Friday, August 24, 2012

One month later

This month went quickly,


I have lost 8.2 pounds, I love my digital scales,  it shows to the ounce if I have lost or gained, I have to be careful with that because I think I could let it begin to have control over me and my emotions.

I was given the pill  adipex and I was told to break it in half for a few days, well I continued to half it.  I was really afraid that I would begin to depend on it.

Anyway I have lost weight but I really had to make a few changes.  I know that dr. thought I was fudgeing on how I ate and all that I did but I really was not.  But if I were a dr. looking at someone gaining weight maybe I would feel that way too.  Maybe she has had other patients that did that and she just jumped to that conclusion.

In any event -she does not realize that as a Christian, born again God loving and devoted to my Lord I would not lie to her and would not decieve.   She does not realize that I have a covenant with God and if I do anything to break that covenant I will hurt my Heavenly Father.

So I figured I had to determine soemthing, different to do.  I took the pill and contiued on with what I was doing for over a week and sow no change.  I used MY FITNESS PAL and according to their chart I should have lost a little over a pound, nope did not.

So I began doing more.  Time is not something that I can manufacture when I need more of it, and with all that is on my plate right now I did not have more time to give to more exercise.  So I began running.  Not the bone jarring, all out, breast bumping me in the chin run but faster than a fast walk, but slow enough that my joints would not take a beating.
I found out that I absolutely love the high that comes from running.  I walk a 2 mile round trip and most days I walkit later in the evening, when I have the time I would walk another mile to make it my 5.  At first I could barely run 100 steps and now well yesterday I can run 1/2 mile then I walk fast for  around 100 steps and then run another 1/2 mile.  By that time I have to walk a little more but still I try to run more than I walk and now that my legs are a bit stronger and I have better stamina I don't even stop I immediately start again on another round trip.

Since MY FITNESS PAL keeps up with fat and protein and carbs, I began lowering my carbs -not a lot but I try to keep the number 75 or less;.  So when I began doing these two things the weight started coming off slowly.  I am happy. 

Yesterday dh and I got our puppy. DH is totally in love with this tiny dog, now I can not spell chiwawa I have to look it up everytime but I'm sure you know what I am trying (and failing) to spell.
Daughter calls him Butter Bean, dh calls him BB and I call him lil B,  He is doing reat with his training. has not wet the floor at all and he wimpers when he needs to be put on the pad, or go outside.   But he does not like to be left alone, and I don't know how that will work when all of us has to be gone.    We may need to get him a little stuffed animal to cuddle with when we have to leave him.

God bless,
Have a great day.


  1. All great news, Joy! So glad to get an update from you. Congrats on 8 pounds down! How frequently do you weigh? I love how you made a way to do more, with the same amount of time. I'm not a runner, but I really like sprinting, which kinda sounds similar to what you are doing. I sprint as fast as I can for a short amount of time (like half a lap), then finish the lap walking. "They say" that's better for weight loss.

    Just remember: chi - hua - hua. :) mine are crazy. one is actually really crazy. we think maybe he wasn't weaned properly, and he does really nutty things, but it can be funny sometimes. the other one is half chi and half rat terrier. they bark a lot, but they love their masters and will sit on you 24-7 if you allow. Please keep giving us updates on BB! Love ya, and God bless.

  2. ps: in the beginning my first chi hated to be left alone and would tear up anything in site while everyone was gone (like a newspaper, into a billion pieces). i think slowly they get over that; they get to where they can tell you are leaving, and it's just natural. My chis both love riding around about as much as they love going outside. When you come back, even if you've been gone 10 minutes, they are as excited as if you've been gone a year!

  3. Wahoo, you! :D Great news all rouind.


  4. Hey, Joy. I've changed my blog's URL. You'll have to UNfollow and, then, REfollow if you want to keep following. :} sorry about the inconvenience.

    New URL:


  5. :D Thanks for taking the time and trouble to follow me! :D

    If you don't get my posts, tho, just come over to my blog (click on my name above) and look over on my sidebar for the "FOLLOWERS" GADGET. Just click on the "follow" button as tho you've never followed me before and follow the prompts as you usually do to follow someone. That'll do it. :)

    Praying for you and yours. Please continue to pray for Kenna. The problem still exists. She told me about another victimization last week. No one will believe her--or me. Pray that the truth will come out and not be denied--and she be safe.

