Monday, September 20, 2010

187.0--walking-mowing-dd and her husband-

-calories or today-1335
pedometer steps--11564

Dh and I walked early this morning,  He had an appointment to see a house that needs painting.  He and a friend went to give an estiment .  I hope he gets the job.  I know that the economy is bad and that a lot of people are hurting because of lost jobs.  I know that we are a lot better off than many, many families but still I hope and pray he gets the job. 
We went walking early before he went to to see the house .  The grass was wet, and I only walked one time.  But when we got back and he left I began mowing our front yard I was mowing with the grass catcher mainly to pick up leaves.  Let me tell you it is a lot easier to ow up those leaves than it is to rake them.. I can mow for 45 minutes and be through but it would take 3 hours to rake it plus my hip would start hurting.  I will take mowing any time.  Also I use a push mower and I get in extra exercise.  That is always a plus.

DD and her husband came today.  Grandson had a dentist appointment so they all came  and it was a pleasure to see them all.  However I wish that son in law would realize that he needs to treat dd with a little more romance.  Today is their anniversary and he is not going to do anything at all for her. 

That was my day.  nothing exciting,  but that is probably a good thing.  My old heart might not could stand a lot of excitement.    lol

Sleep well
God bless-

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