Wednesday, September 29, 2010

187.4,,,,,rain, exercise, pain,

calories for today ---1620

pedometers steps----12117

It was raining today so I could not go walking,  I really enjoy walking,  I love being out in nature even when it is so hot that I have to carry a hand towel to keep wiping sweat.  But today it was raining and when I say it was raining I mean it was pouring. So even though I got a lot of steps just by trying to catch up with my housework,  stripped beds, washed two loads of clothes and put them up, I also talked on the phone to about 8 different people.  I loves my portable phone cause when I am talking on it I am also walking back and forth through my house. 

Somedays the phone rings so much and I talk to so many different people that I can walk as much as two miles.  I really do appreciate that people like me and that they call me for prayer .  They know that when they talk to me it will never and I do mean I will never tell another person their secrets. So when they call I still have things to do and one of the things I have to do is walk at least 10000 steps.  Talking and walking is one way to get those steps in.  My dr told me that I needed to get in that many steps every day and the only day that I do not do that is on Sunday---thats Gods day.

Today I also did a 3 mile leslie sansonne video.  I held 3 pound weights while I exercised.

Somewhere yesterday on the computer I read that women that lifts weights has a 30 percent less chance of getting breast cancer.  Now I think Breast cancer is one of those diseases that all women fear.  And today I started having pains in my breast not bad pains but just a mild aching pain.  I have already talked to a dr. about it and she told me ethat I was drinking to much caffeine.   And I rally was drinking a lot of coffe and tea and diet soda.  So I quit drinking anything with caffeine and sure enough the breast pains went away.  Yesterday I got a little bit of coffee and today the same pain came back.  So I am going cafeine free again.  While I was doing the walk away the pounds video I was also holding weights and I was doing arm curls, and arm lifts and bicep curls and sideways arm lifts.  I did 45 minutes of the leslie holding the weights and not just holding them but doing exercises with the weights.  I think I will start doing more exercise with weights instead of just walking. 

The weather here is really unusual the news just came on and we are experiencing unusually heavy rains to the point that they are saying that we wiill have flash floods.  I do not know if we got as much rain as they said we would get but some areas are supposed to get up to 10 inches of rain today.  That is a lot of rain for a short period of time.

The baby is better today,  he got a white teddy bear from a little girl at school.  Wasn't that sweet?

Good night everyone
God bless

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