Thursday, August 28, 2008

He is my hightower, and my rock,

and my strength, and the lifter up of my countanance.


I did not get here yesterday because my son in law forot to pay the elctricity and even with late notices he put it off and the electric company cut their power off yesterday and so they came to sleep here. I mentioned before that my computer is in the guest room so the dd and baby went to sleep and son in law jumped on my computer. He did not even ask if I needed to get on here. Some people just do not think.

OH OH OH my dd just called me and I found out he did nothing but complain because my computer is slow and it was hot in my house, and he had to wear pants to bed. Some people just love to find fault.

Some one sent my grandson a link to a really cute song on Utube.

It is cute but make sure your children are not near because it is kinda addicting. It really is cute.

Remember me saying my pedometer broke? It was a nice one like a pouch with zipper across the top and you just clip it on and put your I D in, a little money and then you just take off. Dh and I searched all over for another like and we could not find it anywhere. I liked it so muchbetter than that were out there. So I called the company to see if I could order it from them and she (such a very sweet lady) said that they had discontinued that model. she said people had arm bands that holds a mp3 player and money etc. and that model stopped selling. I almost wept. AND THEN she said "I think I saw one around here yesterday, still in the package. She told me to wait a moment and then she came back and said "yes here it is " she took my name and address and sent it to me free of charge. Wasn't that sweet.

I saw a movie today called Iceman, starring Timothy Hutton and John Hone. Have you seen this movie? It came out in 1985 and even though it is 23 yr.s old it is still a good movie so I knew who timothy hutton is and I googled John Hone. He is an oriental.. I would never had guessed it! And he has played in several movies. I guess he looks different than he did in his neanderthal make up cause I have never recognized him.

Calories for yesterday was1460
exercise was 70 minutes of arobics and I burned off 609 calories

calories for today was 1360
exercise was 65 minutes of mowing lawn
burned off 672 calories
My new pedometer says I walked 9946 steps.

sleep well
God bless

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