Monday, April 4, 2011


OH well I was  glorifying the lord for He is wonderful and I do love to praise Him.  and HE is so worthy of our praise. 

The Psalms 19
1 The heavens declare the glory of God;

and the firmament showeth his handiwork.
2 Day unto day uttereth speech,

and night unto night showeth knowledge.

3 There is no speech nor language,

where their voice is not heard.

Isn't that beautiful?   I was so blessed yesterday at church.    I know tht the Lord has us in the palm of His hand and He is in control, I know that He has a path for us a path for good and not for evil.

I love the Lord

 I am so glad that with all the things that go on here in this life, we have something better to look forward to.  We have an eternity with our Father, and Jesus the one that died to redeem us.

I walked today 4 miles, and I might have eaten a bit more than I should have but I kept it in the right calorie range. Since I have been eating in the diet plan I have noticed that it does not take as much food to make me feel full.  So I might have ate more, but it still was not as much as I used to be able to eat.  Acrually I ate what Iwas supposed to and then it just did not feel like I was satisfied and I got a cup of dry cereal Ithink it was something honey nut crunch type cereal but from aldis so it was generic.  Maybe the high fiber part of it started swelling and that was what made me feel stuffed.  

Any way I posted earlier today an article from fitness (or was it shape magazine)That was interesting.  It is long but good reading.

Have a good evening everyone
God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Joy, I love that you posted a Psalm. Is there anything more comforting than the Word of God! I'm glad you got to exercise today. I didn't do mine, so I'll just pretend I was you! lol. Once I get in the swing of eating right, it's amazing to me how less it takes to get full.

    I read the article you posted, thank you. I found a lot of the stuff to be true in my situation, such as, eating cake on Monday and craving it till Thursday! I just wish everything health-related didn't have an atheistic, evolutionary bent. But we know better, don't we!

    Love ya
