Wednesday, August 1, 2007

209.2-Wednesday-August 1

15753 pecometer steps
1405 calories for today

exercise was
45 minutes of arobics
30 minutes of walking
14 minutes of stationary bike
8 hours of playing w/ 2 yr. old baby

I had a good day and I had a most definite hooray moment. Dh bought some sugar wafers to take in his lunch and he opened the package to eat some tonight, He offered me some and I took one -yes yes just one. And I walked away.

I ate healthy, anti oxidant high foods all day.
vegetables-tomatoes, cauliflower, cucumbers, mushrooms, celery, 12 cherry tomatoes w/ a little blue cheese dressing.

fruit-papaya, plum, apple

2 servings of fiber

1 serving of meat

2 servings of protein shake

3 cups of coffee

I went to church tonight. Our pastors wife had to go get an epidural for a bad back and she really was having some problems so he stayed home with her. We had a retired minister do the service, he was alright and I know I should not find fault. BUT BUT BUT

His false teeth do not fit properly and when he talks he whistles. I simply could not get into the sermon at all because I kept waiting on the whistle. I know that is so bad of me. I feel like I cheated myself by not being able to get beyond something that I should have been able to overlook.

Baby was here today and we went to by groceries. I am really enjoying not being fearful about getting out. I still have a moment or two sometimes but for the most part I can just get in car and go. It feels like I have been released from a prison.

Anyway baby was just charming everyone He was singing "the wheels on the bus go round and round" He could not pronounce all the words correctly but he had the tune . And he would get things confused, like he would say "the wheels on the bus go beep beep beep. " He already has the deli ladies charmed and when we go in he waves and says coowie his name for cookie and they give him a free cookie, and cupcakes. But today even the customers was laughing. He was cute.

Something happened that embarrased me. I did not take enough money. I took 50 dollars but my groceries came to 51. 36 so I had to put something back. That was the first time in like 30 yrs. that I have had to do that.

Sleep well everyone

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