Sunday, March 20, 2011


I realized today that we dh and I were allowing ourselves to be swayed by the other.  I could say I would love to have a candy bar and he would go get several for me and then that would allow him to have some too. The only thing he could not sway me too often was to go out to get Chinese food and that was only because it makes  me feel sick for a day after I eat it.

So here are our goals

exercise every day
use a smaller plate, (if we are going to fill it up, it needs  to be  smaller)
eat at least 3 different vegetables a day
eat fish at least twice a week
eat greens (collards, yuck, or turnips or broccoli or cauliflower)  I don't have a problem eating vegetables

Try to be strong when the other is weak.

These are not earth shaking goals,  but they are what we agreed on. 

We had a very good service tonight.  One of our members fell into a fire yesterday and had to be airlifted to a burn center. Our preacher was with him so we had someone else preach tonight and he preached on Jesus coming back.  I loved the message.

Grandbaby spent the weekend with me and even though I did not get much sleep, he sleeps right up against me, I loved every minute of it.  He wakes up early and pats me on the face every morning until I wake up.  Then he tells me about his dreams, or his teacher or his cat.  It is just a special time with him.  I would not trade for anything on this earth. 

Have a blessed night everyone


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. oops.
    What I meant to say was:

    Goals don't have to be earth shaking - they're still a step in the right direction!

    Prayers for you, and for your friend who was hurt!
