Monday, August 27, 2007


I am a Christian and that means that honesty is a way of life. I would have loved to put down 210 or even lower but that would not have been the truth-sigh,sob, weep.

11178 pedometer steps,
1775 calories for today

exercise was 55 minutes arobics and walking while I talked on the phone.

I am just such a weak noodle when it comes to denying myself the foods that I want.

I have not posted lately cause I have been a very busy. I kept baby all day long every day last week and baby and dd spent the night 3 times . And we had revivals all last week so I would watch baby, do laundry, straighten, cook sweep go to revivalsa, come home do a few surveys and go to bed. And then do the same thing again the next day. On the days that baby spent the night it was just to difficult to do exercise while he wanted to be held when he first wakes up.

And now let me tell you about a very unforgettable thing that happened to dh and me.

On Saturday night we went to a singing in a small country town near here. We started home about 9 pm and the moon was not quite full but it was bright and pretty up in the sky. I was looking at the moon and thanking God for the wonderful singing and I noticed that above the moon there were a few clouds that looked like a face. As I watched the face became more formed and I recognized the face of Jesus Christ. The face stayed formed about 30 to 40 seconds and then the face shifted and the clouds changed and in the same place the clouds came togeather once again and formed the same face again. I told dh that Jesus was watching us. I explained what I was looking at and he pulled the car over and he got out and he saw it too. The face stayed there abouve the moon maybe 10 more seconds and then it shifted again. And as we watched the face came togeather again and it was such a spiritual moment. If it only happened once I would have shrugged it off even twice I would have said coincidence but it happened 3 times plus dh saw it twice. I was not frightened or anything except totally praising God that He took the time to show me that I am important to Him and that He makes the clouds obey Him.

I will rejoice in His love for me and I wil worship Him because He tells me daily that I am His child.

Yesterday dh and I went to one church and watched Carla and Redemtion sing and then last night we went to another church and watched them sing again. It was an absolutely wonderful day of worship. And then today I found out that my pastor has gotten the Singing Couriers to come to our church to sing in Febuary. They are such wonderful singers and I hope that everyone there enjoys them as much as dh and I do.

Back to my weight gain/weight loss-

I struggle to not eat fattening things I wish there was a magic pill to make it all easier for me. Please do not tell me about Alli-I don't think I would like the side affects. I am going to stop obsessing about my pounds and I am going to focus more on eating healthy at least 90 percent of the time. 90 % is a good number if I don't go totally overboard on the 10% of the time that I eat slack. Right now I am craving fudge-peanut butter fudge to be exzact. so tomorrow I wil buy a container of fudge. The sad part is that I do not want a container I just want a piece of fudge but if I buy an entire container guess where all those pieces are going to end up? Yep that's right they will end up on my end and my sides and my front. All I want is ONE piece.

That is a quick catch up

God bless you all
Love you all much
Take care
Be good

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