Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mom, shopping, rain, daughter and grandson, walking

On Tuesday I called my mom just to chat and tell her I love her and she just started fussing and accused me of doing things that I did not do.  I told her I did not and she pretty well told me she did not believe me.  I am just so upset over it and hubby told me  not to talk to her again because he did not want me to cry anymore.  It is just tearing me up .  I would not lie -I have a fellowship with God and I do not want to lose that fellowship. 

Dh and I went grocery shopping this morning, we were ou of so much stuff and we went to Aldis.  I love that store.  we spent about 50 dollars but we probably saved close to 25 dollars.  I like the food and I love the savings. Plus it was close to where dd and her family live so we called her and she met us there.  I did love seeing them.  We spent some time togeather and then we came back home.  I wish they lived closer to me.  I sure do miss them both.

And it rained off and on nearly all day long That cold dreary rain that seems to seep into your bones andall you want to do is sit in a tub full of hot water until you thaw out.  But dh and I went for a walk and we carried our unbrellas so if it started to rain we could use them and we had to use them twice.  But we persevered and we got the walk done.

Shopping for one hour burned off 200 calories and altogeather dh and I walked 3 miles and that burned off 300 calories.  My calories for today was 1210, I have been so upset today that I had to really force myself to get that much. 

Remember me telling of the grey cat that someone dropped off? Well dh and I came back from shopping and he went out to feel the cat and it was dead in our backyard,  we could not tell what happened to the cat.  I helped him dig a hole and we buried the cat.  I wish people would not just drop off their unwanted animals.  I suppose a  car hit her and she made it to the backyard and then she died.  That is the only thing I can figure out .  Just sad about it.  

Sleep well,
God bless.

1 comment:

  1. God bless you, Joy. you are very special to many people here on earth and - most importantly - to God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost!

    i LOVE aldi! so many neat things there, and great prices! i hope you are feeling better by the time you read this. i am praying God's peace for you. love ya!
