Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just talked to my surgeons office---

I have been released to begin weight lifting again. I have not lifted any weights since before November. The nurse told me to start lifting just as if i had never lifted before, beginning with 2 pound hand weights and only 5 to 10 minutes a day. Then increasing time each week for a month and then increasing weights and slowly adding time.

I am happy to be adding that to my exercise. I am doing arobics or walking every day and I am up to 55 minutes each day.

We went to a preaching this week about having passion in your life. Passion for God was what he was talking about and being a Christion I see that we must have the pasision and zeal for for our walk with God. god is good to us all and I am so happy to be His.

BUT I also think we should have passion for things that give our days interest and joy.

I am passionate about exercise, it is so essential to our well being. Tthink about all the positive things that exercise does for us. Lowers cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, lowers the need for diabetic drugs, increases brain activity, decreases arthritus pain, builds bone strength, some doctors say exercise decreases althimers. (sp) It build muscles, lowers heart attackj and stroke risks.

I am passionate about my kids, and grandkids. "How do I love them-let me count the ways" I know that I could probably write for several paragraphs, but I won't.

I am passionate about reading, doing plastiv canvas, painting miniature ceramic houses, and playing my gameboy ds.

That is only a few things that I am passionate about. I heard someone say one time they did not have anything in their lifes to even get out of bed for.

I was so saddened about that. I know that the things I enjoy is not very emportant when you look at the grand scheme of things but it does bring me joy.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

ups and downs and some inbetweens

Yesterday was valentines day, grandbaby came in the evening and spent the night. Nothing like sharing a bed wih on huge teddybear, one huge lamb, one huge rabbit and one small rabbit named hoppy, and one whirly gig. I removed the whirly gig, rolling on a stuffed animal feels totally different than rolling on a whirly gig.

Hubby has not worked but 3 days in over 4 weeks and money is tight, but he came and hugged me and kissed me and held my hand and pressed a 20 dollar bill in it. I told him no we needed it for bills but he insisted and I said I would give him half of it back and we would both get something. So tomorrow we are going to big city near here and going to a discount clothing place. They have nice -really nice almost perfect name brand clothes for less than 10 dollars.

Grandbaby is not feeling good -he can't seem to go potty easy. Nothing I have tried has worked. I called dd and told her that he cries and one time there was streaks of blood. I think she and son in law feed him entirely too much fast food. But they don't seem to think I know what I am talking about. Everyone pray and please give me some advice.

Yesterday -4 years ago I became a Christian. Not just a Christian but I had been an athiest. God did not care what I believed cause when he called my name I opened the door and let Him in. The last 4 years has been the most wonderful in my entire life. I would not go back for anything in the world.

Have a blessed day everyon

Friday, February 6, 2009

have not been able to lift, or sweep or a few other things since the operation. It has been 2 months since the operation and this week I thought sure I would be ok to move stuff. I really wanted a tree up for Christmas so when Christmas was over I just stuck everything in a corner and this week I started going through it and bending and making neat. Now I am weak and tired just like I felt a month ago.

My gyn/surgeon told me that this operation is so different than -like an appendectomy, he said it takes a really long time to over it. A lady I go to church with said up to 6 months, but I felt so good and had started walking and was eating good, and had energy. The church friend told me -she said you will have two or three good days and then a day bad. did I listen no, and now I feel so run down, like all I want to do is go sit and not move.

Dd is coming over today so she and I can go through some of her stuff from her first mariage and get rid of it. (First husband was a crackhead and sold nearly everything they had to buy drugs. Dh and I helped her out and gave her money to divorce the no good man. but that is an entirely different thread) It is time to get rid of the stuff she does not want instead of keeping it in my house. She does not need to hold onto memories from him.

I know that there were some good times before he started letting crack rule his life, but she has remarried and has a baby by 2nd husband.I know that I probably sound harsh. But when we found out that he had a problem he wanted to get straight we opened up our house and helped him get a job and did not charge to let them live here and he stole my car after 2 months of being clean.

True I got it back but that just turned me dd and dh against him. He came back and 2 weeks later he left and a yr later dd divorced him. About 3 months later he remarried. He married a woman in her 30's that lived alone and had an establised household. About 6 months after that his new wife sent word to dd that new wife knew why dd divorced him. New wife left crack head. There was no money left in her bank account, he had forged her name to get it. And he was selling her stuff to get money.

I think I will just get a chair and sit in there with dd and let her do all the work. Because the work really really needs to be done, I want that storage room for a spare bedroom and right now it is filled up with junk from her and us and I have a few boxes still packed up from our move 8 years ago.

Obviously I can get rid of the stuff if I have not needed it in 8 yrs.

Did you read this rambling post?

Would you believe that I think in just this rambling way?

Have a good day everyone