Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Good Morning

The time now is 6:30 AM and I have been up since 5:00AM I heard the alarm and my dh turned it off and then he curled up beside me and we jus tlaid there for a few minutes. I hurt my knee yesterday and was so hoping it would be better this morning and I could do my exercising, but nope that did not work out that way. Also I woke with my allergies acting up and I have a sore throat because of the drainage and just feeling bad. PLUS I have been sneezing and each time I sneeze it feels like someone scraps my tonsils with sandpapaer.

ENOUGH COMPLAINING because I am so blessed,
1. I woke this morning with a healthy body and an active mind
2.I got out of bed aware of where I was and
3. I praised the Lord of my life as I began my day

The purpose of writing so early is because I had a dream. Now I am a believer in God using things -dreams and visions-anything He can to get message to His children. I am not fanatical about it, just sometimes I do think God will use a dream to tell people something that he thinks they should understand more clearly. Here is my dream

I dreamed that the world was on the edge of ending because a huge meteor was coming toward Earth and nothing couldbe done. I was not frightened at all I knew at my death I would be in the physical prescence of the Lord.Chaos was everywhere, people were looting and stealing things that did not make sense, like they were stealing big screen tvs. Now everyone would be dead in 24 hours but they were stealing tvs.

I do not know where dh or dd or her husband was but I was carrying baby everywhere. I was walking around praying for frightened people. I was telling them to no be afraid that God loved them and they needed to put their trust and hope in Him. I was speaking in tongues and praising God. I told them it did not matter how long they were saved and it did not matter the reason they got saved. What mattered was that they believe in their hearts that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for them, and that He rose again on the 3rd day.

I think that God was telling me that time is running out for a lot of people and that a lot of people were going to Hell and I need to get out there in anyway I can and let them know that there is a loving God full of forgiveness and grace. That He is faithful to forgive us when we turn our eyes to Him and accept this wonderful gift of love and hope.

I have two children that are not saved and I pray my Lord that You look at them and open their hearts to You. You are the Master and You can turn them around. I put them into Your loving hands. Trusting in You always, Father, In the name of Jesus

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