Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My thoughts and plans for Wed.

Good morning Journal (and anyone else that happens by-good morning to you too)

Yesterday was a good day, we got some rain and we needed it badly. My grass is turning brown in some places. I had a day off from babysitting my almost 3 yr. old grandson. I love him -he puts a smile on my face, but sometimes I really need to clean house and when he is here most of the time I am with him. I feel that in a short time I will not have him so often and THEN I can clean my house thouroughly. Right now for the most part I just leave his books and Thomas the train where he can get to them easily. He does have his own room in my house but still he wants his stuff in the middle of the living room.

He got here about 15 minutes ago for today and he wanted to play with my exercise ball, read a book, watch "Barneys Christmas star" I like for him to watch Barney, it calms him down, teaches him good manners and how to get along with others. I went to the revival last night and we had a wonderful time at church. I am a Christian and there is nothing I enjoy better than being in church.

I am the president of our Golden Harvestors at my church and we meet once a month. There is always a lot of food there. I have also made a lot of Christian friends that go to other churchs and I am invited to homecomings and fellowships and womens ministrys meetings and there is always a lot of food at those occasions. There was food served last night after the revival and dh said he wanted some, chicken and rice, southern speckeled butter beans, candied yams, banana pudding, but I did not get any-I was justifiebly proud of myself.

The revival is also tonight but I think I am going to stay home because g-son will spend the night and he is not old enough to understand that he should be quiet. Theydo not have childrens church (nursery) during revivals so I would spend my time either trying to keep him quiet and worrying about him and me disturbing other people or in the nursery. He spends 2 to 3 days overnight with me each week.

My dd and her husband live 20 miles away and when they have to get up early to go to work it is better for the baby if he just stays overnight. Plus gas is so high, they save money by not making the extra trips. I do not charge them for baby staying with me, it is a wonderful time for me. I almost feel I should pay them for this wonderful time with him. My dd does buy nearly all of my groceries for me(she works in a grocery store and she knows when things go on sale and she stocks up for her and for me), and she takes me out at least once a month for a mother daughter grandson day.

Today I probably won't get to exercise but I will be taking care of the baby and I have some of ironing to do while baby takes his nap. Ironing is exercise. My eating plans are 1300-1500 calories.

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