Tuesday, July 24, 2012

my fitness pal

Yesterday morning ealry say 4:00 am grandson woke us up complaing about itching and sure enough it looked like he had been bitten sev eral times.  This morning at 2:20 agaoin on ly tis time it was widespread and looked just like I looked when the hives were trying to cover my body.  So off to the dr. early and seems thaqt he is allergic to something and now he is on steroids to bring down the swelling and something else to reduce the itching.

Now the dr. saw that I was there with the child and after she took care of him she said, that I need to really get something done about my gaining weight (her words were much nicer than mine, I am paraphrasing) and she has put me on a appetite suppresant. I do not like taking pills.  and there are side affects but on the other hand if it helps, will it be worth some diarrea ok I know that is spelled wrong .   I feel myself going into chicken little mode screaming oh no the sky is going to fall.

she wrote the perscription for it, I cant remember the name of it.

the dr. told me about a site on the computer called my fitness pal and how easy it is to keep up with what you eat.  I checked it out and really do like it. and it is easy to learn what to do and how to use it.

That see saw just goes up and down and up and down

Life could be so much worse,

my friends husband has copd, and he has only been given  a matter of months to live. hospice has come in to help out and she told me that she is sitting there day after day watching him slowly die and she feels that she is going to go crazy, watching him deteriorate in front of her eyes.
He is ready to meet the Lord but it is still so hard on her.  Pray for her and him please.

God bless you all
and I pray that we remember to count our blessings every day.

Friday, July 20, 2012

my bucket is being dumped out

you know how when you kick a bucket of water over it all goes out all over the place.  I am not happy with the call from my dr. so here it is

she said that I may be undrestimating my calories (possibly sometimes but not as a general rule-I measure and weigh)  she said that averaged out for the week-I eat more than 1700 calories-possibly but I really do not WANT to think so.  After all if I think that then I also have to say l that I am responsible for my weight and who wants to think that?????

So I have to start weighing and measuring everything and she emphasized everything to get an accurate picture of what I eat-making sure that the majority is totally healthy and cooked without butters or oils.

Also I have to start exercising, now I took in a journal of 8 days wihich is typical of my weeks of food and activity.
Monday is foodbank and after I get home  I usually walk for 1/2 hour
Thesday is mowing w/push mower for 1 hour and then walking
Wed. is mowing and then walking/working out wih hand weights.
Thurs. is food bank and walking
Fri. is finishing mowing and walking
Sat. was walking and house work and laundry etc.-now I have started cleaning condos on Sat.
Sun is the Lords day.

so now along with all that I do I have to start doing situps (crunchs) and stretching etc. and more weights, and maybe I will try some other type of vidio like tae bo. 
It is going to be so dissapointing if it has been my own fault all  along.  In am like adam in the garden, I want to blame someone else.

The bucket is now empty.

Have a blessed day everyone