Wednesday, October 24, 2007

:) and again:) Smiles from me -I did good


I ate very good and this is day 7 of my low glycemic eating and as of Wed. to Wed. I have lost 4.2 pounds. I am happy about that enough to get up and do the "weight loss happy dance". What? You never heard of the "weight loss happy dance"? Where have you been?

I ate good today and I did not lose my temper with baby. NOT ONCE. He is so hard headed and when I say ok baby it is time to go potty he jumps and runs and I refuse to chase him because he thinks it's a game. I put a lot of his books in the bathroom and I put him on potty and then I read to him. In two days of him being here with me, he has only soiled his pull ups 3 times. I am proud of him.

In two weeks I am going to a special function at my church. It is a combination fellowship meeting of the mens ministry and the womens ministry. I need to fix something that is low glycemic friendly and somewhat low calorie. Also my husbands prediabetes is getting worse and so I need to fix something that is ok for him to eat. I know it is not that big of a deal and we could just stay home but I enjoy fellowshipping with my church family, and if I don't take something I know I can eat freely then I will just eat the other stuff, and that might trigger cravings and sinful overindulgence.
Have a good night

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Friday and Saturday and me

I pressed a key or stared cross eyed at my key board and now every time I press the shift key I get this 2-tone 1/5 second long ring. No I don't know what happened, no I don't know why it is happening and NO and NO I don't like it and No I don't know how to make it stop. HELP and HELP please pretty please tell me what to do.

We went to a local church last night to hear a young preacher and WOW he is good. He preached on Alimilec (spelling is wrong)leaving the land of bethlehem, which Bethlehem means land of bread. Any way bottom line is don't leave the land of bread just pray though your drought. We went back tonight and he did another great job. This time still in the book of Ruth and he preached on Boaz the redeemer, and how he bought and payed for Ruth and Naomi and their land. He did a wonderful serman. We all went up to pray and he got to me and he said he needed to annoint me. He asked if my childern were saved and then he said my children were under a generational curse. He said a few other things also. I know Gods touch is on him, how else would he have come so close to knowing where I came from. He said I would have victory, and I said the same thing lasat week at church.

Anyway tomorrow----I go to church in the morning and then after services we go to another church for a singing and then back to our church for evening services. How wonderful is that an entire day worshipping and praising God. I hope baby is ok with that. He usually has a tough time being good all day at church. I may have to stay home from the singing but I hope he is in a good mood.

God bless you all
Pray for me
and my children (they need to be saved)
Have a good night and a great day at church tomorrow.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

My own Thankful Thursday

Not long ago I was invited to give a speech at a neighbor church (not my home church) I was just honored that they would ask me. I went and gave the speech and I thought i did ok even though I was so nervous. Mom asked to read it so I gave her a copy and all she said was You made a mistake about the day that you were healed. I was stunned that she would not say something positive.

This hurts and I have allowed it to continue to hurt me. I scream silent wordless screams that go nowhere but right back into my heart . Why am I surprised? She has never said one positive thing to me, never let me know she was proud of me, never did anything but hit me and tell me I am stupid and ugly.

Wed. night I stood up and said that I would have victory over the things that come against me. I said God would give me victory. I trust Him He is my Heavenly Father, and He hears me when I pray and when I weep.

I know there are a lot of negative things in my life, and I can not change any of it. But I can be thankful for what I have today

1. I am a child of God
2. My husband that supports me
3. two children that bring me joy
4. 3 grandchildren that bring me smiles
5. many people in the church that love me
6. With hilp from God I am overcoming the emotional trauma of when I was robbed.
7. Chad wants to teach me word point
8. I am losing weight (thank you Lord for answering my prayers.)
9. Dh has a steady job (thank you Lord)
10. The Lord is going to help me get a job (praise God)

and the sun is shining and
the Son is shining
I went for a nice walk today and then dh came home and he wanted to go for a walk and I went with him, so I am so thankful for my health to get out and walk like that.
I am thankful for being able to breathe deeply, the Lord healed me of a breathing problem and now I have no problem and I thenk God for His healing touch in my life and body and spirit, and in my husbands life. God is the best thing that ever happened to me.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Inspirationl blog

I read this persons blog and I was weeping with love for my God and how wonderful He is to all of us.

What a blessing to read how God moves in our lives.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The enemy

This is war-I have seen the enemy and he will be defeated.

The enemy tries to be with me all the time, he is Satan. He tries to make me feel like I am a failure, he wants me to think of my self as a loser and that my situation is hopeless.

Satan I got to tell you this is war, and greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. You can not win. God has your number, and your name will be Deveated.

The problem with my mom and sister, is taken care of because I turned it over to God and He promised me that I would have victory over it.

My eating habits is not yours any longer. My appetite is not yours. With God in control I will succeed in getting healthy. No longer will you be laughing with glee because I succumb to temptations that are so bad for my health.

Your days are numbered satan. I heard a singer say plain and simply "I hate the devil" Well me too. I hate the devil. But I love God and all that he represents. I love His mercy and his grace, I love His son and the sacrifice that His son made for me. I love the blessings that God gives to me daily.

What does satan give me? nothing but grief and pain and heartache.


He is mine
He is mine
I am blessed beyond all measure
He is mine.

From the moment that I wake up till I lay my head at rest
I am blessed beyond all measure
He is mine.

I don't think that last verse is correct but that is surely the way I feel.

Satan can't can't cross the blood line, so I ask God to draw a protective circle around me today and make satan stay away. I know that i am in His protective powers. Amen

Have a blessed day.

Monday, October 15, 2007

beautiful song

This is such a beautiful song, it will truly bless you.

good things and bad things

Today I got up and exercised for 35 minutes-I like doing Leslie Sansone low impact Walk away the Pounds video. Then I went for a 35 minute walk out through the woods behind our house. I really enjoy realtime walking. There is something so special about the fresh air and hearing the birds sing and today I saw 2 deer. one was standing off to the side and the other was eating some corn that hunters had put down to attract the deer. I have no problem with hunters. I think they are necesary to keep the deer population down around here and I think it is healthy food. I walked slowly toward them and eventually they saw/heard me and they ran off, they were beautiful and so graceful.
Then almost immediately I saw a yellow butterfly, it flew straight towards me and then it danced and gave a lovely performace around me, just for me.

Bad me ate 6 chocolate chip cookies, I wish I could say they were small but they were almost the size of my palm across-not that thick. I ate too many calories. I am not going to eat anything else and I hope that being good all day long will help me negate the calories of the cookies.

I really hate that I have a super size appetite. Why can't I be satisfied with 2 cookies like most people? NOOOOOO I have to try to make a complete meal out of cookies- bleech ----sometimes I just feel like a failure.

Then I remember that God loves me, He does not love a failure< He love me, weak and overweight-but He loves me. Praise God He loves me, and I love Him.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

inspirational blog of the day

This blog has blessed me so many times, the poetry is so great.

Read and enjoy


I needed today--I needed that service--Our preacher asked if anyone needed to stand up and claim a victory for answered prayer or claim a victory for a prayer that would be answered. I set there, I could not pull the faith I needed to claim a victory. Several people did stand and told of how God moved in their lives. But I just set there-He said there is one more person that needs to stand. He waited and he prayed and I moved, I stood to my feet and I said I have a burden that has been going on for a few weeks and I claim this victory. I know that God is going to lift me above it.

I can not change mom and Barb, I can not make them act different, but I can ask God to lift me above the hurt in my heart, I can ask Him to change them. I can leave it at the foot of the cross, I can ask Jesus to cover it with His blood.

Please pray

God bless you
Good night

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Inspirational post of the day

This is a wonderful presentation from youtube. It is a man painting a picture of Jesus. It is unbelievable how talented he is. It lasts about 8 minutes, but I think you will enjoy it.

I weep, I pray, I weep, I pray

I am holding on by a thread and the thread is stretching from the weight of my heartache. Soon the thread is going to break,
Please Lord don't let me drop.

Father ease me, send me the comfort that I seek
Please Lord, I am tired of my family persecuting me. I have done nothing wrong.

I did not ask to be president of the GH, they boted me in. I was honored that they wanted me to be, you are supposed to uplift me, why are you trying so hard to tear me down? If you do not like what I am doing then voice it at the next meeting please don't get on the phone afterwards, andtell me how sorry I am or how I am not doing like I am supposed to be doing. You have done nothing buyt complain since I became president. But the members have increased since I got the leadership.

God help me to be patient, Lord lift me above the pettiness, help me to overcome the persecution, help me to hold onto my joy.

Friday, October 12, 2007

My day --sigh * sigh* sigh-I weep

I ate way more than I should have. no excuses except well totally no excuses .
I caved in
I saw the enemy and I surrendered to it.

The enemy was way more poweful than my will power.

Golden Harveters meeting was good, I had invited a singer to come out and oh my she was good. She sung good and we were all blessed with the movement of God touching us. Everyone said they enjoyed it, even the singer and her husband thanked me and said they had a good time.

I get home and mom had left a message on my machine so I called her back and I took care of what she needed and then told her what a good time we had. She sharply told me that I could not call it golden harvesters any longer cause it lasted too long and we were just supposed to sit and eat and talk. My heart is breaking cause I can do no right where her and Barb is concerned. My heart is aching so bad. Why can't they stop putting me down so much? Why must they want to bring me down? I don't think I have been saved long enough to know how to handle the persecution. Sad so very sad. and hurt and don't know which way to turn.

Dh and I go to hospital in the morn to get blood work done. Actually it is not a hospital it is like an outreach type thing and sponsered by different businesses in the area and it is free. They actually draw blood and sent it off to be evaluated??? is that the right word. Anyway it is free and since dh and I do not have insurance we take full advantage of this. Then when the results come in we take them to our dr. and he puts them in our files and saves us a pile of money.

Tomorrow night dh and I go to hear Carla and Redemtion sing. I am so looking forward to going. Her family sings so very good and it is always a wonderful blessing to hear her. She is an american Indian out of North Carolina. On the 22nd (I think), the Harpers are coming to a church near here and they sing good too. So I am trying not to miss anthing that puts us with other people that love God. I love being where God is being worshipped.

My diet was off today I will say that again, I ate way too much ----beter way to say it is I ate too much calories- but tomorrow is another day and I will have a fresh and brand new day to worship and love God and exercise and eat healthy. Isn't God just wonderful to give to us a new day over and over again to start fresh? God is so good to us.

Sleep well
God bless you

Motivating blog of the day

You have to check this blog out. I read this and it was so motivating and uplifting.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

bad day-good day

The dieting part of my day was good-I ate

4 turkey sausages
2 whole wheat diet bread
2 egg whites
1 slice low fat cheese

3 coffee

2 bread
1 and 1/2 half T. diet mayo
4 pieces imitation crab

diet meal


total calories ====1240
pedometer steps====9446

Exercise was chasing 2 yr old and having him chase me, cleaning house, straightening house, and walking through the fire trail after baby went home.

Bad part was things are excalating with my sister. I found out yesterday that my sister is telling people that the reason she does not go to the meetings at church is because I don't want her and her granddaughter there. I told my daughter today and dd got angry. I did not know she was going to do anything but she called my sister and told her she was very wrong to be saying so many things about me , and that she is supposed to be supporting me in what I try to do for God. I am not mad at my dd she was just trying to take up for me. I know that I am going to have some fallout about it.

I talked to dh about it all and he and I agree it is time for us to move on down the road. We will be going tomorrow night to the Golden Harvesters meeting but after that we will be going to a differnt church. I just can't hurt any more.

Now for more good

Dh and I went to a concert tonight ---we heard Ivan Parker and he was so good. He usually sings with the Gaithers. I really got a blessing from his singing and dh and I bought one of his cd's. I think we are really going to enjoy the cd.

God ease everyones hurt feelings. Help us all get over it and get back to worshipping you. This I ask in Jesus name

Good night and God bless

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Loving my day-pleased with food choices and exercise

2 bread, eggs, fruit, 3 coffee,

salad and dressing, (full salad with cukes, and snow pea pods, radishes, lettuce,)

diet meal


energy drink

total calories was 1455
pedometer steps 12089

Exercise was leslie sansone arobic video and walking and playing with grandson and cleaning house and doing laundry and putting it away.

It really was a good day, I had high energy and high expectations. I went to church tonight and I absolutel.y love our musicians. Our steel guitar player is ill but he still trys to get there and plays his heart out for us, we have a steel quitar player, a drummer, an organist and a piano player. It is such a blessing to hear them play. I think God annoints them because they use their talents to praise Him.

Please Lord ease my heart and take away the pain.

Sleep well everyone.

A new day and "what color are you"

You Are Crimson Red

Down to earth and warm-hearted, you instantly make everyone feel at ease around you.

And while you have an understated passion - you lack the uncontrolled passion of most other reds.

You prefer to sit back and enjoy every situation life has to offer.

You put an optimistic spin on everything.

And even when things are going well, you don't get too amped up.

You prefer to keep your emotions as steady as possible.

I refuse to feel sorry for myself and I refuse to kick myself. I go forward and I will not look back at my yesterdays except in passing and in explaining a few things.

I woke up this morning and I weighed 217.8. I had over a yr. ago got down to 184 and then my thyroid messed up. Dr. put me on synthyroid but still I have lost and gained and lost and gained. I am not going to blame it on my thyroid although to be honest I do think it plays a part in my failure to lose weight easily. But also I am past menopause and that slows down your metabolism.

I have saved to my favorites maybe 30 weight loss blogs, I wish I knew how to put it to the side of my blog listed as favorite linksm butr that is just beyond my computer knowledge.

I am going to runto them often for motivation and if one of them gives me great advice or motivation for the day I will give that blog "honorable mention". If anyone reads this and would like for me to read your blog send me a link to it and I will go to it.

If anyone has any advice for me I will give you honorable mention just for taking the time to try to help me.

My short term goal is to lose to 210 by Nov. 4 . That is only 7 pounds and that would be a wonderful birthday gift to me. That's right -Nov. 4 is my birthday, and I will be 56 yr.s old.

I exercise nearly every day, I do Leslie Sansonne, I walk, I cut grass, and I babysit my 2 yr. old very active grandson. He is here today and he is being good, He loves Thomas the Train, and so he is watching that right now. He spent the night with me cause his parents had to get up early and go to work they will do the same tomorrow and os he will spend the night here tonight also. I have already gottenup 10 times cause baby wants me to see blue thomas the train (he says boo tomy tain) .

Anyway his diaper leaked and so I had to change linens on bed and wash the mattress pad so glad I had one on the bed plus the water went through the mattress pad onto the mattress and I wiped mattress and hope it did some good and then sprayed down good with lysol spray.

Ok back to weight, eating and exercising, I don't have a problem with exercising, Ilove to exercise. I love to go walking through the fire trail behind my house and I pray and worship while I walk or I listen to music on my head phones. I mow with a push mower and I enjoy the way my body feels when I am active.

My problem really is I love to eat and sometimes I hate to eat but I eat anyway, and a lot of times I eat when I am not hungry.

Goals is

1. try to eat when I am hungry or at least eat at a set time like breakfast, small snack, lunch, snack, dinner and nothing after 5 pm.

2. exercise daily-or almost daily. I really do enjoy it so that is not going to be hard to do, and journal it here

3. list all foods that I eat daily, and journal it here.

4. Drink water, that will be hard to do because I don't like water.

5. Take my multivitamin daily

6. Learn to love me and take care of me.

I love my God, my husband, my children, and my grandchildren.

It should not be that hard for me to love me.

Motivational blog of the day

Go check her out, she is truly an inspiration.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Satan hates what God loves

I sit here with tears in my eyes because my sister is telling people that she is not going to the meetings because I don't want her and her grandbaby there. THat is not the truth, it is also not exactly a lie either. She would go with her grandchild and let her 2 yr. old just run wild and cry and yell while people were giving the devotional or praying. She would litterally let her grand-d run all about the fellowship hall regardless of what was being done. No, I did not want that going on. And now she is telling people that it is my fault that she is not going.

I know that all of that is a trick of the devil to get my heart stirred up and hurting. That does not make me feel better. I still hurt.

I want to quit going to that church so bad, I am so ready to just walk away. I have tried to leave so many times and each time that I go to a different church I hear God in my spirit telling me that I am supposed to be at LCCOG. I have heard Him say in my heart that he has plans for me and if I leave He can not give me those plans.

Since last Wednesday 5 different people have sent me Jermiah 29:11---
"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."

The first time was at a religious site I am a member of, I had told of being invited to a different church to give my testimony, and another member gave me that verse.

Later that day someone else gave it to me, and again another person gave it to me. None of these people knew the others and they did not know that I had already been given the verse by someone else.

At church on Sunday, we had a visiting speaker and that person mentioned that verse and then this morning I visited a different blog and the first paragraph that was wrote was that verse.

I think God is trying to tell me something.

I know all of this and I love God so much and what to stay in His will, but it still hurts for my good to be talked bad about and my first instinct is to run, run anywhere, just run away.

I have given it all to God I lay it at the foot of the cross, I ask Jesus to let His blood cover the hurt and the pain. I ask my Lord to lead and guide me. I ask God to lift me above it. I rebuke satan now in the name of Jesus Christ. I am a child of the King.

Please anyone that reads this agree with me in prayer that this matter will be resolved.

Monday, October 8, 2007

my monthly "quit net" anniversary

I love the updates I get each month -I am so happy that I quit smoking. It was not an easy thing to do but it was the best thing that I have done for my health.

Your Quit Date is: Friday, May 07, 2004 at 12:00:00 PM

Time Smoke-Free: 1247 days, 17 hours, 22 minutes and 57 seconds

Cigarettes NOT smoked: 49909

Lifetime Saved: 12 months, 21 days, 5 hours

Money Saved: $4,992.00Open Gadget

Saturday, October 6, 2007

216.2---That does not look good at all

I am so hoping and praying that my todays weight is a glitch in my digital scales. Sometimes it happens, you know, a false weight showing. This is Saturday and on Thursday my weight was 211.6 so you can see how I am hoping that it is just a false reading.

I made some soup it is called the Sacred Heart soup, and it is tasty. I tweaked it a bit and I am sure my version has more calories than there version BUT not a lot cause all I did was leave off the onions and peppers and added some sweet peas and some okra. Neither of those is high in calories so I roughly figured that one cup has 50 calories and that is a good amount. The soup is filling and satisfing. I like this and when you think about the soup and all of the low calorie vegetables out there that can be added, there is no way that you could get tired of eating the same soup all the time cause it would be different each time you made it. (run on sentance)

I went to the RU meeting last night and had a wonderful time. We discussed how little sins can lead to big disasters. Like anger, get a little mad and start saying things you should not and that could lead to even more outbursts until you have literally screamed and yelled your way away from God.

Then we went to the fellowship hall and had some tasty snacks. Too high in calories but I did show some control and only got a small amount of each thing.

Dear Father
I ask Lord that you bless dh and me. Lift our spirit up and fill us with your love. Thank you Father for giving a hunger to us, a hunger that leads us to want to be in your presence, a hunger that makes us want to go to your house to worship with your other children. Give us the desires of our heart Lord and that is to always stay within your will, Teach us the things we need to know so that someday we can hear you say"well done, my child and welcome home".

God I ask that tonight during the singing please open the flood gates of heaven and pour out blessings upon us as we worship you with songs and testimony and praise. Annoint the singers and the speakers as they give worship and praise to you. Touch every heart that is there, change lives -revive spirits and let each person be touched in some way.

For your glory,
I pray in Jesus name,

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

211.8-ladies meeting, speech

I am back from the meeting tonight. I was so proud of my control while I was eating. I fixed a plate of a bit of this and a bit of that and then a saucer of 3 small pieces of dessert. i picked at the meal tasting a spoon of each thing and then the dessert, I ate the fruit out of the fruit pie and I ate a small portion of the other pie and the brownie was burnt on the bottom and it did not eat but two small bites of it.

I know that calorie wise I still went over but it could have been so much worse. I give myself 4 stars for showing control. (Is it proper to give your own self stars?)

This morning I did 40 minutes of arobics and then after g-son went home I walked for 25 minutes. I played with baby and that is a pretty good workout, I lifted him and chased him and he chased me and we walked outside and he told me the colors of each of my plants, some of them were brown, I refused to tell him they were dead.

Pedometer steps -11727
calories- probably 2000

Now the speech-I was so nervous. Swarms and swarms of butterflys just flying all over my tummy. But I had prayed and I don't think anyone knew that I was so nervous. I have given speeches in church before, you would think it would get easier but it hasn''t so far.

They had a check for 25 dollars wrote for me for giving the speech. I refused it. I can not take money for telling what God did for me.
Ok that was my evening.

Thank You Lord for being so good to me this night. THank you for giving me the words to say and thank you for the receptive hearts that listened. God bless each person.

211.8-baby- mom-speech

Baby came today and he is his usualy rambunctious self, a bundle of energy and warm hugs and kisses.

We went to moms house for about 30 minutes. she is failing so fast.

I have kept up with my calories so far for today BUT everyone hear that big big but, a very slight play on words there,

I have been invited to give a devotional at a church that is not my home church. It is a great honor for me to be asked to give a devotional because they have not heard me give a devotional or speech before. They have only heard a small portion of my testimony and from that I was asked to come. Tonight is the night.

I am not a professional speaker and I am already getting nervous and have swarms of butterflys in my stomach.What do I do? you ask- I answer. I eat of course!!!!!

So at this time I am still within an acceptable range of calories -howeverat the meeting tonight will be piles of food. fried chicken. peach cobbler, home made biscuits, potatoe salad, mac and cheese, etc. Church going people do cook good and they cook a lot. There is no way to get out of it. People say I made this you have to try it. Just a small amount, surely a little will be all right.

I know me and I know that I go with the best intentions but I always fail. Tonight I go with the idea that yes i will eat too much high calories foods. But tomorrow I can do an extra 30 or 40 mionutes of exercise and then cut back on my eating for the next few days and maybe I can undo some of the damge I will do tonight.

It will be a planned splurge, with a plan to undo some of the splurge.

Praise the lord for this oppportunity to lift His name in love and adoration,.

I hope that my story moves the spirits of Gods people and blessses them in some way.