Thursday, February 10, 2011

yesterday, warming up, going shopping

Tuesday I called my mom and told her that she had hurt my feelings the last time we talked.  I told her what she said and she said I was imagining things.  She said I made it up.  I told her I didn/t , that she really did say those things and she told me again she didn't.  I forgve her but I sure don't want to talk to her ,  I don't like being hurt.  I have cried enough.

Tomorrow my daughter is coming to get me and we are going to spend the day togeather.  We are going shopping and then going out to eat.  Because of my alergies, I can not eat anything with with flour, which means that we have to be careful where we go.  I leave it up to her, she knows about my problem.  I can eat at Golden corral, and one chinese place.  Maybe we could go to Cee Cees if they have whole grain pizza crust.  I love going to Wendys,  ok it is not very fancy but they make a wonderful bar b que chicken it is delicious and very filling.  BUT I am hoping she takes me to Golden Corral, it has been a long time since I was there and I do love their food.

We are sopposed to be through a warming period - In the next ten days the temps in the day time will be going up and up, all the was to the 70"s.  I can't wait.   Saturday I am going to plant some cauliflower some snow pea pods and some lettuce.  I may have to cover them if the temps drop again but I am looking forward to workingin my garden..

I love vegetables. I steam almost all the vegetables that I eat.  I just put it in a bowl and put a plate on top and microwave for 5 to 10 minutes depending on what it is that I am fixing.  I even steamed a potatoe today.  I peeled it and diced it and then put it in the microwave. It was so good,  just put some salt and pepper on it.You get to taste the vegetable flavor.  Sometimes I put a small amount of butter on it but mostly I just eat it with salt pepper simetimes, garlic powder or other seasonings.

Today I fixed some salmon patties. ( Always buy wild salmon it is better for you) I found a new recipe and it  called for instant potatoe flakes in it and shredded cheese and that was scruptious.  I had steamed okra, steamed, potaoe, steamed broccoli to go along with it.

I exercised today and walked, and still doin my spring cleaning.  so I stayed busy and I noticed thatI do not think about food as much when I stay busy. 

Do you have hobbies?  I have several and I get passionate about one and I leave the others aone, then after several weeks or months I will switch to another of the hobbies. 

Sleep well
God bless

1 comment:

  1. wendy's: i think it's the best fast food there is. not gonna lie, i love it! i'm sorry about your Mom, Joy. you did the most you earthly could by forgiving. it warms my heart to hear that you and your daughter are going to spend time together. it sounds like you honestly tried your best to be a good mother to her, and that's a lot more than many people in our culture can say. sometimes a "bad" example for a mother is a good example of what not to do. i hope you two have a great time! it's the simple things that mean the most.

    we are getting weather somewhat similar here - supposed to warm up to the 60s in the next few days, after two snow days off! i've had the munchies like crazy. i should've been like you these last few days and just braved the cold to get my exercise. i keep telling myself, i'll wait till it gets warm. this weekend, Lord willing, i want to hit that track!

    your talk about vegetables is reminding me of something that someone on facebook sent me. it was an article about how a nutrient-dense diet helped all these people not only lose weight, but feel less hungry while eating less calories! and guess what the bulk of the food on the diet is...vegetables! what a shocker, huh? here's a link to one related site about the diet and the doctor's own food pyramid:

    you will notice his food pyramid is very different from the government's (which i don't trust, even though i'm no expert).

    as for hobbies: i really don't have any; i'm working on making exercise one. i consider blogging and reading blogs a hobby. maybe that's sad. i sort of collect victorian stuff for my room. and i love bargain shopping, if that counts?!

    i am working on getting in the habit of really deep cleaning on fridays, since i don't usually work that day. i have been so all or nothing, either cleaning everything or nothing!

    sorry this is so long. was going to post a blog tonight, but i think i'll just consider this response to you my post.

    thank you for praying for me Joy. i love you and am praying for you, also! you are a dear blog buddy!
