Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sweeter gets the journey every day

Hello everyone

calories for today-1530

exercise-mowing for 65 minutes
burned 619 calories

pedometer steps 10182

My friend from Penn. is coming down south tonight. I have not known her for a long time, we met on the computer and sorta hit it off. Then she came down once and we met and it was like a sister I had known for ages. She is a Christian and a very loving and caring person. I am so glad we met and I know that God put her in my path for a reason. God knew I neeeded a Christian friend that I could talk to daily.

I got a wonderful phone cal last night from the lead singer of The Couriers. They will be performing near here and he invited my husband and me to go hear him and his band. They are a religious group and dh and I got to know them right after we became Christions. they are very talented, but better than that, they are Godly men annointed by God and eager to do all they can to let everyone know that they live there life trying to please the Lord by using the talents that they have been given.

Then this morning I got another phone call from a friend. She is the activity coordinator at her church and she wants me to go to her church on Sat. night to hear an Elvis impersonater. He will be giving a concert featuring Elvis's Christian songs. I am looking forward to it and I believe dh and I will have a wonderful time.

My friend will be here tomorrow night, we will "see" Elvis on Sat. night and we will hear the Couriers on Sunday. I am so looking forward to the next couple of days.

Life is Good, and getting better everyday. I think there used to be a song that said 'sweeter gets the journey every day, serving Jesus is the way, I get happy in this heavenly way cause sweeter gets the journey every day." It has been years since I heard this song so I may have some of the words wrong, but you get the idea about how I feel.

God bless
sweet dreams

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