Saturday, August 2, 2008

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace,
How sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost
but now I'm found,
was blind buy now I see.


Today was my youngest grandsons birthday. He is the one that I babysit. Baby was 3 yrs.old today and I remember when he was being born. DD had asked that I be in the room with her when she delivered. Her dh was in there too, but she wanted her mama. (and I wanted to be in with her.) Baby had a larger than normal head, and he got stuck in the birth canal. The contractions continued and his little skull was pressing against his brain and and I was rushed out of the room and dd was rushed to surgery. I found out later she was going into shock blood pressure started dropping and baby was in danger. They did an emergency c section, and he was a big baby. He is still in the upper percentile for his age in weight and height. He weighs close to 45 pounds and he is tall for his age. He is as big as most 4 year old children. And he is so sweet.But the best part. We worried so much that his brain had been damaged becasuie of the contractions, but he is also in the upper percentile in his learning. He knows his alphabet by sight and knows all his colors and shapes even octogon. God is good. The only thing is he coes not have a lot of finesse in his pronunciation. Instead of saying walmart he says yahmar and dollar general in dolyah genal.

My dh and I took dd and her husband and baby out to CiCi's pizza and then we went to Ross's store and i let him pick out a toy for his birthday. He picked a Thomas the train -train track and two trains . Then we went back to their house and had cake, and we brought baby back here to spend the night and go to church with us in the morning.

I kept up with all that I ate, and I went way over what I should have, but I am going to put my calories here.

calories for the day 2155
exercise was 70 minutes of arobics
and 45 minutes ironing
I burned off 788 calories during arobics
and 179 calories by ironing.
total burned off 967 calories.

I am going to have to do much better for the next few days in order to negate the extra calories.

sleep well everyone

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