Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sunday, church, Monday, early spring cleaning

I had a great Sun. ----- Sun. morning services was such a wonderful spiritual time. God moved and people were blessed.  Sun. nt we had an in house singing and again the Lord moved in such a sweet way.

Last night we had a womans ministry meeting and I tried to eat moderately but it just did not work I ate ok but all they had to drink that I COULD drink was sprite and I was so very thirsty.  I don't usually drink much soda and I could tell it this morning I had gained 3 pounds and I was bloated. Oh well I can get that off.  And the next time I will take a caffeine free calorie free drink for me.  I don't mean to complainn I had a great time.  We all laughed and worshipped togeather so I really don't mean to complain.

Today I walked 2 times down the fire trail total of 4 miles and then when dh came home he wanted to walk and I went with him.  Wow that was a lot of walking.  But I did not have any trouble doing it.  feet and ankles and knees all were doing good.  Also this morning I started doing my spring cleaning early.  I wiped cabinents down with bleach and cleaner and wiped refrigerator.  cleaned cabinents and counters and stove.  Tomorrow I hope to finish in the kitchen.  I need to do it before spring cause dh said he would need me to help him with some of his jobs that he has lined up.  Plus when grandson comes I won't get anything done. 

I figured up my calories I am almost ashamed to put it down but here it is------1945- the only positive thing about it is most of it is healthy stuff, --oatmeal, blueberries, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet peas, okra, one small barbcued pork chop, apple w/peanut butter, mini wheats, whole wheat bread.  1 egg, one egg white, raisens. one negative-4 cups of decaf coffee w/ yummy flavorings I love the chocolate mint truffle flavor that come out at Christmas.  I stocked up on that flavor and put it in my freezer.

I figured up how much calories I burned off for today and that is almost 1000, So I suppose that is pretty good. 

Sleep well
God bless

1 comment:

  1. i don't drink much soda pop, either, Joy, but when i do, boy, do i crave it! i drank some this weekend, too (sprite included). i'm glad you had a good Sabbath. i'm also glad you had a good time at your womens ministry meeting.

    how do you fix your cauliflower? i havent had any in a while, but my favorite way to eat it is to roast it by breaking it up, coating it in olive oil, and roasting on aluminum foil on a pan for i tihnk 15-20 minutes. SO good, and i am not a raw/rawish vegetable person!!

    love ya, and am praying for you and your family!
