Wednesday, September 15, 2010


calories for today-1370
pedometer steps for today-17831

I like walking first thing in the morning but the grass is so wet and my shoes get wet and I do not like walking in wet shoes.  So I usually go walking about 9 am  It is cool and the trees give me some shade from the sun.  Skin cancer runs on both sides of my family so I try to stay out of the sun and keep my head covered .  I have this really cute pink hat that I just love to wear.  It is not thick and it keeps the sun off of my head.  Now the shirt I wear is just a long sleeved striped shirt that belongs to my dh.  It is not very attractive but at least it keeps the sun off my arms. 
This morning I walked by myself dh had to go check on our other property.  I used dthe time to do some praying.  I had an odd dream this morning before I woke.  I dreamed that I was on a bus and I started talking about my testimony and people started worshipping and asking me questions about God.  Then I woke up praying and worshipping.  I love it when God wakes me up like that. 

Dh came home a little after noon and he had to go check on a elderly friend.  He had to do some work for Mr. B  just a  little bit of work like go to the pond house and feed the fish or clip back some bushes that kind of stuff.  Mr.  B is an 87 yr. old man and he is just the dearest thing so when we can help him. we do.

We went to church tonight.  The preacher preached on "Has the rooster crowed over you?"LIke with Peter how he did not repent from how he denied Christ until the rooster crowed.  

There is a woman at church that just despises me.  She snaps at me if I speak to her and no one else is around but if there is others around she speakes very sweetly.  Sounds kind of two faced, don't it?  I do not know why she does not like me,  I have never done anything to her and I speak friendly towards her.  Dh told me to quit trying to pull her out/  I had given her enough chances and if she has not changed by now she probably wont.  

My son called today and said he was coming to see us Sunday.  He said he would come early enough to go to church with us.  That would be nice, but since he is not a Christian (yet)  I think he should go to dds church because there is a lot of young people there, and the music if contemporary.  The church is a lot more spiritual too.  I think he would be a lot more at ease there because they do not dress up there. 

Sleep well
God bless

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