Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy valentines day everyone

Dh and I celebrated valentines day yesterday.  He had to work all day with a rush job in a business conferance room.  It has to be finished in just a few days because some big upper managment is coming in from overseas.  So we celebrated yesterday .

We went out to eat and then yesterday evening friend invited us to their church for a valentine banquet.  She is the pastor so when I said t did not look right for us to just show upwhen they have a special dinner she told me that dh and I were part of their church even though we "go" to a different church.  So we go there and boy did they have delicious food.  My favorite was homemade pork barbq.  Church women sure do know how to cook.  So many cakes and pies and fudge.  I could not eat any of them but dh did.  Potatoe salad, and peas , homemade mac and cheese (could not eat) baked smoked ham, yummy,  homemad biscuits (could not eat), deviled eggs, fried chicken (could not eat) chicken bog, (could not eat) more food and I can't remember everything.  Oh yes strawberries sliced thin and in some kind of thin sweet liquid.   I loved it.

Since I ate way too many calories yesterday I decided to double up on exercise to day. And I did the fire trail behind my house 3 times and walked outside around my house several times.  My daffadils are about 3 inches high and the hyacinths are going to be blooming soon. The lillies are starting to come up.  I could not see anything on my gardenias.  I love it when they bloom  the entire yard smells so good.  My camillas did not bloom this year although they did have lots of blooms on the branches.  Maybe they will bloom in the next couple of weeks.  My blueberries are just beginning to put out new branches and my plum tree looks like it is ready to start getting new branches.  I hope my peach tree gets fruit this year.   Dh said he would get me some fig bushes and some grape vines this year.  

My yard need to be cleaned up so bad.  I want to push my mower over it to pick up all the debris that has accumalated over the winter.  It is so much easier to push the mower than to rake it. 

Thats my day

I hope everyone has a wonderful valentine evening with the ones that you love. 

I became a Christian on Valentines day 8 years ago.  On the day of love I found the ultimate love.  John 3:16.

God bless

1 comment:

  1. happy valentine's day, Joy! it sounds like this is a day with a rich meaning in your life. i am glad you and your husband enjoyed your time together.
    God bless you and keep you, now and always.

    Love, Josie
