he was still running and jumping and did not act like he was sore from the fall at all. We thank God for His protecting hand on Ryan.

Today I will be mowing if it does not rain and it does look like it might rain any minute. The next time I can mow will be Thursday and by that time the grass will be up to my calves. It will be hard pushing a mower through grass that high.

I need to go take care of laundry. I have been hanging out clothes lately. I am trying to get our electric bill down some. Today I will put the clothes on a portable dryer and have it over a vent and cut on the fan. It will dry by 4:00 this evening.

Tonight we are going to hear an evangelist, Chuckie Chandler, he is a about 30 yrs. old and probably weighs 400 pounds, and he is country as a turnip green. BUT this man can preach, he is intelligent and loving and caring and a Godly man. dh and i have heard him before and we would not miss a chance to hear him again.

Our big (32 inch screen) tv broke Friday, Now we are down to a 24 inch screen. I feel so deprived, lol. I do miss that big screen. We got our two person check from the government, and we already have it spent about 4 times. lol. We need some more stimulus checks please.

Good night and God bless

Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord
for He is God, and He is worthy of our praises.