Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's been a few days (weeks??)

I woke up this morning and with dread  and a strong sense of denial I got on the scales and found to my horror and a huge desire to deny what my eyes saw----I had gained -I think 5 pounds and that makes a total of 18 pounds i have gained since October.  How does someone that gets up every day with the best of intentions gain that much weight.  Am I so much the "queen of denial" that I would not realize that eating out of control is going to lead to gain?  Am I so much blind to what I put on my plate that I would not see that calories in and  not calories out is going to show up on my body?  Deep breath in and then the scream of a tormented person. 

NOW  NOW hear me.

Years ago there was a song can't remember the singer\

I am woman hear me roar in numbers too big to ignore

Well that is me only the numbers I am screaming is the numbers on my scales.   I  can't ignore them. 

As of this morning I have been thinkng and praying and I have asked the Lord for help.  Please pray with and for me and I will pray for each of you that ask.  In this I will say -these are the nmbers that the singer was talking about.  I have always felt that you get a bunch of women togeather and there ain't nothing that can't be accomplished.   And you get Christian women togeather -praying and worshipping women, well we can move mountains and that includes mountains of excess weight.

Every day I am going to have a special time to pray for us. Just leave your blog name here and I will indeed pray for you.

May God bless each of you, may His mark be upon you, we are the temple of the Lord and we are His vessel. We, with His help, will make the vessel healthy for His indwelling.

God bless you
and keep you safe. 

PS I will be back tonight to post about my day.

1 comment:

  1. Joy! it's so good to see an update! i was wondering about you and hoping everything was okay. i looked at your profile last night trying to find your e-mail address.

    as far as the gaining goes: i know exactly how you feel right now. i've had it up to here. i have gained about 8+ lbs since the holidays, and this is on top of a ton i gained after surgery in '09.

    this week several bloggers have voiced the same kind of frustration you have about gaining. for me, i just haven't been committed. i haven't exercised consistently, i've let myself get too hungry, and i've binged. but now it's march, and it's starting to feel different.

    i'd like to let the past be the past and commit myself to losing weight. please add me to your prayer list. i'll be praying for you, as well. what you said is so true:
    with His help, we will be healthy for HIS indwelling. i can't do this on my own, and i'm guessing you're the same. we wouldnt be in this shape if we could. we need the Lord in all ways and for all things!

    let's just give this problem to Him, Joy. He will show us how to lose weight. He will give us the power to strengthen - and not abuse- our bodies.

    praying for you. love you!
