Wednesday, June 6, 2007

10th day of Daniel Fast

This has been a spiritual fast and i am glad that I did it, however I am looking forward to eating some fish or cheese. I hope that I can hold onto my not eating very much. I know that otmorrow I will fix some coffee and I will have some tea. I have really missed those two things. But i am not going to let myself drink as much coffeee and I did before the fast. I know that water is healthier than tea or coffee and I will still continue to drink mainly water.

We go to the dr. tomorrow just to make sure that every thing is ok. I hope that dh and I go to get some Chinese food when we leave the dr.s office.

We went to church tonight and it was a very good serman about letting ourselves be used by the spirit. I have b een praying all day long for the Lord to fill me with His spirit. God is good and I am so glad that I am a child of the King.

Mom had a stroke on Sat. night and you could see her mouth pulling to the side and she had trouble forming her words, and she could not walk very good. Stubborn Mom did not want to go to the dr so I called her dr. today and told them what was going on and they called her and told her to go in to the hospital. She said she wanted to go to church tonight and she would go to the dr. tomorrow.

Pray for her, I know she is old and her time is drawing near, but pray that the Lord would just ease her into her passing away, as painlessly as possible.

God bless you all

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