Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I was a good girl today LOL

I ate according to my diet plan and I walked down the firetrail twice which means almost 4 miles .  I am pleased but just between you and me being pleased does not make the tummy stop screaming "FEED ME, FEED MEEEEEEE "   I am a little hungry right now but I am trying to drown the voice with unsweetened tea. itsnotworking

Josie I am so happy that you and I have friended each other on facebook.  I am so careful about who I have as my friends because some people do not respect the fact that I am a Christian and they talk really vulgar.  Recently I went through my friends and deleted everyone that gossips and talks dirty or curses.  I deleted my daughter in law because she used the F word.  she apoligised so I let her come back;.    I am glad I have another friend that Loves God as much as I do.

Friday I will be taking my daughter out to lunch.  Friday is her birthday and dh and Iwant to just treat her Idon't know where we will go but dh wants her to choose chinese food;  wonder if you can get addicted to chinese food.  I think dh is addicted to it.  lol Not seriously but he wants to eat there at least 2 times a week.  His blood pressure is going to be so high it will be really hard to bring it backdown.    He has a dr. appointment in the morning and he wants me to go with him.  He just needs meds prescription renewed. 

Sleep well
God bless you all

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad we've connected on Facebook, too, Joy. I'm proud of you for standing up to people there who use bad language and gossip. Sometimes I feel like that's the only thing fb is used for, and I'm always happy to have good fb friends. I have blocked people for it, and I've lost friends after posting articles on topics like abortion and gay marriage and corrupt politicians. Sorry, but I don't write the rules people- God does!
    I wonder if your daughter will choose chinese food?! I wonder if your dh will try to do any convincing, lol. I love chinese, but the "best" place to go around here is about an hour away. It's this huge buffet, but there are a lot of healthy choices there, too. And it's so good!
