Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Loving my day-pleased with food choices and exercise

2 bread, eggs, fruit, 3 coffee,

salad and dressing, (full salad with cukes, and snow pea pods, radishes, lettuce,)

diet meal


energy drink

total calories was 1455
pedometer steps 12089

Exercise was leslie sansone arobic video and walking and playing with grandson and cleaning house and doing laundry and putting it away.

It really was a good day, I had high energy and high expectations. I went to church tonight and I absolutel.y love our musicians. Our steel guitar player is ill but he still trys to get there and plays his heart out for us, we have a steel quitar player, a drummer, an organist and a piano player. It is such a blessing to hear them play. I think God annoints them because they use their talents to praise Him.

Please Lord ease my heart and take away the pain.

Sleep well everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you had an encouraging and victorious day! (Me, not so much!!) How wonderful to feel God's blessings, especially in the midst of trying times.
