Friday, September 19, 2008

WAIT-time for a weight update -lost 5 pounds in 1 month

I took a few days off from journalling but I still stayed within my calorie limits and I exercised each day. (just to stay honest, one day I did eat some ice cream ~~~moose tracks-yummy~~~ and that put that days calories up to 1800).

Every day I mostly eat roughly the same amount of calories and do roughly the same amount of exercise.

I think it is time for an update on my wweight

On August 19 I weighed 227.2

Today Sept. 19 I weigh 222.6

Even though it is only 5 pounds I am pleased and I have noticed that my clothes are fitting a little less snug. Also a friend at church mentioned that I looked like I had lost a few pounds.

God bless

1 comment:

  1. A loss of five pounds is good, and it's certainly a lot better than a gain of five pounds. Just be patient and keep it up. Best wishes.
