Friday, July 29, 2011

My Week

and what a week

I had grandson everyday from Sunday to yesterday. He does take a good deal of my time and thoughts.

And then the drama started again at my Moms house-brother told her that he comes up here 2 and 3 times a week and I tell you I have not seen him since right around Christmas.   What was he trying to do .  Just to tell such a lie to her is beyand belief and it hit me wrong and I called her and told her that he lied to her, Isaid he seves his master and that she should not belief anything that comes out of his mouth.  He came in to her house while I was talking and got mad cause I had said that and he jumped in his car (drunk of course)and headed this way.  I am so tired of him just saying things to cause problems.  Mom is not easy to get along with but she is 85 and that is her house that he stays in,.  and he pays absolutely nothing to stay there.  Does not even buy the food he eats.  The only reason he said that was just to stir up problems.  Remember he told her that I had put his and her names all over the computer and had her upset .  I kept telling her I did not do it. but he was standing beside her telling her how I did it.  He told her that I don't visit there and it was her fault becasue he and I hav e a good relationship.  WHAT A LIAR----I am tired of the drama, and the lies and the way he tries to keep everything stirred up all the time .

I have stayed withing reason on my diet and have dropped about 1 and 1/2 pounds.  I have not exercised any this week, I have b een having some allergy problems andit has sapped my energy. But today I felt better, (still did not exercise :) and tomorrow I go back to work.  I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to going tomorrow. 

We've got the power in the name of Jesus
We've got the power in the name of the Lord
Though Satan rages, we cannot be defeated
We've got the power in the name of the Lord

God bless

Sunday, July 24, 2011

work, tired, God does answer prayer

ok answers prayer first

In order to  get job, I needed to have a printed copy of my ssi card and my driver liscence. I found my drivers liscence but could not find my ssi card.  I searched and searched and just could not find it.  Which is strange because I keep the important cards togeather in a special, plastic, small card holder tht fits easilly in my card purse inside my wallet.  So I could not understand why it was not there.  I looked for it on Fri could not find it so I called the ssi office to see about a replacement and found out that it could take up to 10 days to get it back-I needed it on Sat.   I began praying about it and I got the idea to go look my winter pocket book, I got it out and looked in all the pockets and zippered compartments and I found it.   I am still confused how it got moved because i have not even looked at it in months -like I said it was in a small folder that is in a special place in my wallet.  I am just happy that God directed me to it;.

I worked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I really worked hard and it was an all day job, got there and began working at 6 am and finished at 4:45 pm, with 1/2 hour for lunch.    One beach house was a 3 story and I was up and down those stairs I think 6 times .  On the first time I went up quickly and kept thinking "imagine all the calories I am burning", on the last time I was thinking, "I wonder how many bones I will break if I fall" My leg muscles were so hurting and I could barely put my foot on the next step up.  BUT I DID IT.  I truly loved the other people that worked with us.  Everyone was friendly and funny and it is always nice to work with people that you have osmething in common with.  We all go to the same church and that meant that none of us used bad language. Than made a nice work atmosphere.

I was very tired when I got home and still a bit tired now.  I am glad that no matter how I ate, good or bad (and lately it has been more bad than good) I always kept up my exercise because I think that my exercise made the work I was doing a lot easier.  My muscles might not have been totally prepared for the work I did but I think the exercises made it a lot better than it could have been.

The Psalms

A Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem
A Song of degrees of David.
1 I was glad when they said unto me,
Let us go into the house of the LORD.
2 Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem.
3 Jerusalem is builded as a city that is compact together:
4 whither the tribes go up, the tribes of the LORD,
unto the testimony of Israel,
to give thanks unto the name of the LORD.
5 For there are set thrones of judgment,
the thrones of the house of David.
6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
they shall prosper that love thee.
7 Peace be within thy walls,
and prosperity within thy palaces.
8 For my brethren and companions' sakes,
I will now say, Peace be within thee.
9 Because of the house of the LORD our God
I will seek thy good.

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Sunday.
God bless

Thursday, July 21, 2011

UPDATE (like my life is so exciting that everyone needs to be updated)


I have had Ry guy since Sunday and he has been at his most needy.  ????  I quess it is just a phase but he likes to keep me in seeing distance.  Perhaps he heard dd and I talking about him going back to school and some children do not handle change well.    Maybe he knows that he will not be coming here as much.  He has recently been asking a lot of questions about death and maybe that is it.  But anyway I am being patient with his clinging and with his questions.  He keeps saying he does not want me to die.  I am sure that death is scary to him, but I keep telling him about heaven and it's beauty and how we will all live togeather.  And I reassure him that I am healthy and I do not think that I will die anytime soon. 

While baby plays in the pool I have been working in the yard.  I have gotten a lot done-weeding my garden, which is close to pool=and cleaning up the car port also close to the pool.  It has been so hot here that one day I just jumped in the pool with him with all my clothes on. 

I am thankful everyday for our AC and I have such compassion for those that do not have it.  I don't think that it got this hot when I was a child, or maybe living with ac has spoiled us??????

I love not craving foods when I am on low carb but I want my veggies so I decided this morning to just count calories for a while.  I know that I am so wishy washy but I have cucumbers and blueberries and squash and corn that is so yummy, and someone gave us a little over a bushel of fresh red skinned potaoes and they are screaming at me to eat them lol.  tomatoes are coming off by the basket fulls.  My okra is producing like crazy and my neighbor said they have all they want in their garden and so I can have whatever is left.  Cheap food, nutritious and so I am going to walk this way for a while.

I am going to start working one day a week for a cleaning company.  We will be working cleaning condos at the beach, or at least I am goiing to try it.    Who knows maybe cleaning someone elses house is different from cleaning my own house.____________________________________








I hope everyone is doing well
May God bless each of you

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Charlotte (Chargaile)

Sometime ago you posted about the tests that your husband had to have done, and I began praying for him and for you.  I read your post this morning and I wanted to let you know that I am still praying and will continue to hold him and you and the rest of your family in my prayers.  

I have been unable to reply  on your blog and I hope that you see this. 

God bless you and give you strength now and in the days ahead.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I am so upset with son in law that I could scream

baby will be 6 next month-he is advanced for his age and is reading the game guides for video games and playing some  games for older children.  -final fantasy series, dragon quest series, lunar, lufia, etc.  He has been playing Chrono trigger and he had beaten several of the main bosses. 

His daddy called yesterday evening and baby was telling him about beating the head boss and his daddy  told him to stop talking about those stupid games.  He was almost crying and he came running to me (we do not use the word stupid here) and said "daddy said the stupid word, grand ma"  I was stunned he would say such a thing to a child.  I said I don't think he meant to say it. Then his daddy started yelling and I could hear him yelling all the way across the room.

I realize some people are not into playing video games, but it does help with his reading, and his eye hand coordination.  And you have to think about what to do next.  Used the right way it is a great learning tool.

I don't care for any sports, none,  My son in law loves all sports everything except golf. I feel it is a waste of money and that money would be better spent on academics.  These sports stars are paid too much money and they are terrible role models for our young people. .   That   is  just my opinion and we are all entitled to have our opinion.  The child had a hard time going to sleep again last night and he was clinging to me even in his sleep.  And started first thing this morning about not wanting to go home. 

Nothing I can do.  nothing at all.

So for him I gave him this day.  I told him he could eat what he wanted because this is his day
he could wear what he wanted,  etc.  He is loving it.

please hold this chld in your hands protect him Father from those that do not understand how fragile a childs feelings are, how eaasily hurt they can be in their emotions.  Lord I know that calling a child names can follow that child even into adulthood.  put a fence around him and let him feel your loving prescence.   In the name of Jesus Amen

4. Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord
Ephesians  6:4

God bless

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

my wonderful day

I know it is just 10:30 and the most past of the day is still ahead of me but so far it has been great.

Grandbaby was hard to settle down last night and finally he slid over across the bed and snuggled up to me and quickly went to sleep,.  I just lay there holding him trying to imagine the days ahead when he will grow up and those moments will not occur any more.  He is hot natured and lying close to him will quickly be uncomfortable but I held him and cherished those moments.  I finally drifted off and some time later he moved away from me.   

I prepared his breakfast, nothing but dry cereal today, and some juice , and then some doritoes-(he wanted doritoes for his breakfast dessert)  He already knows what he wants for lunch-some talapia cooked in butter just salt no pepper, and since I insist he eats vegetables, green beans and black eyed peas. 

We need to do some of "play school" and he loves going to a site of the computer called  It is wonderful for prekindergaten children up to I think grade 2.  He loves it,  there is a free part to it and then you can up grade to more things for 10.00 a month.  My daughter bought him a subscription to it and he really enjoys it.

Finished my exercises and now am going to start laundry. 

Such an exciting life.

I know thast God loves us much more than I love the baby.  How very special we must be to Him.




God bless each of you

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Good morning

I found the book I mentioned yesterday and I think it is the same one that Deb mentioned , BREAKING FREE FROM COMPULSIVE EATING BY GENEEN ROTH.  I have been reading it off and on since found it.

I found the place that gave a few guidelines about getting more in contol of your eating.  This is on page 44 of the paperback edition

1. eat in full view of your friends partner, parents, children, colleagues
2. eat when you are sitting down
3. eat without distracions-radio,tv, newspapers, books or loud music.
4. wen you eat, do so in as lovely and as nourishing an enfironment as you can create.
5. when you eat, avoid emotional conversation.

Yesterday I began doing these 5 things or trying to anyway.  It is difficult to eat without distractions when you have a child in the house BUT I can do the best I can with what I have.

Since the m &m incident I have been eating low carb, or maybe I should call this less carb-it is less than 100 and I am trying to keep it around 60 to 70 carbs and I already can tell that I don't feel so appetitidly stressed, (I couldn't think of the right word to use LOL)  I don't feel so pushed to go get something/anything to eat.  I am also eating low calorie.  never say never, never give up, never quit.

I changed my table.  It is still not to the point that I want it but dh has to go through his papers and things on the fqr end of the table and then it will be more attractive.  I have red placemats at two place and two red and white place mats at the other two places.  They are not alike but they compliment each other  and it is very pleasing to look at.   I want to figure out a pleasant centerpiece to put out. 
I do have things that I can put out, especially things for the fall and Christmas seasons.  Just never got around to getting anything for spring/summer times and special occasions.
My dh is doing this too.  No more mindless snacking in front of the computer or tv.    I eat pretty healthy-I have bad snacking habitsw.  I think if I break those habits I will be better able to lose weight, be healthier,  and be a better role model to my family.

Today I have to clean my baby pool for grandbaby, iron, do laundry, sweep and vacumn, and I have not exercised in 3 days and this is just not like me at all.  I enjoy exercising.   but my time just kept being filled up with other things at the last minute, at the time I was going to esxercise yesterday someone came and so today I am going to exercise early and that way if something comes up to knock me out of doing it I will still have all day long to work it in.

Heat index  here is supposed to be over 100--that is going to be miserable for everyone that is working outside. 





Have a good day everyone
God bless

Monday, July 11, 2011

The journey of a lifetime

Did that title get your attention????

I was sitting here, drinking my coffee, and dd spent the night last night with the grandbaby.  She will stay here with us for a few nights then she will go to her house for a few nights.  SO  I have baby here with me from Sunday evening/night until Thursday late evening.  I have dd dwith me from Sunday eve./night to Tues Morning.  I am so fortunate to have child in the house 3/4ths of the time and my dd I have about 1/2 of the time.

But back to drinking my coffee,  I had a book here at one time about compulsive eating and I have misplaced it.  I am a clutter bug and I have no problem with being a clutter bug except when I want to find something, then I know I have it but just can't seem to put my hands on it. 

But in reading Debs latest blog post, or was it reading somewhere else? (do I have a clutter bug mind too?) anyway something about sitting at the table to eat, having set times to eat, controlling what you can controll and changing what you can change now.  So I remember reading something similar to this a while back about eating from a smaller bowl, plate, allowing yourself to get 2nds if you feel you need it .  I think it said most of the time you will be satisfied with what is on a smaller plate, but if you get a larger plate and fill it up you will eat as much as you can off of the larger plate.  It did not say control yourself as for eating is concerned.  Just control where you eat and how the food is presented to you.

I am so very lackadaisical and laid back about so many things.  If it is not important in the long run I refuse to stress about it.  My kitchen and den is togeather.  and my table is a catch all for everything,  toys and baby's snacks, and mail and well you get the picture.  Dh and I seldom use the table to actually sit down and eat.  lol We eat whereever we want to.  Most of the time I am in fromt of the computer and he is in front of the tv.

The table will be cleaned off and my pretty place mats will be put down and we will use the table for what it was intended for-(and no my sweet husband it was not intended to hold your tools when you come in with the hammer in your hand it may be convenient to put it on the table but I'm just saying time for a change.o_o).  The book or whatever I was reading said part of eating is the aesthetics part of it.  Not only do we need to satisy our oral sensations we also need to please ourselves visually. So I will try this-I have tried so many other things that this does not seem like a stretch at all.

Anybody try the cabbage diet? grapefruit diet? etc. 

This is something that actually makes some sense. 

Any comments or thoughts ?????

The following from a book called "MY PERSONAL DAILY PRAYER BOOK" and todays prayer just seems appropriate


and then at the bottom of the page

"spanish proverb"

I vow to try to make wise choises, help me Lord to do the best thing in all circumstances.

stay safe everyone
God bless

Sunday, July 10, 2011

binge eating??????????????????????

I have been reading blogs off and on -just random blogs-about being overweight -blogs that talk about how and what and when -all blogs about eating and dieting and starving, and over indulging.  And with all of the reading I was doing I never once thought that I was a binge eater.  (kinda like I was binging on reading about eating-and binging) 

My idea of binging was a really out of control person that was eating uncontrollably, food in both hands, hoping no one knew,  wild hair and housecoat on and never opening the door because you were too busy eating.   always like that-----I have a confession to make-I looked up the word binging and low and behold I am a binge eater, and I do get dressed and I do open the door and my hair is 99% of the time neat.

Yesterday I asked dh to get me a pack of peanut butter m &ms.  I love them and I know there is nothing wrong with eating them but he came back  with a large party size bag of them.  I ate them until I felt sick.  Not that much in the whole bag deal,  dh had some too, I don't know how much he had.  I poured some in a small party size cup.  You know the kind that is clear and plastic and holds about 8 ounces of liquid (I know it holds that much cause I just went and measured it) I poured it about 3/4ths full and ate them all one at the time. Then I went back and got it about 1/2 full.  That was enough to make  my tummy hurt and and I felt like I was weak and tired.  Too much sugar---I had a sugar overload.  And I knew that too much sugar would make me feel that way but I did it anyway. Out of control eating??? I think so!

That is not the only thing I eat like that -at one time or another I have eaten all sorts of food at one sitting untill I felt sick.   I have eaten ----oh well I won't go into detail but as I sit here typing I am thinking of the times that I would eat peanut butter with honey or bananas with honey and that woulds ok but really 5 or 6 of them?

So now that I have the information --now that I have another label/name to add to my list of other labels and name that I call myself-what am I going to do with this new information????  I will read some more, I will try to find out what when where I can do to help me.   I have always felt that you can not make wise choices if you do not have all the information..

I wish I could stop saying "I hate my life"

Well maybe I don't hate my life- maybe I hate the feeling of being emotionally crippled.  But wait-I love my husband and I love my children/grandchildren, and I love my God and I love going to church, and I love my friends, and I love holding hands and seeing my garden produce because I got out and planted, and weeded and and wartered it.  And I love the fresh tomatoes and cucumbers and okra thast is coming off and I LOVE MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!  So there it is---I have a minor flaw,  but I can work on fixing it, IT IS NOT HOPELESS.

It is 7:30 am Sunday morning and i am going to church.  The information  absorbing will have to wait. After church this morning, dh and I have been invited to a singing that starts at 2:30  after that dd is bringing grandson over to me for the week.  

He has been playing Final fantasy 7 the playstation1 that my kids left behind.   That is really helping his reading.  He prononces correctlu and comprehends on a 3 or 4th grade level.  We spend at least an hour 4 days a week doing math and reading and writing, and last week I started doing some subtraction and he caught on to that quickly.  We also started doing some simple science projects and he gets excited about seeing things like the vinegar and baking soda.   I am glad he thinks of learning like a game.

Have a wonderful day everyone
God bless

Saturday, July 9, 2011


I have not posted lately becasuse I have noting to post.  I have gotten out of bed determined each day that I would get some kind of control overmy eating.  And every day I have failed miserably.  My body is not my own it is the temple of the Lord and as such I feel that my eating should show honor to the Lord that I worship.

I can not seem to get the appetite under control....................
I feel strongly that with me, some of the eating is a matter of habit. 

I took a small break from typing and talked with dh about my thoughts.  Strong silent type that he is, he had no suggestions, just a quick quirk of his eyebrows, and a nod of his head, and a grunt. Then wise man that he is said "sounds to me like best thing is not to put it on if you don't want to take it off."  lol    He is so funny sometimes. 

But he needs to take off a few pounds too and he is so willing to go along with me on most thingts.   So we are going to go it togeather.  My way is not working or maybe I don't give it enough time to work-maybe I want instant success.    

Ok diet number  I lost count maybe 2333 . 

Heavenly Father
I am your vessel, but I am a vessel with flaws. Thank you God for loving me with all of my flaws and weaknesses-and thank you because "greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world."  I leave it in your hands --

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." JERAMIAH 29;11


I will look to the Lord for direction in all things,  If it causes me problems then I can ask Him for quidance.  "The Lord is my Shepherd"

Have a wonderful day
God bless

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Grandbaby, dd, diet, exercise

Grandbaby is here and so is dd, The air conditioner is broken in their home and so they are here.  and have been since Sunday morning.   I love having them here and I have asked son in law to come to but he won't do it. 

yesterday I ate low carb and low calorie, I ate around 80 grams of carbs and about 1500 calories.  Plus I did a 5 mile Leslie video, and I used 3 pound weights in each hand.  I feel good and I am going to try to go a little more on the low carb veggies today.  I have noticed that the veggies I love the most are lower in carbs AND calories.  Dh bought some brussel sprouts for me yesterday- His way of saying he was sorry for the argument we had over the weekend. He is such a strong silent type and while he says he is sorry,  he wants to buy me something to. He used to buy me chocolates, now he buys a bag of my favorite veggies. LOL   He brought in the bag and took the bag of brussel sprouts out and sounding like a bashful boy said "I bought this for you"  I love brussel sprouts and I think I will do them like Josie likes them but instead of using butter I thinkI will use butter flavor pan spray.  and pan fry them.  I need to look up the carbs and see how many I can eat without going too far over my set limits.

 I am glad grandson is not a big sweets eater.  He love cheese sticks, and devilled eggs, and trix cereal and mini wheats for snacks.  That keeps me from seeing and wanting the candy or cookies that most children want. 

I don't know when grandson and dd will go home.  Not only is her air not working but the house needs to be funigated.   She saw one of the huge roaches in her house and that is one thing she can not stand.  She is afraid of them.    So if it is sprayed they all need to stay out of the house at least several hours. 
This is the way I feel, I will always be their mother and my heart, my lap and my house will always be available to them if they need me.  Just as God is always there for His children.

Matthew 7:9-11

King James Version (KJV)

9Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?
10Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
11If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?

Have a great day, be safe
God bless

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

New day, new outlook, new plans,

Never say quit, never give up or give in,  I will not allow what I consume to consume me. 

I have to eat (for the most part)low carb because of the hives.  They are so uncomfortable that I am not tempted to indulge in the breads and/or anything that has grains on or in it.    I eat too much, when I am not watching what I eat being as careful as a warden in a prison, then I over eat.    I hate knowing that if I indulge in the short term I will pay for it in the long term.   I hate knowing and admitting that food or anything of this world has such a control over me.

 I think for me since I eat fairly low carb all the time, in order for me to get a grip on my eating I need to count calories.    I have to be able to say to myself , there is the number and after that number you are done for the day.  When this stops working I will shake it up and go a different route.  But wheather we go this route or that route, our destination is the same-healthy body, weight loss, energy to keep up with what we have to do each day, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, less chance of heart attack, less chance of stroke, less chance of, or lower diabetes, less chance of altzimers,less chance of obesity related cancers.  And being able to fit in that pretty blue dress that my dd gave me.  (just 10 pounds should get me in it) So short term goal is 10 pounds. 

Thank you Deb and Josie for your loving response to my last post.  I really needed to hear what you said, I prayed a lot and asked The Lord to guide me and help me in ALL areas.  I love you both and I am so grateful that I "met" you and that you are my sisters in the Lord.  I value your prayers and wisdom.


The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the
paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the
shadow of death; I will fear no evil: for thou
art with me; thy rod and thy staff they
comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the
presence of mine enemies: thou anointest
my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all
the days of my life; and I will dwell in the
house of the Lord for ever.

Have a wonderful and safe day
God bless

Monday, July 4, 2011

Bare Naked part two

Taking the covers off and really taking a good look at me

What do I see when I look at me.  I know that as an adult survivor of childhood abuse, my percpetions are a little skewerd (is that a real word?) I see the world in a lot of totally black or totally white.  Example from my perspective only =I do not think that everyone should look at the world the way I do-I expect everyone to give me that same right. I do not think that people that do bad things can be called good people.  My sister tells me all the time that Person A is a good person. I tell her he is not good if he tells dirty jokes, or runs around on his wife.  Good people don't do that. 

Sometimes I look at myself, not the outer me but the inner me ,and I see someone that has been taken apart and a childs hand has tried to put the peices where they belong.  Ry used to have a book that the pictures of people were cut at the neck and at the middle and at the knees.  You could put a womans head on a mans body or have purple shirt polka dotted mens pants and high heeled shoes.   I am glad he did not enjoy playing with it cause it seemed a little odd to want to do such a thing.  And yet I feel that way like something is not quite right with me.

I seem to be constantly trying to get my mind to line up. 

Why does it seem like I am all or nothing?  Either I am dieting, to stay healthy, lose weight , have energy or I am trying to eat everything in the house wheather it is good or bad.    What triggers me to be the bull in the china shop -not caring if I damage the fragile china (the fragile china is me  :} 

OK enough

I woke this morning back in the right mode-plans are made go get groceries and I will get what I need to sustain a healthy diet.
I started on diet  number 2377 today.  I have done this so much I could be called an expert on dieting-I know what should be done, I know what needs to be done,  I don't know how to make myself continue the plan day after day after day after day---etc. And I don't know how to get right back up, and I don't know how to forgive myself when I fail and I don't know how to stop putting my self down for failing. 

Why can't I say "oops" and keep on trucking. 

But right now this minute

I prepared a low carb (and low calorie, although I did not plan it that way)

two egg whites and one whole egg
stir fried veggies (okra, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, shredded cheese)
in other words a veggie omelet- although I prepared the veggies like a stir fry becasue I wanted to put just a little soy sauce on my veggies,  I should have looked it up first just to see if soy sauce is allowed I didn't and now it is too late becasue I ate it and I really enjoyed it.


10When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.
11Teach me thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.
12Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty.
13I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.
14Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Bare naked for all the world to see

So I have no idea exactly what I will uncover.  But I do know that I can not change what I am doing unless I uncover what I have been doing.  I don't think I can change it unless I admit that I am daily getting worse and worse with my food choices. 

Moose tracks
chocolate syrup
potatoe chips
etc.\\\\\I really can not remember it all but the past 4 days has been terrible.  If I was drinking I would call it a 72 hour drunk. 

I am going to change, I am going to make it different.    I am going to work on this,  I do not like the sluggish way I feel.  I love having energy. 

I know that I can eat unprocessed and I know that I will feel better and I will lose weight and I know that with me setting the example my dh will also eat better.  Or at least he will eat better at home. 

My dd wants to join us in our eating plan.   so with that in mind  Anyone that can give me advice please do it,  I will be grateful to any and all that is willing to give me pointers.  I will take advice tips and hints.  After all I am not doing too well on my own am I?  I have always felt that if what you are doing is not working, then do something different. You will eventually hit on what works for you.

I will be eating as unprocessed as possible.

Everyone please write down and let me know what you are eating.  You might have thought of a different food that I have, you could give me ideas.  I value your help. 

Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully. 1 Peter 5:7 (AMP)

God bless