Saturday, December 29, 2007

God is good, all the time, He's good all the time.

Good morning to everyone,

My g-baby is not coming today, sob, I do miss him when he does not come here to play with me. lol He is a handful and busy all the time but he makes me smile and surely gives me a good workout with chasing him and walking with him outside, at the park, etc. And lets not forget the 25 times a day when he says " up, ama" and of course I always pick him up even iff it is only for a few seconds. And he weighs 32 pounds. He is tall for his age, almost as tall as a lot of 4 yr. olds. Dr says he is in the upper percentile with his height and weight.
Sorry for the Grandma talk, sometimes I just can't help myself.

We had two deaths in our church yesterday. And I am the person to call the florists to have flowers delivered to the funeral home. No one knew where one was going to be at. So I call the locall funeral homes and the name was not familiar to them -had to call a familyl member and I did not want to have to do that at their time of mourning, but it had to be done. Finally located the right place, called the florist and set up time and place for flowers to be delivered. Mentally stressed cause it should not be this hard to find which funeral home would have the body and it was not in the obit in the paper.

I am also on the food committee and I will be preparing deviled eggs and green bean casserole, and will have that at the church at 3 this evening and then tonight will be the small gathering at the funeral home, and then a small service in the chapel.

On to happier news, I had been praying for some help with g-baby because his parents are having such a time paying all their bills. Even though g-baby is 26 months old they are still paying hospital bills because of emergency c section and baby had some difficulties and they had to stay in hospital with some surgery issues and on and on. I am so happy that they are both ok now. They had insurance but with a deductable and they are paying monthly on all the extra bills and it is a hardship. And baby needed new clothes and age appropriate books and toys.

Last night someone called me and asked so timidly if I would be insulted if they gave grandbaby some clothes that her son had out grown. Isn't God good? He provides our needs and we are all so blessed.

Not only that but----Dh and I had have been trying to go to another church. Long story and I won't go into it but we had tried before several times and each time I have felt the Lord tell me to go back. Yesterday I had decided that I was going to find another church I just can't keep on being put down by my family that goes there. I had not talked to God about this, I just decided to go. When out of the blue the lady calls me about the clothes, and then she said be sure to be in church Sunday so I can give you the clothes for baby. ---

I really need to talk to God BEFORE I decide to do something because He may have other plans.

Have a good day everyone

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Merry CHRISTmas

When the world thinks of Christmas they think of gifts and parties and drinking and worldly celebration. When Christians think of Christmas we think of gifts too.

We think of John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave His only Begotten Son". What a wonderful gift. We think of the blood that Jesus gave to us so our sins would be washed away. We think of the life that He gave so that we would be able to go to the Father.

All of the material gifts that we have received throughout the years have been lost, or torn, or wornout, or stolen. But the gift that God gave to us endures forever.

My Christmas wish for each of you--May God give to you Joy unspeakable, peace and contentment, and a hunger for the things of God that only God can satisfy.

Merry CHRISTmas to all

Friday, December 21, 2007

Simple "no equiptment" floor exercises

1. BICYCLE ---Lie on a mat with your lower back in a comfortable position. Place your finger tips on either side of your head by your ears. Bring your knees up to about a 45-degree angle. Slowly go through a bicycle pedaling motion, alternating your left elbow to your right knee, then your right elbow to your left knee.
The lower to the ground your legs bicycle, the harder your abs have to work. Perform one to three sets of 12 repetitions.

2. ABDOMINAL VACUUM -- Begin by getting on all fours on the floor (on your hands and knees) and keep your back flat. Start by exhaling all the air from your lungs (and I do mean all the air!). Then, relax your abdomen and let it hang like a loose sling. Next, suck your belly in tight. Continue breathing lightly through your nostrils. Try to hold the contraction for at least 40 seconds. Perform three to four cycles of 40 seconds.

3. CAT STRETCH ---Starting Position:
Start with your hands and knees on a mat. Your hands should be shoulders-width apart and your head, neck, hips and legs should be in a straight line. Do not let your back arch and cave in.
Maintain a slight bend in the elbows.
Lower your upper body by bending your elbows outward, stopping before your face touches the floor.
Contracting the chest muscles, slowly return to the starting position.
Key Points:
Inhale while lowering your body.
Exhale while returning to the starting position.

4. TIGHTEN-While in a seated position, simply contract the abdominals for 30 seconds while breathing naturally. Next, tighten your legs for 60 seconds. You can do this for any part of the body. And, yes, it does work. You'll feel your muscles get tighter in just three weeks if you perform this a few times per week.

5. QUADRICEPS STRETCH--Starting Position:
Stand straight near a wall or chair.
Standing tall, bend your right knee. Reach behind you with the right hand and grab onto the foot.
Slowly pull your foot toward your buttocks until you feel a stretch in the right quadriceps. Both thighs should be parallel to one another.
Hold for 30 seconds and then return to the starting position.
Repeat this several times and then switch sides.

6. POSTURE STRENGTH--Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulders width.
Keep your head directly over your shoulders and shoulders over the pelvis (don't lean forward or backward).
Tighten the abdominal muscles.
Tighten and tuck in the Glutes (the butt).
Hold for 10 seconds and keep your breathing natural.
Repeat two additional times.
Then bring the feet in just inside shoulder width and repeat. This helps to improve posture while in various standing positions.

Simply stand about three feet from the edge of the countertop, and with your legs slightly spread, plant your heals on the floor. Lean forward and rest the palms of your hands on the edge of the countertop. Perform a set of 20 push-ups, and alter the method in which you do them according to your strength and physical ability. Back up further and go slower for a more challenging workout. You'll burn calories while effectively strengthening your legs as well as your upper body.

8. BACKWARD SITUPS-Lie on the floor with your knees bent and your palms facing downward beneath your buttocks. With your legs together, draw your bent knees toward your upper body. While your knees are perpendicular to your body, straighten your legs. When correctly doing this easy exercise you'll feel your lower abdominal muscles tightening. After a second or two, bend your knees, and slowly bring your feet back down to the floor.

Leg lifts are easy exercises that help make the legs shapelier while burning calories, and you don't have to lie on the floor. Simply place your right hand on a countertop or wall for balance, and lift your left leg to the side a number of times as well as forwards and backwards. Perform a set of 10 leg lifts in each direction before turning around and changing sides.
If a simple workout with basic leg lifts isn't strenuous enough, make the workout a little more difficult by holding your leg out for several seconds and moving slower. Your muscles will have to work a little harder as a result, and even though you won't be moving as quickly, you'll effectively burn calories and greatly hasten your weight-loss efforts.

Starting position, hands on hips, legs shoulder width apart-soft knee---
Bend at waist touch hands to floor in front of feet, bounce and bring hands to inside of feet and bounce gently and touch floor at heel.

11. DUMMY STRETCHES-starting position, sit on floor with legs wide apart, Bed and touch right foot bounce gently 10 times return to starting position, then bend and stretch toward center, bounce gently 10 times and then repeat toward left foot --repeat entire exercise once.

12. BENT KNEE LEG LIFTS Starting position Lie on side with upper body supported with arm. bring leg forward and lift 10 times bring leg to center and lift leg 10 times and move leg to the back and lift 10 times. Turn to other side and repeat entire sequence.

13. FIRE HYDRANT- starting position- On hands and knees, lift bent leg to the side 10 times repeat on other leg.

14. CAT STRETCH-starting position-stand feet shoulder width apart, soft knee, hands on knees, round back and suck tummy in. Hold for 15 seconds and relax, repeat 10 times.

15. WAIST TWIST. Stand- feet shoulder width apart- arms out and elbows bent with fingertips pointed toward ceiling. twist to one side, return to middle and pause and then twist to other side, repeat for total of 20 times-10 for each side.

16-CRUNCHES-starting position on back with hands on floor-knees bent. Come up using stomach muscles to pull upper body about 3 or 4 inches off of floor. repeat 10 times.

Monday, December 17, 2007


How do you know if you have forgiven someone?

AndIf you forgive them does that mean you act as if nothing ever happened?I mean if someone shot your dog out of meanness, you might forgive them but would you ever trust them around your dog again? If not does that mean you have not forgiven them?

Suppose you think you have forgiven but you really have not, how would youknow?

Does forgiveness mean you have to associate and be friends with someone that has a personality that just irritates you?I know these are very childish questions but I really need some answers.

I talked to my former pastors wife and well pretty much cried on her shoulder and asked her all I could about forgiveness.

What she told me was that concerning my parents-they really were not good people. And it is self protecting to not allow them in to my life in a parent child relationship. My mom has always been harsh and just daily put me down calling me ugly and stupid. I give her the respect of my mom but I have no desire to have a relationship with her.

She said forgiveness is pretty much not holding a grudge against the person but I have children and grandshildren to protect from her. So I keep them away to protect them. That does not mean I have not forgiven her.

I really am a Christian, as long as I desire to be one. I am the only one that can say that I am not a Christian and have it be the truth.

my Lord is real and He lives and adore Him.

Good night.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sunday morning coming down

Good Sunday Morning

It has been a few days since I posted here,

I can't remember when the last time I wrote, but I will start with Fri. night.As i mentioned before I am president of the Golden Harvestors. I love it, even though I feel that I am a young Christian Iwas voted in by the majority of the people and I really think it was because I am one of the youngest in the group. It has been such a learning experience for me, I have learned leadership abilities and I have been taught how to pray one for another and how mourn while praising God when a death occurs. I have learned patience, and I have learned that prayer is essential no matter how minor the job I try to do. Fri.

Night we had our Christmas dinner at a local restaurant. We had a wonderful time and I had a short devotional written about John 3:16 and about the gift that endures. I had the speech outline written and stuck in my pocket and when I stood up, I gave a short speech thanking everyone for ocming and I thanked my treasurer and my vice-president and presented them with a small gift. and I reached my hand in my pocket and the speech was gone and my mind went blank. --short silent prayer later I remembered most of it. but it sure was a tense moment for me.My vice president "Patty" had written a poem about Christmas of her childhood. It was so beauteful.

I had a wonderful time and I had envited a pastor and his wife from another church and someone asked them to come and sing for us at our next meeting. They agreed and so I have next month's meeting already planned out.]

Last night I went to a local church that was having a singing, it was raining a cold here and not many people showed up. That was such a sweet time.

This morning I can't go to Sunday School because grandson has a cold. I am going to preaching. I just do not feel comfortable taking grandson to interact with other children when he is sick. For preaching i will hold him and he will not be in contact with anyone but me and dh. Last night baby fell and busted his lip, when my daughter called me and told me about it I pictured a mouth swollen and deformed and teeth slanted. She is a first time mama and I am sure in her "mama's eyes" it was worse than it actually was. Bless her heart you could barely tell anything had happened at all. Just a little bruise on his upper lip.

Tonight a dear friend of mine his name is Jim Bunch is going to be singing at a local church and he asked dh and I to go hear him. I am not one to skip my church if I can help it but I am going to hear him. He is a wonderful singer and a wonderful man of God and I thank God for him.

Have a wonderful Sunday.

If you actually read all of this I give you a big thank you hug. lol

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christians are berated for our beliefs

Subject: FW: letter to ABC

Letter to ABC
Jim Neugent is a coach in Childress , Texas . Jim writes: My name is Jim Neugent. I wrote to ABC (on-line) concerning a program called "THE PRACTICE." In last nights episode, one of the lawyer's mothers decided she is gay and wanted her son to go to court and help her get a marriage license so she could marry her 'partner..' I sent the following letter to ABC yesterday and really did not expect a reply, but I did get one.My original message was: ABC is obsessed with the subject of homosexuality. I will no longer watch any of your attempts to convince the world that homosexuality is OK. ' THE PRACTICE' can be a fairly good show, but last night's program was so typical of your agenda. You picked the 'dufus' of the office to be the one who was against the idea of his mother being gay, and made him look like a whiner because he had convictions. This type of mentality calls people like me a "gay basher." Read the first chapter of Romans (that's in the Bible) and see what the apostle Paul had to say about it... He, God and Jesus were all 'gay bashers'. What if she'd fallen in love with her cocker spaniel? Is that an alternative life style? (By the way, the Bible speaks against that, too)--Jim Neugent - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Here is ABC's reply from the ABC on-line webmaster: How about getting your nose out of the Bible (which is ONLY a book of stories compiled by MANY different writers hundreds of years ago) and read the declaration of independence (what our nation is built on), where it says "All Men are Created equal," and try treating them that way for a change! Or better yet, try thinking for yourself and stop using an archaic book of stories as your lame crutch for your existence. You are in the minority in this country, and your boycott will not affect us at ABC or our freedom of statement. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Jim Neugent's second response ! to ABC:Thanks for your reply. From your harsh reply, evidently I hit a nerve. I will share it with all with whom I come in contact. Hopefully, the Arkansas Democrat Newspaper will include it in one of their columns and I will be praying for you. - -Jim Neugent - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Note: Wouldn't Satan just love it if people stopped using the Biblefor a crutch? Please resend this to everyone in your mailbox.-- Thanks, Jim NeugentI wonder if the person from ABC considered how many people would read this e-mail!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

My days are getting better

I have turned the corner on the emotions that tormented me since the funeral. I have had so many people praying for me and lifting me up with phone calls .

Our womens ministries had a Christmas party last night and I had not planned to go. It was not paid for by the group so we each had to pay for our own meal.. My husband is in the construction business and winter is always hard for us. BUT someone in the group paid for my meal, the president came to me two weeks ago and told me that it had been paid for. I really wanted to go, and God made a way. We had a wonderful time last night and the food was delicious, and the fellowship was the best part.

Friday night we will be having a Golden Harvestors Christmas party. I am president and I got it all arranged so that we would have a private room with no extra charge and everything is paid for by money we have made through chicken dinners and cake sales. I have two gifts bought for my secretary and the vice president. And i have a very short and simple devotional written about how the shepards left what they were doing and went to see the Christ child and they left worshipping and talking about what they had seen and how we are supposed to be thankful for the gifts that God gives us daily .

My grandbaby came to play with me today. He is cutting his 2 yr. molars and he is a little cranky. It is so nice to have him here even when he is not feeling good.

We go to church tonight and I am so looking forward to being in God's house. I get such strength just from being able to sit with my church family and lift our hands togeather as we praise Him.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Lord defeats anger

I think that the Lord has shown me a great deal in the last few days. I realized I was angry at dad. I was so angry because he never cared.

He never wanted to be my father. And I was frightened -I was worried that perhaps I had acted in a way the if I died my family would not care. They would not be able to grieve because they would feel that there was no reason to grieve.

And I was angry with the preacher for going on and on about how he had been a Christian for 50 years and I wanted to throw up. he had not been a Christian and the way he was was one of the reasons that I became an athiest.

I called them and asked them to forgive me if I had done anything that would keep them from feeling sorrow when I died. That sounds so selfish, but really all you are when you die is the memories that you leave behind. I want my children to have many happy memories. The memories of my dad is bruised flesh, torn skin, hateful words. I had nightmares that just woke me screaming and crying for years.

The Lord took those from me, Praise God. The memories will fade.

I turn it all over to my God His hands only hold me close, His hands are not raised to hit and hurt. His hands are gentle and full of love.

So to ayone that is reading this. If you have done anything to anyone and you have a chance to make amends you really should do it. Especially to your family because you do not want their memories of you to bring them pain.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

I am angry

I am angry at my dad for never telling me he was sorry for abusing me. I am so upset that he had the opportunity to speak to me about how he treated me and he never did. He turned his heart over to God and he died without telling me he was sorry. He had the chance time after time, he talked withme about the weather and church and sermans and preacher and his children and grandchildren and he never once said he was sorry he never once/

I know I forgave him, I k now in my heart I did I forgave him and mom for hating me and hitting me and yelling and tearing my flesh and my heart, I forgave him for sexually using me BUT klstill it would have been a healing thing for me for him to say he was sorry. And I have to go forever wondering if he was sorry for the tears I cried and the bruises he and mom put on my body.
no grief. no sorrow. Have I acted in such a way as to have my dh and my children not care if I die. I must speak with my children-----I must make sure I ask them to forgive me for anything I might have said or done to them. Please Lord give me enough time left here on earth that I might ask their forgiveness.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

My dad died

My dad passed away this morning at 9:45. I have made lots of phone calls and I have tried to sort out my feelings and here is as good a place as any for me to throw it all in out and try to make it all come togeather in my mind.

No he was not a good man. Jesus died for him as well as for me. He did accept Jesus as his savior several years ago and I am glad. I called him last night and told him that I loved him. I am glad I made the phone call, I am glad he did not die wondering if I still hated him like I used to. I don't hate him nowand I thank God that He gave to me a love for dad. Not the love that most fathers have from their children but the best I could do under the circumstances.

I feel numb inside. Not like I hurt for his passing, certainly not joyful. But he did say he was ready to meet the Lord.

Jumbled feelings, one person that I called this morning told me to keep thinking about the good times. I did not tell her but in my memories there simply is not that many good memories. There is a lot of horrible memories, or skin being torn by belt buckles and the most horrible things he made me do, and the yelling and name calling and chasing my blother with a tobacco stick, and pulling a branch out of a tree and hitting my sister with it. Memories of me standing between him and mom when I was 21 yr. old and he was a bout to hit her with a tire iron, and she had a bat about to hit him with it. Memories of me having ulcers when I was 18 and the dr. asking about my home life and him telling me that stress causes ulcers and me knowing that I had that pain for years.

I don't know how I am supposed to feel. Should I feel forrow, is something wrong with me because I don't, I am not feeling joy that he is dead. I don't want to seem heartless. I am a very confused person I wish I could just sleep until it all goes away.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My dad is dying

6:30 AM

I have been awake since 5:30 just snuggled in the bed praying and thinking.

This is really a "thoughts flying through my head at lightening speed" post and some sad, and some please pray for my family post.

My dad is 88 yrs. old. He was a mean and brutal person. The scars that I carry inside is much much worse than any scars that would be visible. From the time of my childhood he went to church and taught Sunday School. Because of the way he was is one reason I became an athiest. I felt that no one that mean would be allowed to live if there really was a God.

When I got saved through Gods love I was able to forgive him. And I told him that I forgave him. But I do not have any father-daughter fieeling toward him. I love him with the love that God showed me.

My dad is in the VA hospital and he is dying. I feel no sorrow in my heart. That bothers me. I don't want him to suffer I pray God would ease him out of this world gently, but as the idea that my FATHER is dying I have no sorrow.

Is something wrong withme? He never cared about me at all , he was never a real daddy to me. He threw me and how I felt away. I do not feel revengeful nor do I feel hatred. It is almost like I am numb to it all. EXCEPT I am worried that there is something wrong with me because I do not feel anything at all.

God bless

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Thoughts from a diet failure, or * i am such a loser at losing*

Good morning- Today, **** I usually babysit my 2 yr. old on Tuesday,but son in law did not have to work today, so baby is not coming to play with me. I apprecate everyones prayers for me.

I still am having some problems but I am much better and after 4 days of not exercising, I have determined that I will do something today even if it is only 15 or 20 minutes.

I started the study on my SS lesson it is taken from Genesis, 22nd chapter, and my personal reading is in Daniel 8th chapter.

It is time for me to start moving things around and getting decorations out and up. This is a very nostalgic time for me. I always made a big deal about decorating with my children when they were small. We would make cookies and then eat them while we decorated.

I need to start planning what I am going to serve on the 23rd. It is our anniversary and we will renew our vows and have a small reception afterward.I am not panning a big deal type thing just some finger food and cake and coffee and soda.

Now about the diet failure. I started having problems with diverticulitus on Friday and I hurt so bad I could not straighten up when I stood up. I had to modify how I ate and eat foods that would not irritate the part of my digestive tract. Lots of oatmeal and soft foods. Needless to ssay I did not eat foods that were diet friendly and I did not exercise. FROM FRIDAY MORNING TO THIS MORNING I GAINED 5 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!

i AM SO HOPING THAT IT IS JUST BULK FROM THE DIFFERENT WAY OF EATING - SEE BEfore I got sick ( sorry about all the caps, some of them was diliberate but the rest was oopsi) I was eating low carb which probably was part of the problem about the diverticulitus. And then when tummy started hurting I had to change the way I was eating and I have heard that when you go from low carb to regular eating you will gain some weight.

Anyway I think I will stay away from the low carb diet. All that meat and eggs and such a little bit of vegetables and fruits probably added to my problem. BAck to eating veggies and fuits. If I do not lose a pile of weight then at least I will be healthy and I feel better when I eat veggies and fruit.

Ok I've prattled enough.
Have a good day everyone

love you all
God bless