Tuesday, July 24, 2007


13384 pedometer steps
1775 calories for Monday

exercise was

75 minutes of arobics
10 minutes of stationary bike
and playing with grandson

I had baby all day and he was a handful. We are trying to get him less clinggy to his sippy cup. He just drinks so much that he is not eating enough to get all the nutrients that he needs. So we are withholding the cup for after meals and once in between meals. Now we do let him drink he can have water or someof my unswetened tea. But he can't have so much juice.

No other news to talk about.

I enjoy it when daughter and grandson spend the night. she really is a funny person I laugh a lot when she is here. And grandson just makes my heart smile even when he is in one of his moods.

I do not like water and I know I should drink more of it but it is just so bland. And I can not afford to buy flavored water. what to do ---what to do. I do drink a lot of unsweetened tea, black tea and green tea. I hope that does the same thing as water.

I ate too much yesterday I am going to try really hard to eat less today. One thing is daughter brings a lot of snacks when she comes over. And once I start snacking then it is so hard for me to stop. Best if I never even start. But sometimes it seems that my split personality person named Pigmie takes control and from there it is a high calorie intake. I want to put Pigmie in a box and throw away the key.

God bless you all.

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