Monday, December 27, 2010

It sure is hard to get back into the swing of things

I think it would be easier to do it if I could exercise.  My dh was in and out all day the baby needed a lot of attention so my exercise took 2nd place.  The baby will be gone next week and then I can get back into planning out my days and actually keeping my plans. 

I found out a few years ago that when i exercise early it seems to moderate my appetite.  Maybe it is all in my head, maybe it is a cheap psychology trick but if it works I am really willing to exercise each day early.  Also on Dr. oz this morning he said that oolong tea and any dried beans and ice water, each of these things are metabolism boosters.  So I am willing to do just about any thing to help me. 

Someone sent me a pile of things that I can do to encourage my body to handle food like an average persons body would handle it.  I have saved this and I will try to remember to c and p sometime tomorrow I would just open a new browser and do it from there but this computer is so old that I may not get that done for a good ten minutes.  Some of the things that were listed were different vitamins and that actually makes a bit of sense.  If you need a certain vitamin and you don't get it maybe your brain will cause you to want to keep eating until you get that vitamin or mineral or whatever.

I ate too much today and I am so disappointed in myself and some of that was actually because I could not exercise today.  So I wanted to eat in disappointment.    And I am so ready to get my house back the way it was pre-Christmas.  In other words I want my tree down and I am so ready to get the babys tree down =it is not but a foot high but it has a lot of miniature ornaments on it and he put it togeather himself.  with little cars and little people and houses and signs and animals.  His tree has been up since Thanksgiving day. 

He is only 5 yrs. old and the time is coming a few years from now that he is not going to want to come to grandmas house I refuse to let my disappointment interfere with my enjoyment of his time here with me. 

I love children and I really want to be a foster parent.  I know that when I complete all the requirements that I will not be able to exercise then either.  So I really need to figure out some other way to get what I need withpeople in the house. 

Time for baby to go to bed and he will not settle down with me here typing in the room where his bed is. 

Sleep well everyone
God bless

1 comment:

  1. bless your sweet heart, Joy! i look forward to seeing what those tricks are if you can ever get them posted. i have always found that exercising moderates my appetite, too! and i've heard a lot of people say that the more they exercise the hungrier they get. i have never really exercised hardcore, though, and never enough to ever make me hungrier.
    i am stressing right now about getting down the Christmas decorations. it depresses me to see them go down, and i hate the work!
    your little grandson will always have you in his heart, whether in the future he comes to see you as often or not. don't let thoughts like that undermine your role in his life.

    love you and praying for you. please pray for me!
