Friday, August 29, 2008

Thank you for the hill I climb

and every day that the sun didn't shine
and I thank You for the valley I walk through today

I praise His name and I thank Him for the many blessings that He sends to me.


Something that amazes me is when I am down, one of my church sisters will call me just to tell me that she was thinking of me and that she wanted to give me a verse she had read and a lot of times the verse is one that I really need right then. God is good and I am so glad that I became a Christian and I am so amazed that He wanted me to be His.

Calories for today 1450
exercise was 65 min. of mowing
calories burned off was 672

I had such a wonderful day today. I got out early and mowed and even though it is tiring work, I always feel exilerated (I know that is spelled wrong) and so tired I can barely walk and yet full of energy. ANd the best thing is the feeling of energy lasts for hours.

Then my dd called and asked dh and me to go eat an early dinner at her house. I went and was very aware of what and how much I was eating (I was very proud of me) I kept up with my calories and was able to still keep my daily total below 1500.

After dinner she and I went shopping and I found a gorgeous over shirt it is a lovely muted red with swished tiny black dots that look like black glowing dust from a fairy wand in a pattern like a wave. IT is hard to explain but as soon as I saw it I knew it would be perfect with a black silk tank top. I came home and tried it on and it is perfect. I know I have only lost a few pounds, but I have been using weights and I can tell a differance in my sides and tummy. There is a sleekness that was not there before and I am still big, but I am getting excited about buying pretty clothes.

Sleep well
God bless you

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