Friday, June 29, 2007

212.0 Friday

11670 pedometer steps
????? calories for today

Exercise was 20 minutes of arobics
25 minutes of floor exercises and
70 minutes of mowing with my push mower.

I did pretty good up until I went to a church function tonight. I did eat moderately tonight. But still the calories was a lot and it was after 7 pm when I ate. I usually eat about 5:30 and so this was way to late but it is only occasionally.. I know that my weight will be higher in the morning. But I will look at it as a challenge to try to get it down by tuesday.

I mowed the last of my lawn today Using a push mower means that I can not get it done in one day-it takes me 3 days to do it. I came in and was parched and I drank so much water and drank and drank. So hopefully some of my weight gain will be simply water and I will lose that quickly.

I had a good time at the meeting tonight. We had a good speaker and I was given a lacy handkerchief with the words HE IS COMING SOON, and BE A BLESSING written on it. It is very sweet.

Thats it

Sleep well everyone
God bless you.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

211.6 Thursday

211.6jump and shout and twist and clap and smile and cheer (I just burned 300 calories, ha ha ha ha ha

1690 calories for today
12966 pedometer steps

I worked hard to get my steps high. I did 40 minutes of a leslie sansonne video and then I went out and pushed my mower for 50 minutes. Then after I showered I went shopping. I bought baby 6 new toy cars in his favorite colors, black, purple, red, yellow, green and blue. What he says is -back-pupupl-ed-elo-een-booooo, Then I came home and cleaned and straightened.

Tomorrow night Dh and i will go to a local church for a fellowship meal. The wonderful people there invited us to come and I hope ethat I will stay stron and not give in to my weakness for good homecooked high calorie foods.

Have a great nite, sleep well
God bless you all.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


11665 pedometer steps
1595 calories for today

exercise was

25 minutes of weights and floor exercises and then this afternoon I did a leslie sansone video so that I could get my steps over 10000. I made it and I am very proud of sticking to this plan.

I sit here and I feel like I have been on a rollar coaster. Let me start with last night. I kekpt the baby all day yesterday and then last night my dd spent the night and baby stayued too off course. And baby did not want to go to bed and he cried but eventually he went to sleep and dd did and I wen to sleep and baby woke up at 12:30 this morning and he cried. DD had to go to bathroom and he just cried so I tried to get to him and as I got off of the bed my leg got a cramp and it was so painful I could barely walk but I was shuffling to the baby.

I got maybe 4 hours sleep all night long and then today I played with baby and did some more laundry and cleaned and went shopping this morning and phone calls and on and on and on and then tonight I went to church. Baby went with us cause dd and her husband were still at work. ANd he was so antsy probably just fighting sleep but needless to say I got very .little out of the service.

Now baby has gone home and I get to relax tomorrow. I am truly looking forward to having a day to myself.

God bless you all.

Sleep well

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


11844 pedometer steps
1460 calories for today

exercise for today

45 minutes of arobics
65 minutes of ironing
changed linens on guest bed and my bed
played catch with grandson
cleaned and straightened
in other words I just stayed busy all day

Ok that weight looks encouraging however I really think it was a glitch in my digital scale. In any event it made my entire day a little better. Isn't it a shame that one little box that is so tiny that I actually step on it at least once a day has such a significant amount of control over my day?
My grandson and dd is staying the night because her husband has a chance to get in some overtime during the night they need the money buit she does not like to stay by herself. Baby is already in bed and dd is playing my gameboy while I get caught up on my computer with my email and etc.

Baby will be her tomorrow night too and that will be the first time dd has spent the night away from her baby since he was born. It is going to be really hard on her.

Nothing good comes on the tv tonight except at 10 pm law and order comes on.

God bless you all
sleep well

Monday, June 25, 2007


1645-calories for today
10169-pedometer steps

exercise for today

25 minutes of floor exercises and hand weights
50 minutes of pushing a mower
30 minutes of arobics
2 hours of canning squash and pickling cucumbers

I enjoyed today and I am very proud of the control that I had over my appetite today. I like canning produce. I widsh i had a garden but it just did not work out this year for me to have one. God is good though and I have a friend that keeps me loaded down with squash and cucumbers.

I mopped today and mowed and cleaned and washed clothes and just stayed fairly busy. Tomorrow I will keep grandson and he keeps me vusy also. He loves to play hide and seek but he still does not have the "go hide" part down yet. He stands there and laughs as I try to "find" his. He is a hoot. Did I enjoy my kids this much? I think so, I can remember laghing at the things they did and I remember having picnics in the back yard for them on Friday after school and I would get them from school early on their birthdays and take them out to eat. I can remember sitting on the ground and letting them cover my legs with dirt. I can remember rolling in leaves with them. YES I thoroughly enjoyed me children and NOW I have been given a chance to enjoy all of that again.

YES God is so good to give me this wonderful time with baby and let me experience all of that again.

Nothing good on tv tonight, I will probably play on pogo or go and watch tv with dh and play on my gameboy. OK OK stop laughing we all have our little habits and gameboy is one of mine(I am just an overgrown kid). On the other hand I do not drink, smoke, do drugs or take nerve pills.and I have really good hand/eye coordination.

Good night from this 55 year old, kid at heart.
God bless you all

Saturday, June 23, 2007

saturday and I fear I am out of control

I over ate today by about 400 calories, could have been worse but I want it to be better.

Went to a singing tonight it was a very good singing, mostly local talent but they were very good.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Fun Friday

shopping with daughter and eating at golden corral

fun fun fun. then tonight dh and I wentto a revival very good and tomorrow night we are going to a singing and another church.

Sleep well everyone

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thursdays Revival

Yep dh and I went to a revival tonight and the Preachers name is Julious Bunch and he preached a wonderful serman about the powerful name of Jesus and Jesus is truth. God was all over that church.

I mowed this morning and did weights and at 4 pm I checked my pedometer and I only had 7000 steps. So I did an arobic video until I hit 10000 steps. I try very hard to get at least 10000 steps a day. Most of the time I do it.

Sleep well everyone

God bless you

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wonderful Wednesday

And this was a wonderful day,
I kept the baby and played with him, he is just so cute. I exercised early and prayed and read bible and ate healthy today. I played on computer a some while baby watched Teletubbies and Barney. I love playing POGO, all those games are such fun.

Church was very good and preacher did a great job. He is winding up the lessons on the gifts of the Spirit.

Sleep well everyone

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Talking about Tuesday

I tried so hard not to snack so much today and I prayed for strength and God is so good to me, I was able to resist and for today I only ate 1430 calories, and all togeather I did 95 minutes of exercise, -that is 25 minutes of weights and floor exercises and 70 minutes of arobics, I pray that God will be with me tomorrow and I will be able to not overeat.

I kekpt my grandson today and I was on the move a lot cause he is not quite 2 yrs. old and very active. I took him over to see my mom and he was such a little cutie over there. He is a very charming little boy when he wants to be.

Toninght dh and I went to hear Julious Bunch preach. He is so good and his serman was so moving the music was annointed. Tomorrow night we go to our church and then Thursday we go back to hear Julious and then Friday dh goes to a mens fellowship meeting. We are so busy since we got saved. And it is so enjoyable.

God bless you all
sleep well

Monday, June 18, 2007

Mondays Misery

Not really miserable aqty all. I have God in my life so how can I be miserable?

Up at 5 this morning and did arobics and then
fixed breakfast and then
had devotional with my dh and then
played on computer and then
studied some on the Sunday School lesson and then
went out and mowed for 45 minutes and then
showered and then
played on computer and then
got ready to go to the leadership meeting at our church.

I had a full day
Sleep well everyone

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Sunday Singing

I had such a wonderful day,

Up at 5:30 and
did 25 minutes floor exercises and
hand weights and
showered and
baby came and
fed him and
went to church and
out to eat at the Chinese place and
home and
did arobics and
back to church and
oh my, the Lord just blessed in such a mighty way and He gave to me such beautiful confirmation of His love.

Each day that I am a Christian get better and better. I am overwhelmed with how much He loves His children.

Sleep well everyone

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Saturdays so silly mess ups

ate way too much, cake and well cake and KFC, celebrating fathers day today and dh and I both over indulged. oh well=you know it is like this sometimes you want to dance and if you dance you must pay the musicians. If i overeat it is a choice that I make and tomorrow I will pay by seeing a higher number on the scales and then I will have to work a little harder to get rid of the extra calories. I did mow for 80 minutes to day and i did 45 minutes of arobics and I ironed and every woman knows that while ironing is not like arobics it is HARD work. so I did some workout for today and then Monday I will be mowing again I hope that I can get rid of todays indulgence by the end of last week.]

Love you all, faithful readers.

Sleep well

Friday, June 15, 2007

Friday fun and fancy

My title sounds so much more exciting than my day actuallly was.

I woke up and did some weights and floor exercises, and I
played on computer and I
talked to my Mom and I
talked to my dd and I
talked to a friend from church and I
did 65 minutes of arobics and I
did my devotional and I
studied on the Sunday School lesson some more and I
did not do a whole lot of anything.

God bless you all
Sleep well

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thursdays talk

Today I
exercised and
prayed and
read my Bible and
cleaned my house and
swept and
mopped and
dusted and
straightened and
then I had a friend come over and we chatted and laughed for 4 hours. What absolute fun.

That was my day
Sleep well everyone

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Wednesdays whoots

today i got up at 5 and I

exercised and
worked on computer and
babysat my grandson and
read my bible while baby slept and
straightened house and
washed clothes and
talked on phone and
prayed and
worked on plastic canvas pattern and
watched tv and
played with grandson and
I think that covered everything.

I went to church tonight and the preacher preached on the gift of the spirit. Preacher did a wonderful job of bringing the message and it was such an annointed subject.

Wonderful oh so wonderful day.

I hope everyone had a wonderful day

God Bless You All
Good night

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tuesdays Titillations


Made you look

There is nothing titillating about my days.

I talked to two business people today
talked to sister
talked to Patty (such a sweetie)
baby sat grandson
cleaned house
straightened kitchen
worked on wall hanging for grandson
grandson and I went grocery shopping (that was a challenge)
bought baby two hot wheels cars

And that was my day

God bless you all

Monday, June 11, 2007

Mondays Madness

Am I mad? No not at all, not much going on here. Today I---

got up at 5 am
did hand weights
did floor exercises
read the bible
straightened house
swept floor
did 23 minutes of arobics
mowed the back 1/3 of my property
washed a put away one load of clothes
cooked supper
worked on ABC sampler/wall hanging I am making for my grandson.

That was my day-no highs and no lows

TAlked on phone to my daughter and my sister and two friends from church.

God bless you all

Sunday, June 10, 2007

This was a day spent worshipping the Lord

I got up early and exercise for 67 minutes showered and then baby was here. Fed him and dressed him in his church clothes and we go to Sunday School and then to preaching and we had communion and such a wonderful service. The serman was about the Babtism of the holy ghost.

After the morning service we went to another church and we listened to a religious concert, the singing couriers, wonderful singers and they love the Lord and and it shows in their music.

Then we went back to our church for evening service, and he preached on teh same subject.

This was a most wonderful day and I love serving my Lord.

God bless you all

Saturday, June 9, 2007

slow day

I have started doing a plastic canvis piece for my grand baby it is the alphabet and small pictures of things that start with that letter. It is a wall hanging.

I cleaned and studied my Sunday School lesson and familiarized myself with the 1500 calorie diet the dr. wants me to start. Talked on the phone with several people and talked with the Lord.

Sleep well everyone

Friday, June 8, 2007

Golden Harvestors, Daddy, door prizes, DD & Grandson, Chinese food

Well the title tells it all all of my weaknessess and all of my warts and slips and falls. Tomorrow I will so better,tomorrow I will not allow myself to slip. I will try to keep my eye on the goal.

Sleep well
God bless.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Dr visit, hardees, painted blocks,Mom, Golden Harvesters

Dh and I went to dr. this morning and all seems to be ok with both of us. Dr. was surprised that I had only lost 3 pounds in 14 days but I told him I was pleased with it. That is more than I had lost lately. Dh on the other hand lost almost 8 pounds. ACK it just is not fair. But i will keep plugging away at it, I am sure time, day after day will show results. I just have to remember that slow and steady wins the race.

After the dr. visit we were starving and so we went to Hardees, and I had a chicken sandwich and half an order of a large order of fries. And a diet soda.

Came home straightened house and then I found babys wooden blocks and I painted the letters on them. He is not quite 2 and he knows a lot of his letters by sight and he knows a lot of his colors. He is just so very smart.

Mom was put in the hospital, her mouth is drawn to the side and she is weak in one hand and in her leg. She had tests run today and they want to keep her overnight cause she is wearing a monitor. I am sure she will come home tomorrow unless they find something wrong.

Helen usually opens the back door for us when we have a meeting but she will be late tomorrow and so I have to find a way to get in there. Hopefully I can contact preacher to have the back open for me. Pam will be there at 15 after 6 and I certainly ned to be there when she gets there.

Ok that was my day

Sleep well everyone
God bless you all

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

10th day of Daniel Fast

This has been a spiritual fast and i am glad that I did it, however I am looking forward to eating some fish or cheese. I hope that I can hold onto my not eating very much. I know that otmorrow I will fix some coffee and I will have some tea. I have really missed those two things. But i am not going to let myself drink as much coffeee and I did before the fast. I know that water is healthier than tea or coffee and I will still continue to drink mainly water.

We go to the dr. tomorrow just to make sure that every thing is ok. I hope that dh and I go to get some Chinese food when we leave the dr.s office.

We went to church tonight and it was a very good serman about letting ourselves be used by the spirit. I have b een praying all day long for the Lord to fill me with His spirit. God is good and I am so glad that I am a child of the King.

Mom had a stroke on Sat. night and you could see her mouth pulling to the side and she had trouble forming her words, and she could not walk very good. Stubborn Mom did not want to go to the dr so I called her dr. today and told them what was going on and they called her and told her to go in to the hospital. She said she wanted to go to church tonight and she would go to the dr. tomorrow.

Pray for her, I know she is old and her time is drawing near, but pray that the Lord would just ease her into her passing away, as painlessly as possible.

God bless you all

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

9th day of Daniel fast

I had a very good day today

I did not get to go walking with my dh cause it was raining. It is ok we really needed the rain. However I did do 25 minutes of floor exercises plus hand weights and 45 minutes of arobics. I overate just a bit-1770. But I am ok with that too.

Baby came to stay iwth me today and he loves for me to chase him and play hide and seek. although he does not do too well when it is his time to hide. He stands there and giggles as I act like I do not see him. Just too cute.

I am playing Final Fantasy on my gameboy. It is the remake of the game that has Locke in it. I think that may be the best final fantasy that has been made. There was on other Final Fantasy that I liked a lot, I think it was 9. OK now you know I am an old woman that enjoy video games. lol I am just a little kid at heart.

God bless you all
I will talk to you again tomorrow

Monday, June 4, 2007

8th day of Daniel Fast.

Today was just a "for me" day, I did not have to do any laundry or sweep or mop or anything, So I exercised and went for an outside walk with hubby . I started on my Sunday School lesson for next Sunday. I watched tv and played on my computer.

THEN this afternoon with our temperatures getting 90-91 our air pump stopped working. ACK and ACK terrible we had every fan going and it was getting hotter and hotter. Dh went to find our heating and air man and he did not think he could get here until in the morning but I am so glad that he did show up this evening. THe motor on the heat pump was worn out and he replaced that and now it is working and cooling our house off and boy is that feeling nice. Funny how we get to the point that we feel that it would be hard to live without the luxurys that we did not have 30 years ago.

ANd that was my day.

God bless you all

Sunday, June 3, 2007

7th day of Daniel fast

I stayed home from church this morning because baby was sick with a cold. But I did get to go tonight and it was a very good preacher he preached on prophacy.

I am still doing the Daniel fast and I still have moments when I do not feel really strong but mostly I do feel ok.

I am having a slow brain day I can not think of anything else to talk about.

God bless you all

Saturday, June 2, 2007

6th day of Daniel Fast

I am really missing coffee and tea. But I feel different I feel a healthy peaceful feeling. Like everything in me is calmer and healthier. Dha nd I are also reading Daniel now that is an ionteresting book of the bible.

Nothing much is going on here -It has rained nearly all day long. We need the rain so bad, and I love to hear it rain as I go to sleep.

Tomorrow at church we are going to have a guest speaker in and he is a prophetic speaker. I have heard him before and he is very good. He will speak from 10 to 12 in the morning and I know that I will be able to do that with no problem but i am a little worried about the baby getting bored and having to leave b efore the speaker is through. I can only hope that all goes well and I might not be able to go at all cause he is on the 4th day of taking a cold.

God bless you all
Good night.

Friday, June 1, 2007

5th day of Daniel Fast

Still hanging in there , no meats and no sweets and no processed foods.

I miss some things but I am feeling good. Sometimes I get to feeling weak and my legs feel rubbery but I know that means that I need more protein and I get that with whole grain cereal and whole grain bread.

I worked hard today I did hand weights and floor exercises and 70 minutes of arobics and 40 minutes weeding my flowers and 85 minutes pushing a lawn mower and then this evening Dh and I went for an outside walk down a dirt road near oun home. It was lots of fun but I do have to keep reminding him that I have short legs and he needs to slow down, lol.

If anyone is reading this i am sure you consider this a very boring blog. Thats ok I am too old to have exciting days.

God bless you all