Tuesday, September 30, 2008

God gave me a wonderful day and I thank Him for it

Hello Sisters and Brothers

I want to tell you a story, it is a true story and I praise the Lord because He is in control and He loves every one of us.

About 3 years ago I went to a small country type, local talent, singing. There was a young boy there and he was 11 years old and he sang and then played the piano for us. He was still learning how to play so it was not professional but it was a great blessing.
I saw this child again about a year ago and I got the entire story of his life from someone that knew him.

He was born crack addicted and his mother tried to take care of him but she stayed strung out so much that even his crying could not penetrate to the motherly instict. Social services came and took him from her becasue of neglect and he was less than a month old. They placed him with his grandmother and she was not much better, leaving him in his diaper for hours and not feeding him like she should so they came and took him from her.

Then God, yes, our God had him placed with a Christian man and woman that took him to church and taught him how to play the quitar and sing and he was saved at age 7. The person that told me his story was the pastor of the church that he goes to. I saw him tonight and he is so filled with the spirit of God and he loves everyone with such an humble heart.

This story could have been so different and a lot of times the story does not have a happy ending. I think -I feel that this child is destined to be a mighty worker for God. His name is Eddie, please keep him in your prayers.

Today I did not eat over my cap of 1500 calories and I did 70 minutes of arobics, I love doing Leslie Sansonne. I always feel very energised when I start moving. I have done it so often that I add 2 pound arm weights and keep my arms moving at all times.

Tomorrow my 3 yr. old grandson comes to play with me. I always enjoy his visit. I think I will get to take him to church with me tomorrow night.

Dh wants to go back to hear the evangelist tomorrow night. It is not our home church. I wonder how it will look if we go to a different church instead of our home cchurch. So what do you all think?

Sleep well everyonetalk to you later

Saturday, September 27, 2008

End of week weigh in (little whoo hoo)

Good morning
My clothes are fitting so much better and I have more energy. Plus my foot does not hurt as bad as it did. That could be a natural healing process of time but I do feel that the more weight on the bone will slow the healing.

On the 27th of last month I weighed I weighed 227.0
today I weigh 221.2
On monday when I posted my weight it was 221.4 so that is not a big loss from Monday to today. But I am looking better, my face is slimming down and I think I have gotten smaller in my waist. My pants are fitting so much better. and when I walk and my arms go back and forth I can tell there is not as much of me rubbing against my arms.

Tonight dh and I go to hear the Singing Couriers. We always get a blessing when they perform. My 3 yr. old grandson will be with us and I have raised 2 children (girl and boy) and when they get around 3 they have more energy than a team of horses. I am going to bribe him with a new toy if he is very very good. (I will be happy with just good.) I am going to take some of his quieter toys and a few small books to keep him occupied. I know that a lot of people have told me that I need to beat that out of him. Like I said I have raised 2 kids and this is normal for this age. Plus I do not have him all the time and I do not feel I should spend my time with him beating him.

I hope you all have a very blessed day.
God loves all of us, and because of that love we are already blessed beyond all measure.

Monday, September 22, 2008

God is good and full of mercy for us all

Today I woke with the Lord speaking to my heart My first thought was to thank God for the nights sleep, my health, my family, a warm place to live, and mostly thank Him for the Grace that He gave to me. I Love my Lord. "He is mine, He is mine, I am blessed beyond all measure He is mine. I have pardon free and clear through the blood He shed for me, I am blessed beyond all measure He is mine"

I have decided to update on my weight again,

Last month on the 22nd I weighed----227.4

today I weighed 221.4

I am so glad that my blood was tested and the dr. could see why I was not losing any weight. I am so glad that the dr. gave me a stronger synthyroid.

I had prayed----so many times----

You see I was exercising every day, I was keeping my calories down to below 1500 nearly every day and I was gaining weight.

and I prayed -

and I continued to gain weight-------I gained almost 40 pounds in a year and I really was trying to lose,

and I prayed---

and I told my dr. -I showed him my diet/exercise/calorie journal and he did not believe me and then he saw my updated blood work and he upped the strength of my pills.

and I praise God----

The bible says "it is His good pleasure to give us the desires of our heart" it says

"we have not because we ask not."

I just called my pastor and told him I wanted to give him a wonderful praise report. I know that loosing weight is not up there with being healed from cancer, but God cares about us and he clothes the lillies of the valley in wonderous splender and he watches with sadness when the birds fall from the trees, and He knows how many hairs is on my head so Iknow he cares about my weight.

and I praise my Lord daily for everything.

I praise Him for the "Son" shine
for my health
for His love
for the food I eat
for the spiritual food He gives me
for calling me so I can pull right up to His table and dine

The bible says "let every living thing praise the Lord."

and I praise Him.

God bless you

Friday, September 19, 2008

WAIT-time for a weight update -lost 5 pounds in 1 month

I took a few days off from journalling but I still stayed within my calorie limits and I exercised each day. (just to stay honest, one day I did eat some ice cream ~~~moose tracks-yummy~~~ and that put that days calories up to 1800).

Every day I mostly eat roughly the same amount of calories and do roughly the same amount of exercise.

I think it is time for an update on my wweight

On August 19 I weighed 227.2

Today Sept. 19 I weigh 222.6

Even though it is only 5 pounds I am pleased and I have noticed that my clothes are fitting a little less snug. Also a friend at church mentioned that I looked like I had lost a few pounds.

God bless

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Not much going on here today. Laundry, straightening, sweeping, cleaning, chasing baby.

DD bought a new game for me, it is DW4 and it is a game ported over from the original nintendo.. It has been updated of course and some new things have been added to it.

I am looking forward to sitting down and getting involved in the game.

calories for today 1660

exercise was 70 minutes of arobics

burned off 593

calories pedometer steps 12218

God bless you all

Monday, September 15, 2008

I am so glad the blood has been applied to my soul


I am reading in Deuteronomy in the bible. It seems to be just a recap by Moses of all that went on from the time of leaving Egypt. What that tells me is that we are not supposed to ever forget what God does for us.

When my husband was told he had Lupus , my church began praying and lifting up daily. By the time the test came back, there was no sign of the butterfly rash that comes with Lupus and the test came back negative.

When the yellow jackets attacked me, dh said there were hundreds on me and chasing me yet I only got bit 25 to 30 times. He only got bit 2 times and he was pulling them off of me with his bare hands. God is good and I praise him daily for his love and grace. I praise and thank Him daily for the blood that covers my sins.

Today was a fun day with my dd and grandbaby. Well it was fun for me. Dd went to the dentist for a check up and cleaning. I went and kept the baby while she was worked on. I had a bag fixed for baby, it had his candy and dinosaurs and drawing pad. He had his dinosaurs on the table and was playing when a family came in with small children and one of them just came over and started playing with grandbabys toys. Grandbaby enjoyed it and I love children, so as far as I was concerned no problem.

When dd came out, I walked over to the childs mama and asked her if it would be all right if we gave her child the dinosaurs she said yes so I told the little boy he could have them. I am so glad I did, the smile he gave me has stayed with me all day long.

Then we went to BK for lunch. ahhhh that is an indulgence for me. I love BK for their food but also because in the tray is a piece of paper and if you turn the paper over, they have a calorie listing of all their food. I ate more calories for one meal than I usually do but I still kept up with my calories (thanks to the piece of paper with the listing) and I did not go over my daily limit.

Then we went shopping. I wear my pedometer all the time and I really got a lot of steps in today. I love shopping although I never expected to spend close to 100 dollars on just printer ink and two nightgowns, and sinus meds. YIKES money seems to go out sometimes faster than it comes in.

calories for today-1415

exercise 70 minutes of arobics

burned off 593 calories

pedometer steps-`13553

Sleep well and may God keep you all safe.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lord I am a flawed vessel

I am flawed and weak and I am not worthy of Your love, Thank You God for loving me anyway.


I had a most joyous day in the worshipping my Lord. I went to church this morning and the preacher preached a very moving and annointed sermon. I love it when the spirit of God moves in such a way that it almost feels you can "reach out and touch Him as He passes by."
After morning service we went to a different church at 2:30 and we enjoyed a religious concert. Again a mighty moving of God. People were worshipping the Lord with unashamed and openly vocal praises.

Then at 6 we were at out church ready to worship God . I was so thirsty I had to get up and get some water. Then i set outside of the sanctuary so I would not disturb the congregation. I could hear what was going on and there is an older lady (maybe in her mid to late 80's)and she is so frail and fragile looking. She was saved when she was 7 yrs. old and she has such an inspirational testimony. I could hear her tonight as she told of how God has helped her through so many sicknesses and injuries. How God has healed her children and saved her loved ones through His grace and His love.

Anyway this was a wonderful day.

calories for today-1460

exercise was 75 minutes of arobics

burned off 635 calories

pedometer steps was 9467
Good night
May God bless you

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I will enter His gates with praise

I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart
I will enter His courts with praise
I will say this is the day that the Lord has made
I will rejoice for He has made me glad.

He has made me glad
He has made me glad
I will rejoice for He has made me glad


I have had a very lazy day. I needed to go get a few groceries but let me tell you with the cost of gas dh and I agreed to do the shopping after church tomorrow. We stayed home all day today.
Gas had slowly dropped to around 3.35 and thursday evening it started inching up and dh went and filled both cars. by yesterday it was almost up to 5 dollors and stations were asking people to only get 10 gallons. A lot of people were getting all they could even to filling up multible gas cans in the back of pickups. This morning a friend that drives a pepsi truck drove 40 miles and only found one station selling gas and it was up to 7 dollars a gallon and limited and strictly enforced, to only 10 gallons per customer. People were lined up to get it. To tell you the truth I feel that raising the prices like that is price gouging. 7 dollars a gallon, that is just unbelievable.

Dh and I have decided that we are not going to stop riding to church or other worship serivces but we are going to limit other trips or at least combine as many trips as we can. I know that God provides all my needs but He does expect me to do my part.

Calories for today 1545

pedometer steps -6047

exercise was 55 minutes of mowing
burned off 559 calories.

I have lost a few pounds and Iadjusted my statistics for my calories burned to take into account that I am not as heavy as I was when I first started keeping up with the calories I had burned. (run on sentence) What a disappointment, I actually burn 10 calories less for the same amount of exercise. In one sense I am happy that I am losing weight, but still now I have to exercise a bit longer just to burn the same amount of calories.
It is almost like I am now being punished for losing weight. lol

God bless
sleep well

Friday, September 12, 2008

God-please let me live in the "land of bread"

Good evening
Tonight we had a Golden Harvestors meeting. I am president or rather I was until tonight. I was president and Patty was my vice president. Tonight she was voted president and I was voted vice president. I had told them I no longer wanted to be president because my mom and sister had said so many unkind things to me about me being president. Patty is such a dear person and I know she will do a wonderful job. I told her that I would be there with her each time and would help in any way that I could.

But tonight I had gotten a friend of mine to come out and give the devotional. She is the pastor of a local church and she really gave a wonderful speech. She talked about Naomi and her family leaving the land of bread and going far away into a different country and no longer being in the land of bread. About all the things that Naomi lost and how she came back to the land of bread at the barley harvest time.

We all had a great time and we fellowshipped and worshipped and we ate togeather.
The food was so scrumptious and I struggled to make sure I only ate a small amount. I ate 1/2 of a piece of bbq chicken thigh, and two small forks of a piece of sweet potatoe pie, and one small spoonful of augratens and about 1/2 cup of grapes, and then two forks of cream cheese pie. I kept up with every thing i ate and came home and looked up the calorie amounts I added my days total up and then added 200 more to it just in case I had underestimated. So here is my daily stats.

calories for today-1645

exercise for today-80 minutes of mowing

burned off 813 calories

pedometer steps-7588(I forgot to wear it all day long)

Sleep well everyone
sweet dreams

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Lord is my Shepard

I must remember that always God knows what He is doing, I must remember that God is in control at all times. I must have faith to wait on God. God help me please to keep my eyes off of man and to always put you first in my life.

calories for today-1475

exercise for today-70 minutes of arobics

burned off 603 calories

pedometer steps-11932

Sleep well

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary

Pure and holy, tried and true
with thanksgiving, I'll be a living
sanctuary for you.

I am tired, maybe allergies is acting up. I did manage to get in my 70 minutes of arobics. I am sure I did not do it with the intensity as I normally do but I still did it.

calories for today-1600

exercise was 70 minutes of arobics

kburned off 603 calories

pedomenter steps was 11734

sleep well everyone

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I didn't come here to ask you for anything

I just came to talk to you Lord
Maybe tomorrow I'll have
troubles and sorrow and
a thousand teardrops may fall

But until I face tomorrows task
I have no special favors to ask
I just came to talk to you Lord.

calories for today-1475

exercise=70 minutes arobics~~~~~~burned off 603 calories
and ironing 30 minutes ~~~~~~~~~~~~burned off 115 calories

pedometer steps 11818

I have had a sedentary day, sort of. I kept grandson today and he does keep me busy and I hung out a load of clothes, and hung them up and did arobics and ironed, and straightened the houseand I cooked a delicious bbq chicken with my own bbq sauce. Yummy (I also had some broccoli and cauliflower, and for a sweet treat I had a cup of seedless white grapes) . Other than that I did not do anything.

Dh has gone to a revival, I would like to go but grandson is at that age that will not be quiet or still and he is too young to reason with. Until he gets a little older it is best just to keep him out of the sanctuary. I don't get anything out of the service, and neither does those around us. Next year this time he will be in 4 K and I will only see him on the weekends. I refuse to beat him in to submission when I know that this is just a part of being a child. I have raised 2 children and I know that this is just something that kids go through.

Sleep well everyone and sweet dreams.

Monday, September 8, 2008

I feel a little better

I feel a little less depressed than I did yesterday. Nothing has been resolved but still time has taken the raw edge off of the problem

calories for today-1505

exercise was mowing for 50 minutes

burned off 510 calories

pedometer steps- 9542

sleep well everyone

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I hope that God is holding me

I feel so alone

calories for today=1430

exercise for today was 70 minutes of arobics

burned off 603 calories

pedometer steps-10269

Saturday, September 6, 2008

I feel the touch of hands so warm and gently

I feel the touch of hands so warm and gentle
they're leading me dodwn paths that I must trod
I have no fear
for Jesus walks beside me
and I'm leaning on the arms of God.


The storm passed us by. Praise God.

Calories for today was 1460

exercise was 70 minutes of arobics

calories burned off was 603

pedometer steps was 10584

My dh and I have been sitting in the family room listening to religious concerts on dvd. We have listened to The Happy Goodmans. All of the original singers are dead now. I keep thinking that they are singing the most beautiful songs ever heard while they sit in the prescence of the Lord.

I love a good Gospel song. I think that the songs are very important in out worship. Obviously David from the bible thought that worshipping with song was important.

Sleep well everyone

God bless

Friday, September 5, 2008

On a Hill Far away

On a Hill far away
stood an old rugged cross
the emblem of suffering and shame

Thank God for the cross, for without the cross, we would all be lost.


HANNAH seems to be headed out to sea. I hope it continues that way and dies there.

I bought some of the 90 calorie peanut butter rice cake snack packs. They are delicious. It is 3 dollars a box and there is only 6 packs- and it is still 90 calories per pack but when you just have to indulge, it tastes like it is more calories than 90.

calories for today-1430

exercise was 60 mionutes mowing and 40 minutes of ironing.
calories burned while mowing 609
calories burned while ironing 150
total burned off-759

I forgot to put the pedometer on when I first went out to mow but I did put it on it later, and the steps that I took today just cleaning and looking after my grandson and finishing mowing, was 6950. That sounds like a lot but trust me, I really do a lot of walking when the baby is here.

Stay safe everyone.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Lord prepare me

Lord prepare me
To be a sanctuary
pure and holy
tried and true

With thanksgiving
I'll be a living
sanctuary for you


Time for an update on my weight, I can't remember now when I started taking the higher dosage of synthyroid-I do know that when I started taking it my weight went down andthen went back up and then down and up. I think (hope and pray) that the fluctuation in my weight has finally leveled off, and I am now losing weight.

On the 4th of last month I weighed 230.4 and today I weigh224.2.

I really am not doing anything different than I was before I began taking the higher dosage. I am going to give God praise for the weight loss. He is my Lord, and I did ask Him for help.

calories for today=1465

exercise was pushing mower for 1 hour

calories burned off 629

pedometer steps 9045

I hope everyone on the east coast will be safe, I am praying for all of us.

God bless you.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Oh, Lord let the Holy Ghost fall

Oh Lord let the Holy Ghost fall
Oh Lord let the Holy Ghost fall
and babtize everyone!


It is late but I really wanted to add to my journal-----

calories was 1430

exercise was 70 minutes of arobics

burned of 603 calories

I went to church tonight. I am glad I went. I do not understand how people can go an entire week without going to God's house and sitting there with other Christians, all of you in one accord, worshipping with one another. BUT our church usually runs an average of 100 people on Sunday morning and yet on Wed. night we might run 25. Just don't seem right somehow. But I am glad that I was there.

God bless you all

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Would you hold me while I cry


Grandbaby is here, but dh had a late start today and I was able to get out early and cut some grass.

I mowed for 55 minutes and burned off 569 calories

Calories for today was 1320

and pedometer steps was 7907.

Nothing going on here today.

I feel kinda like this


Sleep well everyone

Monday, September 1, 2008

The battles not mine

said little david,
Lord it's Thine
I'm in Your favor,
I'm leaving it up to you Lord
I know not what to do

I'm so glad you let me see
that You're really all that I need
No the battles not mine
I give it to you
Lord it's thine.

This has been a very nice day. My dh has once again said he was going to start watching what he eats. His weight has gotten to 199.2 and he said he refuses to get over 200. This will make cooking a bit easier. I got to the point that I would not cook because he wanted such high calories foods and I wanted low caloried foods. So for ab early dinner I fixed lean pork loin, sauteed in pineapple juice and soy sauce, brussel sprouts, grilled okra, lightly browned squash, small salad, and lightly steamed mix of cut broccoli and cawliflower. It was delicious and varied and very nutritious.

calories for today-1190

exercise was 70 minutes of arobics

calories burned off 603

Have a good day

and don't forget to pray for all those in the path of Gustoff.