Thursday, April 28, 2011

dresses, storms-tornadoes-prayer for us

The weather was really bad this morning, but God took care of us. A church near us had a huge tree come down on it. the hospital near us had to remove people out of the out side offices into the main hospital.  Dh came home and took me and baby to a safer building.  God is good.They said that A tornadoe touched down about 3 miles from us and that is way to much for comfort.  I sure hope all of my blog friends and readers came through the storms safe.

While I was at my dds house she gave me some dresses dthat she could not wear anymore. She has a weight problem too and she hates it but is not to the point that she wants to do anything about it.  Anyway the dresses are too small for her and they look so pretty .  I am dtermined to get into them, there is one dress that is sky blue with a single braid around  all the edges neckline sleeves and bottom of dress. The braid is slightly darker and just a little shiny.  It is elegant and so pretty.  I am simply determined now to get into that dress. 

It is so easy for me to pray for each of you, the ones that struggle just as I do, the ones that fight themselves just to eat healthy and not let our flesh dictate what we are going to put into our mouths and our bodies and from there onto our hips and thighs and arms.  I pray for each of you.  BUT I find it so difficult to pray for me in that same regard.  I would love to get a prayer chain started that we could post on it and from there we would know that we would have a circle that would be praying not just about my eating but also for my son, who is such a wonderful and good man, but he is an athiest. We all have things that we need prayer with and yet we don't feel comfortable talking to our church family.

Josie I usually steam all my vegetables except just a few.  I love the taste of most vegetables and even though dh loves cheese on his veggies or loaded with seasonings, salt pepper butter,  I really like the taste of broccoli with a touch of salt, same with cauliflower, brussel sprouts, beans. Now with cabbage I like to shred that and fry it in bacon grease.  I only allow myself that treat about twice a year.

Eating moderately is getting easier.  I find that I am not craving the high calorie foods quite as much, in fast dh was going to buy baby a candy bar today and he asked me if I wanted one and I could not believe it I actually said no.
Food for today
cereal, milk, ,blueberries,cofee, plums, salad, dressing, 1/2 orange, turkey crumble, 1 low calorie whole wheat bread, 1 T. reduced fat cream cheese, 1/2 tomatoe, 1 shredded carrot, 2/8ths of a cantaloupe, squash, tuna, broccoli, okra, brussel sprouts, mushrooms.1 boiled egg white.

=====calories is 1317

exercise was running with baby and doing a video.-Leslie sansone walk away the pounds low impact.  I did her 5 mile walk today and that is a workout, some running in it back and forth, oh and while I did the moving part of her video I carried 3 pound weights to add to my workout.


Hang in there

""When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.""

-Harriet Beecher Stowe

That was my day,

Sleep well
God bless


  1. you are in my prayers! Tornados terrify me! But look at the good you did in spite of it all - I'm proud of you!

  2. Thank God you're all safe! We had a tornado about 5 miles from here the other night. You're going to have to keep us updated on progress with getting into those dresses! I am praying for you, Joy, and I'll be praying for your family, you son, especially. I would honestly rather not pray for my own problem and just ignore it and thus pretend like I don't have a problem, so I have to force myself to confess so many sins. But what a refreshing feeling to try to obey the Lord.

    It's been a long time, but I can make an endless meal out of fried cabbage and hoe cakes!

    Love that quote. Love you! God bless!
