Wednesday, October 20, 2010

184.4,baby, walk, church?, what is on tonight?

calories was about 1600 just a rough estimate, I ate healthy, vegetables and homemade applesauce, but when I went walking I took a few (8) wethers with me.  They are so good the are almost addictive.  Someone remind me not to have them in my house anymore.  Or someone slap my hand when I reach for them...... My dd bought them for dh and me and I really appreciate her doing that for us but dh has diaabeties and I just love them way more than I should .  It is almost impossible for me not to eat them when they are in the house.

I had  the baby this morning and he is sstill sick.  Still running a 103 temp, still not eating and still hurting in his legs and hips and head and this morning he started complaing about being dizzy.  DD did take him to the dr. and the dr. said it was infections in his head and sinus.  Dr. said for him to gargle with hot salt water.  I think it is time to get a new dr.  Who ever heard of a 5 year old gargling.   He will probably swallow more of that salt than he can handle and then he will just start throwing up again. 

Dh and I dicided  not to go to church tonight.  His knees are hurting and swollen and for the first time in 7 yrs.  I simply could not muster any joy in going to church.  I think that it is because of the preacher.  When you go to church and then miss for several weeks and the preacher does not even call to find out if you are sick then he is not the best pastor .  That is what happened with my mom.  I finally called him and told him that my mom was hurt that he did not even call to find out how she was.  So he called her and talked to her for all of 2 minutes and did not even pray with her.  Just said he had to go and he hung up.   My mom is old she is 84 and has had several strokes and her mind  is beginning to lose it's grip on real time.  How hard would it have been to just spend a a little while talking to her and then praying with her.....  She has been going to that church for 30 some years.   

I wonder what is on tv tonight.   I have gotten to the point that I will not look at shows with profanity or sexual innuindos.   That means that there is very little on tv that I will watch.  Most of the time dh and I watch shows using the analog box.  There is a channel called This and it shows older shows and that is what we watch.  IT is clean and I am comfortable with the baby being in here with me when I watch tv.  I wish there was more clean family type shows to watch.  

Have a good night everyone
God bless

1 comment:

  1. hello, and thanks for commenting on my blog! congrats on your weight loss! i know what you mean about tv. there is virtually nothing to watch that isn't riddled with bad language and scenes.
    "Come out from among them and be ye separate!" i've always loved that verse because it reminds me of what we have to separate ourselves from in the world.
