Saturday, September 18, 2010

187.0=grandbaby-painting houses-fresh ham-singing

My calories for today was 1345
and I did not exercise of keep up with my steps

I did chase baby and played hide and seek and did sit on the floor and use blocks to make robots with him.He is a hoot.  I was eating some blueberries and he wanted me to play with him.  I told him I would play after I finished eating the blueberries he said "how many of them do you have to swallow"  ok that probably don't sound all that cute to anybody else,  only a grandmother would think that was adorable.  lol

He wanted to paint so I go through all the trouble of letting him pick out which ceramic house he wanted to paint, got the papers to catch spills got the little jar of water to wash the brushes. he painted one little place and got paint on his hands and that was it he was ready to quit.  He does not like to have anything opn his hands.

This morning I had a huge fresh ham and decided that I would toss it in the crock pot with a little potatoes and carrots and onions and spices and i would  cook it for dinner tomorrow.  That pork roast cooked for about 8 hours and it still is not done.  I know it was a big roast but really wouldn't you think it would be done by now?  Fortunately we will not need it for tomorrow because my son is coming and he will go to church with my daughter, after service here dh and i will go to her house and we will all go out for pizza.    Monday I will get up and put the roast back on for a few more hours.    I might have to start cutting it up into smaller pieces so it will get down.  

Dh and I went to a gospel singing tonight and it was so very good.  They were both local groups but still such a blessing to hear people sing that I know are Christians and that they love the Lord as much as I do.  We went with a couple that we met several years ago.  The man had lung cancer and the Lord healed him.   God is just so very good to us all.  I am such a happier person since I became a Christian.  I have peace and joy and such contentment.

lol I live such an interesting life.  What ?  I don't hear anyone agreeing with me. 

OH well I am too old to want to have too much excitement in my life.

Sleep well everyone,
God bless
and I'll see you in church (figuratively speaking)

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