I got these in my e mail the other day. It seems like it might work.
1. Drink orange juice with added calcium. If you start the day with orange juice, don't miss the chance to get calcium, too. This superstar mineral fends off PMS, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis. And the latest? It might even help you lose weight! Most calcium-fortified orange and grapefruit juices have as much calcium as milk — or more!
2. Take a multi. One little pill, such big benefits! People who take a daily multivitamin/mineral supplement have dramatic reductions in the risk of colon cancer and heart disease, studies show. Another benefit: The folic acid in your multi is almost two times more absorbable than the form of this vitamin found in food.
3. Have "seven-gram" cereal. That means cereal with at least 7 grams of fiber per serving, because eating cereal is your easiest chance to get lots of fiber in a small package. Not only is fiber a cancer fighter, but it actually cancels out some of the calories you eat! For example, if you eat 30 grams of fiber a day — slightly more than double what most of us get — your body will absorb 120 fewer calories a day. That adds up to a 13-pound loss in a year!
4. Toss some blueberries on that cereal. Blueberries are youth berries. Even frozen blueberries are so packed with antioxidants that just a 1/2 cup can double the antioxidant power of most people's diets — something that experts suspect will slow down your aging clock. Blueberries actually reversed memory loss in one animal study!
5. Make your coffee with milk. If you make instant coffee with hot water, all you're getting is a wake-up call. Use milk, and you've got cafe au lait — along with insurance against osteoporosis from the calcium and vitamin D in the milk.
6. Drink a glass of water when you brush your teeth. You've got the water and the glass right there. So drink! Only one-third of all Americans get the recommended eight glasses daily. Think a little shortfall doesn't matter? Signs of mild dehydration include fatigue upon awakening, fatigue at midday, lack of concentration, and headaches.
Healthy eating tips: 8 a.m. – On the Job
With these healthy eating tips, snacks at work can make you healthier:
7. Take an apple to work. Put one on your desk in the morning, and an apple becomes see-food — the handiest snack to grab when the munchies hit. If it's not there, you'll be hunting for sticky buns or whatever else is around. In addition to apples being a low-cal snack, a recent study revealed that the lungs of apple-a-day eaters may have better protection against air pollution.
8. Stash nuts in your desk. Probably because nuts are rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, magnesium, and phytochemicals, folks who snack on a small handful of them four or five times a week tend to live longer, several studies suggest. Just don't overdo it: One ounce of peanuts (approximately 1/8 cup) contains about 170 calories and 14 grams of fat.
Healthy eating tips: 11:30 a.m. – Grocery shopping
You dash out for groceries over your lunch hour. Here's how to be a healthy shopper even when you're on autopilot:
9. Buy better bread. If you eat white bread, you're eating vitamin-fortified starch. Whole-wheat bread has fiber, important nutrients such as selenium and copper, and a treasury of other healthy ingredients. Maybe that's why whole-grain eaters seem to have less diabetes, breast cancer, and heart disease. Just don't be fooled by a dark color: Unless the first ingredient includes the word "whole," it isn't whole-wheat bread.
10. Choose canola salad dressing. Are you a salad eater? Terrific! Now look for a dressing made with canola oil, rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). One study found that nurses who got more than 1 gram of ALA per day had half the number of fatal heart attacks.
11. Be picky about decaf tea. Regular tea delivers a rich stew of healing antioxidants — but some decaf teas don't. If the decaf method isn't listed on the package, assume they used ethyl acetate, which dramatically lowers antioxidant levels. Look for tea that says it's been decaffeinated with water and carbon dioxide (sometimes called "natural" or "effervescence") — which preserves antioxidants.
12. Pick up whole-wheat pasta. Do you need more help getting to your 30 or so grams of daily fiber? Try doing this: Substitute 1 cup of whole-wheat pasta (6.3 grams of fiber) for the same amount of regular (2.4 grams). This one easy switch pushes you 4 grams closer to your total daily fiber goal.
13. Find ice cream that builds bones. You know you want some. So find a brand with 15 percent of the Daily Value (DV) for calcium in a 1/2-cup serving. That means when you eat a cup of ice cream, you'll get 30 percent of the DV for calcium — as much as a glass of milk. Same tip applies to frozen yogurt.
Healthy Eating Tips: 12:30 PM: Takeout Pizza
Buying pizza to eat lunch at your desk? Give it this instant healthy makeover:
14. Order Pizza the "Double-Half" Way. When you order, ask for double tomato sauce and half cheese. Double sauce? Many studies link higher consumption of cooked tomato products with reduced risk of prostate and other cancers. Half cheese? You'll cut down on artery-clogging saturated fat. Trust us, after just one "double-half" pizza, you'll never go back!
Healthy eating tips: 4 p.m. – Party time
Your division boss is retiring, and there's a goodbye reception. These tricks build automatic nutrition into calorie-laden buffet tables:
15. Sidle up to the shrimp. These denizens of the deep are ultralow in fat and calories, but they taste so rich that you can really satisfy yourself — without gaining weight! (Twelve large nonbreaded shrimp contain just 65 calories and less than 1 grams of fat!)
Healthy eating tips: 8 p.m. – In a restaurant
The choices! The sauces! Here's how to automatically make your restaurant meal healthier than ever:
16. Order dessert first. Ask your waiter if they have berries for dessert, then order them as an appetizer. Low-cal raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries are rich in fiber, antioxidants, and ellagic acid, a compound that's being studied as a colon cancer fighter. Since restaurants get the very best berries, don't pass up this heavenly superfood!
17. Order half your entrée as take-out. One restaurant portion could feed an entire fraternity house — who needs all those calories? So when you order an entree, ask them to automatically put half of it directly into a take-home box. That way, it'll never show up on your plate! Staying slim helps lower your risk of cancer, diabetes, stroke, and many other illnesses. And you'll have a ready-made meal for tomorrow!
18. Reach for the sparkling water. Few things are more chic — or better for your health! So whatever else you drink at the party, make sure you also sip on a glass of club soda or seltzer. Staying well hydrated helps fight urinary-tract infections by keeping your urine diluted.
19. Dip your carrots. Are you snacking only on carrot sticks? Make sure you eat them with some fat — a dab of dip or a cube of cheese. Without any fat, you absorb very little of carrot's cancer-fighting carotenoids.
20. Say, "salmon!" Don't miss this boat! Salmon is one of the richest — and possibly most delicious — sources of omega-3 fats. By boosting your intake of omega-3s, you may help ward off depression, severe menstrual cramps, macular degeneration (a cause of blindness), fatal heart attacks, and possibly even breast cancer. (A 3-ounce serving of cooked salmon has 1.9 grams of omega-3s; in comparison, 3 ounces of cooked chicken breast has a mere 0.05 grams.)
21. Side with the veggies. It's easy to leave a restaurant without touching any vegetables except french fries — unless you routinely order a side dish of broccoli, spinach, or whatever they've got that sounds good. The antioxidants in veggies — including vitamins E and C — prevent the free radical damage that promotes cancer, cataracts, and memory loss. Antioxidants can also bolster immunity, fending off things such as the flu. Not a veggie lover? Make them taste better by adding a little pat of butter — but remember that a little goes a long way.
22. Finish with tea. Don't miss this chance for a tidal wave of antioxidants — tea has more than most veggies. People who drink 4 cups of green tea a day seem to get less cancer, perhaps due to a powerful antioxidant called EGCG. Black tea contains quercetin, a compound that helps prevent blood clots — the immediate triggers of most heart attacks.
Healthy eating tips: 11:00 p.m. – Bedtime
Congratulations! The day is over … at last. Now finish up your healthy eating day with a few more Big Easies:
23. Have a cup of hot cocoa. Love chocolate, but still want to be healthy? Good news! Cocoa (chocolate with much of the fat removed) actually has even more antioxidant power than tea!
The flavonoids in cocoa can keep blood platelets from clotting, which may prevent heart attacks. Plus, the milk in hot cocoa loves your bones! (Note: An average cup of cocoa has less than one-tenth the caffeine of instant coffee. But if you're very caffeine sensitive, bedtime isn't the best time for any caffeine.)
24. Not drinking cocoa? Pop a calcium supplement. Most women get less than one half of the calcium they need for strong bones, so if you're not drinking cocoa, bedtime is a great time to take a calcium supplement. (If your tummy is empty, calcium citrate supplements are absorbed best.)
25. Drink another big glass of water after you brush your teeth. Yup, more water. And another solid reason why: In a study last year, people who drank lots of water had less colon cancer. Down the hatch
Linda Rao is a freelance writer and frequent contributor to "Prevention Magazine."
Monday, December 27, 2010
It sure is hard to get back into the swing of things
I think it would be easier to do it if I could exercise. My dh was in and out all day the baby needed a lot of attention so my exercise took 2nd place. The baby will be gone next week and then I can get back into planning out my days and actually keeping my plans.
I found out a few years ago that when i exercise early it seems to moderate my appetite. Maybe it is all in my head, maybe it is a cheap psychology trick but if it works I am really willing to exercise each day early. Also on Dr. oz this morning he said that oolong tea and any dried beans and ice water, each of these things are metabolism boosters. So I am willing to do just about any thing to help me.
Someone sent me a pile of things that I can do to encourage my body to handle food like an average persons body would handle it. I have saved this and I will try to remember to c and p sometime tomorrow I would just open a new browser and do it from there but this computer is so old that I may not get that done for a good ten minutes. Some of the things that were listed were different vitamins and that actually makes a bit of sense. If you need a certain vitamin and you don't get it maybe your brain will cause you to want to keep eating until you get that vitamin or mineral or whatever.
I ate too much today and I am so disappointed in myself and some of that was actually because I could not exercise today. So I wanted to eat in disappointment. And I am so ready to get my house back the way it was pre-Christmas. In other words I want my tree down and I am so ready to get the babys tree down =it is not but a foot high but it has a lot of miniature ornaments on it and he put it togeather himself. with little cars and little people and houses and signs and animals. His tree has been up since Thanksgiving day.
He is only 5 yrs. old and the time is coming a few years from now that he is not going to want to come to grandmas house I refuse to let my disappointment interfere with my enjoyment of his time here with me.
I love children and I really want to be a foster parent. I know that when I complete all the requirements that I will not be able to exercise then either. So I really need to figure out some other way to get what I need withpeople in the house.
Time for baby to go to bed and he will not settle down with me here typing in the room where his bed is.
Sleep well everyone
God bless
I found out a few years ago that when i exercise early it seems to moderate my appetite. Maybe it is all in my head, maybe it is a cheap psychology trick but if it works I am really willing to exercise each day early. Also on Dr. oz this morning he said that oolong tea and any dried beans and ice water, each of these things are metabolism boosters. So I am willing to do just about any thing to help me.
Someone sent me a pile of things that I can do to encourage my body to handle food like an average persons body would handle it. I have saved this and I will try to remember to c and p sometime tomorrow I would just open a new browser and do it from there but this computer is so old that I may not get that done for a good ten minutes. Some of the things that were listed were different vitamins and that actually makes a bit of sense. If you need a certain vitamin and you don't get it maybe your brain will cause you to want to keep eating until you get that vitamin or mineral or whatever.
I ate too much today and I am so disappointed in myself and some of that was actually because I could not exercise today. So I wanted to eat in disappointment. And I am so ready to get my house back the way it was pre-Christmas. In other words I want my tree down and I am so ready to get the babys tree down =it is not but a foot high but it has a lot of miniature ornaments on it and he put it togeather himself. with little cars and little people and houses and signs and animals. His tree has been up since Thanksgiving day.
He is only 5 yrs. old and the time is coming a few years from now that he is not going to want to come to grandmas house I refuse to let my disappointment interfere with my enjoyment of his time here with me.
I love children and I really want to be a foster parent. I know that when I complete all the requirements that I will not be able to exercise then either. So I really need to figure out some other way to get what I need withpeople in the house.
Time for baby to go to bed and he will not settle down with me here typing in the room where his bed is.
Sleep well everyone
God bless
Sunday, December 26, 2010
me - thoughts-hopes-
The SS lesson for today was all about Jehoida. I was prepared to do the lesson just in case teacher did not make it today. Well the snow came and came and came and no one went, Church was canceled. It is ok I do not feel it was a waste of my time, I learned a lot about not allowing ungodly people from being so close to me that they would have influence over my actions and decisions.
I started trying to get back into the swing of healthy eating today. I went over in calories but I stayed on track as for what I ate, I had broccoli, squash, edamame, and lean baked ham,and berries, and some nuts. Too many calories but I did not eat any of the sweets that are in my kitchen. I have fudge, cookies, Buckeyes, homemade banana pudding, sweet potatoe casserole, and green bean casserole. All of those foods are really high in calories and I resisted each of them. Tomorrow I have already told dh that he can take the sweets out to his buddies and we will throw out the rest of those foods. Time to get rid of the foods that fall in the "no-no" catagory. All that sugar can't be good for anyone.
My hope is that I have not done too much damage to my weight loss. I still have not weighed and I probably will not weigh until the first of January. I hope to be able to undo some of the damage before I get on the scales. I know just by the way my clothes fit that I have gained some. It all started when I went to moms for those two weeks. I really was not comfortable being there with my brother. he is such a user and a drunk and I feel sure a drug user and he is so mean. And I could not exercise. Just excuses I know. If I had been determined I could have found a way.
But I can get back into the swing of things I can. Tomorrow I will do my weights and then later I will do arobics. I wll have the baby here and so I can not go walking but I can do something. It is not just my weight, I actually feel better when I when I eat healthy and when I exercise. I wake up now and I feel sluggish and bloated and my joints hurt and my mind seems to not be as quick . My skin is already starting to look haggard.
I will do this for me. I can and I will.
Sleep well everyone
God bless
I started trying to get back into the swing of healthy eating today. I went over in calories but I stayed on track as for what I ate, I had broccoli, squash, edamame, and lean baked ham,and berries, and some nuts. Too many calories but I did not eat any of the sweets that are in my kitchen. I have fudge, cookies, Buckeyes, homemade banana pudding, sweet potatoe casserole, and green bean casserole. All of those foods are really high in calories and I resisted each of them. Tomorrow I have already told dh that he can take the sweets out to his buddies and we will throw out the rest of those foods. Time to get rid of the foods that fall in the "no-no" catagory. All that sugar can't be good for anyone.
My hope is that I have not done too much damage to my weight loss. I still have not weighed and I probably will not weigh until the first of January. I hope to be able to undo some of the damage before I get on the scales. I know just by the way my clothes fit that I have gained some. It all started when I went to moms for those two weeks. I really was not comfortable being there with my brother. he is such a user and a drunk and I feel sure a drug user and he is so mean. And I could not exercise. Just excuses I know. If I had been determined I could have found a way.
But I can get back into the swing of things I can. Tomorrow I will do my weights and then later I will do arobics. I wll have the baby here and so I can not go walking but I can do something. It is not just my weight, I actually feel better when I when I eat healthy and when I exercise. I wake up now and I feel sluggish and bloated and my joints hurt and my mind seems to not be as quick . My skin is already starting to look haggard.
I will do this for me. I can and I will.
Sleep well everyone
God bless
Thursday, December 23, 2010
I got a feeling based on how I am eating
that I am going to be regretting how I have suddenly started eating way to much.
Have you seen the cute little cartoon called "UP" That is a precious little cartoon. I loved it,
I got all my shopping done.
Today is my anniversary. Been married 35 yrs. Dh and I were going to go out for a nice supper BUT do you hear a but in this????????? I had my grandson and dd said she only had to work a few hours hat was this morning at nine am so I expected her back here to pick up grandson at least by 3 and she did not show up until around 6:30;/ Now that isnot to late, but she never once called and let me know when she was going to get here so I jut kept working, doing .laundry, straightening, putting things awy, wrapping presents. etc....
Dh said we would go out tomorrow and he gave me enough money to buy a new outfit. I love to shop I have found this really wonderful place that has beautiful clothes in my size and they do not cost an arm and a leg. So next weekend I will go and get me a new outfit.
tomorrow I have to finish wrapping. I would almost hire someone to do this for me. BUT here we go throwing in another but. i know that you can hire someone to do that but they charge a lot, and I can thrw a lot of the things that I have into Christmas bags. Fact is I think that is just what I will do.
I doubt I will get back here tomorrow so I want to wish everyone that reads this a wonderful Christmas,
Please remember that it is Christs birthday. and we should all give thanks because He reallly was the first gift (remember John 3:16) and He was the most wonderful gift I have ever had.
Sleep well,
and May God Bless and Keep you safe
Have you seen the cute little cartoon called "UP" That is a precious little cartoon. I loved it,
I got all my shopping done.
Today is my anniversary. Been married 35 yrs. Dh and I were going to go out for a nice supper BUT do you hear a but in this????????? I had my grandson and dd said she only had to work a few hours hat was this morning at nine am so I expected her back here to pick up grandson at least by 3 and she did not show up until around 6:30;/ Now that isnot to late, but she never once called and let me know when she was going to get here so I jut kept working, doing .laundry, straightening, putting things awy, wrapping presents. etc....
Dh said we would go out tomorrow and he gave me enough money to buy a new outfit. I love to shop I have found this really wonderful place that has beautiful clothes in my size and they do not cost an arm and a leg. So next weekend I will go and get me a new outfit.
tomorrow I have to finish wrapping. I would almost hire someone to do this for me. BUT here we go throwing in another but. i know that you can hire someone to do that but they charge a lot, and I can thrw a lot of the things that I have into Christmas bags. Fact is I think that is just what I will do.
I doubt I will get back here tomorrow so I want to wish everyone that reads this a wonderful Christmas,
Please remember that it is Christs birthday. and we should all give thanks because He reallly was the first gift (remember John 3:16) and He was the most wonderful gift I have ever had.
Sleep well,
and May God Bless and Keep you safe
Monday, December 20, 2010
just another day, not one of my better dieting days
But I count this as one of my better days in enjoyment. It all started last night.
One of my dearest friends is a pastor and I went to her church last night to see the childrenthere have there Christmas program. Dh and I had been laughing with each other for several hours ad I was in a very good mood. Now you have to know the situration dh and I are in. HE is a professional painter and for the past two years there has been very little work. But God has provided over and over again. Everytime it seems that we are at the end of our rope something happens. Yesterday (Sunday) we did not have Christmas presents bought and it was only six more days till Christmas but we were not worried.
Anyway we went to our friends church and she called us to the side and pressed something in my hand ==it was a one hundred an fifty dollars gift card to wal mart. I cried through the entire program. God is really so good to us.
So today dd and I went shopping. I bought groceries and I bought a little something for each of my children their spouses and their children and then I bought dh something for Christmas and since our anniversary is in two days I bought him a small inexpensive gift for our anniversary. And I have about frty dollars still left on the gift card. And here is where God just shows how much He loves His children ....... I come home from shopping and dh is on the phone and soemone wants him to paint for them, not a big job but then the phone rings and it is somone else and they want him to paint. Now usually people usually want to get an estimate so they can get the cheapest painter. They just asked him when can he start. He has as of about five oclock four jobs lined up. God is good and He does take care of His children.
I ate bad today BUT I am not complaining. God has blessed, I enjoyed my dd and grandson and my dh today. I even enjoyed seeing my son in law and usually his smart mouth irritates me but today well I dont think anything could have irritated me.
Sleep well everyone
God bless.
One of my dearest friends is a pastor and I went to her church last night to see the childrenthere have there Christmas program. Dh and I had been laughing with each other for several hours ad I was in a very good mood. Now you have to know the situration dh and I are in. HE is a professional painter and for the past two years there has been very little work. But God has provided over and over again. Everytime it seems that we are at the end of our rope something happens. Yesterday (Sunday) we did not have Christmas presents bought and it was only six more days till Christmas but we were not worried.
Anyway we went to our friends church and she called us to the side and pressed something in my hand ==it was a one hundred an fifty dollars gift card to wal mart. I cried through the entire program. God is really so good to us.
So today dd and I went shopping. I bought groceries and I bought a little something for each of my children their spouses and their children and then I bought dh something for Christmas and since our anniversary is in two days I bought him a small inexpensive gift for our anniversary. And I have about frty dollars still left on the gift card. And here is where God just shows how much He loves His children ....... I come home from shopping and dh is on the phone and soemone wants him to paint for them, not a big job but then the phone rings and it is somone else and they want him to paint. Now usually people usually want to get an estimate so they can get the cheapest painter. They just asked him when can he start. He has as of about five oclock four jobs lined up. God is good and He does take care of His children.
I ate bad today BUT I am not complaining. God has blessed, I enjoyed my dd and grandson and my dh today. I even enjoyed seeing my son in law and usually his smart mouth irritates me but today well I dont think anything could have irritated me.
Sleep well everyone
God bless.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
yesterday and today
yesterday was a fun day for me but it was a terrible eating day. I fixed a pork roast in my crock pot and it was so delious. t would be so easy to lose weight if food tasted bad . I really could lose weight if ereything tased like collards. I keep thinking way back into cave man day some neanderthal walking down the road he sees something green -he points to it and grunts to his cavewoman, In cave man grunt language it would mean something like this, 'my darling cave woman please pick this green stuff and you can cook it and I will call it collards. " Now being the dutiful wife she does just what her cave hubby says but in her mind she is thinking who wants to eat grass where the bear goes to peepee at." I do not like collards. When I was a little girl my parents had to have collards at least once a week and sometime two times I let them know I hated it but they mad me eat it. It was put before me at every meal until I ate it.
Baby was here and we played pirates, he don't get what pirates are supposed to be and his pirate name was one eyed robot jack. He gave me my pirate name= it was grandma. lol
We went to my sisters church last night for a Christmas party, her pastor called and asked us to come. I had good time and did not eat too much although what I did eat was a little higher in calories than I should have had. But Christmas will soon be over and I will get back into the swing of things. I will enjoy being with family and friends and everyone knows that Christmas get togeathers are full of food.
Today baby was here part of the day, but I had to work on the plastic canvas ornament I planned to give the ladies in my SS class. It is just a simple little ornament triangle with a candle in the middle but I had to make 8 and it took me from 8 this morning to 7:30 this evening. Of course part of the time I was on the phone and playing with baby and then dd came so I visited with her. After I finished the ornaments I finished my SS lesson and if anything happens to Pati I will be ready to teach.
That is it
Sleep well
God bless
Baby was here and we played pirates, he don't get what pirates are supposed to be and his pirate name was one eyed robot jack. He gave me my pirate name= it was grandma. lol
We went to my sisters church last night for a Christmas party, her pastor called and asked us to come. I had good time and did not eat too much although what I did eat was a little higher in calories than I should have had. But Christmas will soon be over and I will get back into the swing of things. I will enjoy being with family and friends and everyone knows that Christmas get togeathers are full of food.
Today baby was here part of the day, but I had to work on the plastic canvas ornament I planned to give the ladies in my SS class. It is just a simple little ornament triangle with a candle in the middle but I had to make 8 and it took me from 8 this morning to 7:30 this evening. Of course part of the time I was on the phone and playing with baby and then dd came so I visited with her. After I finished the ornaments I finished my SS lesson and if anything happens to Pati I will be ready to teach.
That is it
Sleep well
God bless
Thursday, December 16, 2010
189.4, computer, baby, phone, exercise, ate too much
Well it went down a little, I would like to get up in the morning and be 20 pounds lighter. Not going to happen, and not going to set myself up for dissapointment.
My computer has been very tempermental today. What I usually do in just a few minutes took be hours today. It would keep freezing and the page would just drop and Iwould have to start all over again ----so annoying. But I am grateful to have a computer. I went about 6 months without one and then a friend of a friend cleans house for a real estate company and he found a computer that had been left behind so he gave it to me.
The baby has been here all day and he has been such a joy. It is true that he is a hands on child, you can't expect a 5 yr. old to be able to take care of himself, I have to cook kid meals and gave im a bath and washed his hair. but still he is a a seet child an I love his imagination. Today we went in a closet and he turned it into a space ship and we went to mars and met some purple headed martians named purplerupadoes. Then we had a picnic with them and we had nuts and chps and coco cola. I tried to tell him we needed vegetables but he quickly said not while we were on mars.
I lost count of how many times the phone rang today. I didnt stay on the phone a long time but it just rung a lot.
I did some floor exercise today some stretches and flexability exercises. Then I did a 5 mile Leslie Sansonne video. I love doing her workouts. It is not high intensity and the steps are not hard to follow. I have several of her workouts and I love everyone of them. Her banter does get a little boring after the 4th time of hearing her, but I just mute her and keep on going.
My calories were not as impressive as I would have liked for today, but not to terrible bad, 1780 but then I ate a little bit of nuts so estimate the final to be maybe 1900 or there about.
It is time for baby to go to bed and the computer is in the bedroom so
Sleep well everyone
God bless.
My computer has been very tempermental today. What I usually do in just a few minutes took be hours today. It would keep freezing and the page would just drop and Iwould have to start all over again ----so annoying. But I am grateful to have a computer. I went about 6 months without one and then a friend of a friend cleans house for a real estate company and he found a computer that had been left behind so he gave it to me.
The baby has been here all day and he has been such a joy. It is true that he is a hands on child, you can't expect a 5 yr. old to be able to take care of himself, I have to cook kid meals and gave im a bath and washed his hair. but still he is a a seet child an I love his imagination. Today we went in a closet and he turned it into a space ship and we went to mars and met some purple headed martians named purplerupadoes. Then we had a picnic with them and we had nuts and chps and coco cola. I tried to tell him we needed vegetables but he quickly said not while we were on mars.
I lost count of how many times the phone rang today. I didnt stay on the phone a long time but it just rung a lot.
I did some floor exercise today some stretches and flexability exercises. Then I did a 5 mile Leslie Sansonne video. I love doing her workouts. It is not high intensity and the steps are not hard to follow. I have several of her workouts and I love everyone of them. Her banter does get a little boring after the 4th time of hearing her, but I just mute her and keep on going.
My calories were not as impressive as I would have liked for today, but not to terrible bad, 1780 but then I ate a little bit of nuts so estimate the final to be maybe 1900 or there about.
It is time for baby to go to bed and the computer is in the bedroom so
Sleep well everyone
God bless.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
189.4,,weights,,,walk,,,baby is here
It was really hard for me to write my weight, I had worked so hard to get it down to 184 and in just a few short weeks the weight stared coming back. Obviously I have to try to stay in diet mod all the time. I don't think I have in my entire adult life not been losing or gaining. I have never ever just maintained my weight.
I got up this morning and I did 25 minutes of hand weights I upped the weights to 8 pounds. and that was a challenge. But I persevered and I did it.
Later I got totalled snugged into insulated head covering, scarf, thick pants sweater and thick coat and I went for a nice walk, I walked as fast as I could. I don't think I will be able to go walking again until after Christmas because of the deer hunters back in the woods. Most children are out of school as of today and a lot of the older teens go hunting on their Christmas break. I like to walk but I don't want to be mistaken for a deer.
Wasn't it a shame about that man in Fla. I kept thinking just how desparate do you have to be to think that is your only way out of the situation you are in?
Since today was the last day of school for my grandson and dd and her husband have to work, he came to stay with me tomorrow and Friday. I love it. I have him sitting watching a movie about a duck "The first snow of winter", it is really cute and he can watch a movie he like over and over and over..
pedomter steps for today is12164
calories or today was1475
Dear Lord I thank you for protecting my family today. Thank you for the job that dh has and thank you for your son that came to us as a baby and gave himself for our salvation. Amen.
Nothing is any sweeter that the Christmas story from Luke.
Sleep well everyone
God bless
I got up this morning and I did 25 minutes of hand weights I upped the weights to 8 pounds. and that was a challenge. But I persevered and I did it.
Later I got totalled snugged into insulated head covering, scarf, thick pants sweater and thick coat and I went for a nice walk, I walked as fast as I could. I don't think I will be able to go walking again until after Christmas because of the deer hunters back in the woods. Most children are out of school as of today and a lot of the older teens go hunting on their Christmas break. I like to walk but I don't want to be mistaken for a deer.
Wasn't it a shame about that man in Fla. I kept thinking just how desparate do you have to be to think that is your only way out of the situation you are in?
Since today was the last day of school for my grandson and dd and her husband have to work, he came to stay with me tomorrow and Friday. I love it. I have him sitting watching a movie about a duck "The first snow of winter", it is really cute and he can watch a movie he like over and over and over..
pedomter steps for today is12164
calories or today was1475
Dear Lord I thank you for protecting my family today. Thank you for the job that dh has and thank you for your son that came to us as a baby and gave himself for our salvation. Amen.
Nothing is any sweeter that the Christmas story from Luke.
Sleep well everyone
God bless
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
My tuesday update
I posted this morning, but this is an update
I have gained 6 pounds in a little over 3 weeks. That is so disheartening. But I think I hve gotten it under control I hope I have gotten myself under control.
Today I went for a really long walk, my pedometer steps is 12112 that is 6 miles. Now I did not walk that much when I went out walking that is also all the steps that I did while I straightened up and talked on the phone. I talked o my mom and my sister and I talked to my dd about 4 times. I am really glad that I have a good relationship with my dd, at one time I was doubtful that we would ever be able to talk to each other civilly. Those teenager years were torture for her and of course I was the one she took it out on. But we survived. She married in her early 20's and her husband was a crackhead. He sold allmost all that they had before she called me and asked to come home with him. I said yes with stipulations and he stayed maybe a month and could not hold out any longer and he wanted crack worse than he wanted dd. Husband and I paid for her divorce and she remarried two years later and now has a beautiful son . WOW where did all tha come from ?????
Any way my calories for today was1685 that is a little bit more than I intended but I am still proud of what I did today comparing it to how I have been eating. And while it was a bit of a struggle to control my appetitie, it was not that bad,.foods that I ate today was
2 coffee
4 ounces of porkchop
1 cup baked potatoes (no butter)
mixed veggies
5 ounces of carrots
1/2 cup berries
1/2 cup 2% milk
snack -- 3/4 cup homemade apple sauce
supper was coffee
4 ounces of turkey breast
1 cup baked potatoes
steamed broccoli
snack -3/4 cup figs and 1/2 cup homemade canned pears
It is cold here and I am so thankful that we have shelter. It is supposed to be record lows here. There are 5000 homeless people in our nearest city. Lord take care of them and keep them warm and safe. Even in one place some businesses have come togeather and bought tents for the homeless so that they will stop sleeping in the dumpsters, Butit is so cold that I fear they will freeze, and what about the children. So very sad.
Stay safe and warm everyone
God bless
I have gained 6 pounds in a little over 3 weeks. That is so disheartening. But I think I hve gotten it under control I hope I have gotten myself under control.
Today I went for a really long walk, my pedometer steps is 12112 that is 6 miles. Now I did not walk that much when I went out walking that is also all the steps that I did while I straightened up and talked on the phone. I talked o my mom and my sister and I talked to my dd about 4 times. I am really glad that I have a good relationship with my dd, at one time I was doubtful that we would ever be able to talk to each other civilly. Those teenager years were torture for her and of course I was the one she took it out on. But we survived. She married in her early 20's and her husband was a crackhead. He sold allmost all that they had before she called me and asked to come home with him. I said yes with stipulations and he stayed maybe a month and could not hold out any longer and he wanted crack worse than he wanted dd. Husband and I paid for her divorce and she remarried two years later and now has a beautiful son . WOW where did all tha come from ?????
Any way my calories for today was1685 that is a little bit more than I intended but I am still proud of what I did today comparing it to how I have been eating. And while it was a bit of a struggle to control my appetitie, it was not that bad,.foods that I ate today was
2 coffee
4 ounces of porkchop
1 cup baked potatoes (no butter)
mixed veggies
5 ounces of carrots
1/2 cup berries
1/2 cup 2% milk
snack -- 3/4 cup homemade apple sauce
supper was coffee
4 ounces of turkey breast
1 cup baked potatoes
steamed broccoli
snack -3/4 cup figs and 1/2 cup homemade canned pears
It is cold here and I am so thankful that we have shelter. It is supposed to be record lows here. There are 5000 homeless people in our nearest city. Lord take care of them and keep them warm and safe. Even in one place some businesses have come togeather and bought tents for the homeless so that they will stop sleeping in the dumpsters, Butit is so cold that I fear they will freeze, and what about the children. So very sad.
Stay safe and warm everyone
God bless
A new day, a positive outlook,
Just a quick post to encourage me. I have done really good so far today.
I had an early lunch of vegetables and 4 ounces of baked porkchop. I ate one cup of baked potatoe and 5 ounces of carrots. That was a nutritionally healthy and satisfying lunch. I have had 3 cups of decaf coffee, and while that is not good for me, it also is not really bad either. I don't use sugar although I do use internationl creamer. I had 1/2 cup blueberries for dessert and I had 1/2 cup of 2 percent milk.
I have also gone for a very long walk thismorning and it was cold. Chill factor was 17 degrees. I was dressed warmly I wore hubbys insulated head covering and I had a scarf wrapped around my neck and pulled it up to cover the lower part of my face. I had insulated pants on, a thick shirt, thick heavy sweater and a thick wind breaker. I did not get cold at all. I probably looked ike a fat short snowman with clothes on.
I will update later.
I had an early lunch of vegetables and 4 ounces of baked porkchop. I ate one cup of baked potatoe and 5 ounces of carrots. That was a nutritionally healthy and satisfying lunch. I have had 3 cups of decaf coffee, and while that is not good for me, it also is not really bad either. I don't use sugar although I do use internationl creamer. I had 1/2 cup blueberries for dessert and I had 1/2 cup of 2 percent milk.
I have also gone for a very long walk thismorning and it was cold. Chill factor was 17 degrees. I was dressed warmly I wore hubbys insulated head covering and I had a scarf wrapped around my neck and pulled it up to cover the lower part of my face. I had insulated pants on, a thick shirt, thick heavy sweater and a thick wind breaker. I did not get cold at all. I probably looked ike a fat short snowman with clothes on.
I will update later.
Monday, December 13, 2010
emotions and up and down and woe
I usually am very up, I can see the bright side to so many things and seldom do I get depressed. I love the Christmas season even when we do not have a lot of money. Dh is in construction so the winter months has always been slow. I taught my kids that Christmas was not about what you get but what you give and it had nothing to do with material things. So right now I am starting to get depressed. I think it is because I can not seem to get a grip on my diet. Rigt now it feels hopeless, I give myself the pep talks as I reach for another apple. An apple is not that bad, right? but what if you just had a baked pork chop, and some honey carrots, and some garden peas.and some mushrooms? What if you really did not want an apple but you just felt like you were not satisfied. I have not felt like this in prbably 2 yrs. I feel so out of control.
I'm trying to do some self evealuation, I can only come up with the family situaion. I can not fix the family thing so I eat. It does not make sense. If I could just get a few days that I could exercise and eat right I think I wuld get back into the swing of things. I do not want to gain all that weight back.
Oh please Lord help me.
God bless.
(I may come back later and whine some more. After all if I can not whine and complain on my own blog what use is it to have one???? lololol
I'm trying to do some self evealuation, I can only come up with the family situaion. I can not fix the family thing so I eat. It does not make sense. If I could just get a few days that I could exercise and eat right I think I wuld get back into the swing of things. I do not want to gain all that weight back.
Oh please Lord help me.
God bless.
(I may come back later and whine some more. After all if I can not whine and complain on my own blog what use is it to have one???? lololol
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Sunday---- sunday school, Christmas tree, church again
So I went to SS this morning and even though I was prepared to teach, (the bible does say to be prepared in all seasons) I did not think I wold be teaching today. When I got there Pati asked if I would teach and I said sure, and I did. BUt I do not want anyone to think that I am trying to take the teaching position from her. She is my best friend and I would not do anything to harm her at all. Any way the lesson was a good one and pretty much taught itself. IT was about Jehoshaphat and the 3 armies that were comine on him. Then how the Lord came to his aid and the armies turned against one another. Great lesson
When I got home I put my tree up. It is so pretty. I love angels and over the course of several years I have gotten a huge collection of angel ornaments. This year my tree is 95 percent angels. The other ornaments is My grandsons first Christmas ornament and one that my sistser gave me with my birthstone in it and two crocheted ornaments that I made a few years ago.
Later we went to evenning service at my sisters church and my goodness didn't the Lord move. People were dancing in the spirit and praising the Lord out loud. I love it when the Lord moves in such a wonderful way. It makes me feel that God is giving me just a glimpse, just a tiny little touch of what it is going to be like in Heaven.
It is late and I am very sleepy.
So have a safe and warm night and
may God bless you.
When I got home I put my tree up. It is so pretty. I love angels and over the course of several years I have gotten a huge collection of angel ornaments. This year my tree is 95 percent angels. The other ornaments is My grandsons first Christmas ornament and one that my sistser gave me with my birthstone in it and two crocheted ornaments that I made a few years ago.
Later we went to evenning service at my sisters church and my goodness didn't the Lord move. People were dancing in the spirit and praising the Lord out loud. I love it when the Lord moves in such a wonderful way. It makes me feel that God is giving me just a glimpse, just a tiny little touch of what it is going to be like in Heaven.
It is late and I am very sleepy.
So have a safe and warm night and
may God bless you.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Just to tell about the last 48 hours
I was feeling very low bout 10 am yesterday and actually was thinking that I was not really a Christian when the phone rang and it was a friend from church. She said she woke up early with me on her mind and she felt she had to call and tell me how much the love of God shone on me. She said a few other things but as she was talking I was thinkiong and praising the Lord for only the Lord could have arranged the phone call to come at the very moment I needed to be uplifted. GOD IS SO GOOD TO US ALL What would we do without Him in our lives.Some day I am going to post about how I went from being an athiest to becoming a Christian.
I went last night to see my grandson in his school play. Without any bias at all I have to say he was the cutest one there and he sang the best. lol I bet all the other Grandmas were saying the same thing about their grandchildren.
Tonight dh and I went to our friends church for there mens and womens fellowship Christmas meeting. I had a good time, It took deviled eggs but I intended to take brown sugar smokies and I have made them countless times before but for some reason this time I burned them. I could not salvage them at all not even for us to eat here. They were burned to the point of not being able to bite into them. I quickly boiled soem eggs and made the deviled eggs and they went over big time. I don't know why people seem to like my eggs, they are just plain eggs nothing to them but salt pepper and dukes mayo....... I do put the yolk mixture in a cake decorating bag with the biggest tip and use that to make it look a little fancy. I always say appearance is just as important as taste.
Diet has gone on vacation, I just hope that it returns after the holidays.
Sleep well everyone\
God bless
I went last night to see my grandson in his school play. Without any bias at all I have to say he was the cutest one there and he sang the best. lol I bet all the other Grandmas were saying the same thing about their grandchildren.
Tonight dh and I went to our friends church for there mens and womens fellowship Christmas meeting. I had a good time, It took deviled eggs but I intended to take brown sugar smokies and I have made them countless times before but for some reason this time I burned them. I could not salvage them at all not even for us to eat here. They were burned to the point of not being able to bite into them. I quickly boiled soem eggs and made the deviled eggs and they went over big time. I don't know why people seem to like my eggs, they are just plain eggs nothing to them but salt pepper and dukes mayo....... I do put the yolk mixture in a cake decorating bag with the biggest tip and use that to make it look a little fancy. I always say appearance is just as important as taste.
Diet has gone on vacation, I just hope that it returns after the holidays.
Sleep well everyone\
God bless
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
I did a little better today
not a lot better but I did keep the calories under 2000 and I did drink 50 ounces of water and I did go for a long walk. So that is some progress.
And then again
I did not get my clothes washed and no excuse either, I don't have to go down to the river like my grandma used to do, I do not have to hang them out which is a good thing because they would have frozen today. I did not get the floors swept, I did not finish the plastic canvas ornament that I am making for my niece. It is a grey and black kitty wrapping a present. ANd it is 3 deminsional and it is absolutely adorable. But I did not finish it yet. I will though, I will finish it by Christmas.
I did not get the ironing done either. I did not get my big Christmas tree up yet. I just pretty much had a lazy day. tomorrow will be different.
I went walking and brrrr it was cold. The wind was blowing through the path today and the temperature was about 28 degrees when I went walking. SOOOOO I had a thick pair of socks, and a really thick pair of pants and a shirt and a sweater and a jacket and a thick pair of gloves, I had a nice long scarf wrapped around my throat and my husbands fleece lined head warmer. And with all that the only thing that was cold was my cheeks nose and around my eyes. I felt like I was the huge ghost from ghost busters. I am glad that I did not need to use the bathroom quickly when I got back cause it took me almost as long to undress as it did for me to get dressed with all those clothes.
I do feel that my emotions are not so much on a rollar coaster. I feel like things are beginning to level off in my head.
Tomorrow night i will be going to see my grandson in his schools play. They are not allowed to call it a Christmas play . I think they call it a holiday play I am not sure, but I hate that so many people thinks it is wrong to use the name of Christ, or to say merry Christmas I mean that really is the reason for it all. Without Christ we would not have Christmas we would only have mas. And that just does not sound nearly as lovely as Christmas.
Friday night is the Christmas party at my friends church. Sat is a singing near hear and then Sunday is church. I have the Sunday School lesson almost finished, I will probably finish it tomorrow.
Sleep well
God bless.
And then again
I did not get my clothes washed and no excuse either, I don't have to go down to the river like my grandma used to do, I do not have to hang them out which is a good thing because they would have frozen today. I did not get the floors swept, I did not finish the plastic canvas ornament that I am making for my niece. It is a grey and black kitty wrapping a present. ANd it is 3 deminsional and it is absolutely adorable. But I did not finish it yet. I will though, I will finish it by Christmas.
I did not get the ironing done either. I did not get my big Christmas tree up yet. I just pretty much had a lazy day. tomorrow will be different.
I went walking and brrrr it was cold. The wind was blowing through the path today and the temperature was about 28 degrees when I went walking. SOOOOO I had a thick pair of socks, and a really thick pair of pants and a shirt and a sweater and a jacket and a thick pair of gloves, I had a nice long scarf wrapped around my throat and my husbands fleece lined head warmer. And with all that the only thing that was cold was my cheeks nose and around my eyes. I felt like I was the huge ghost from ghost busters. I am glad that I did not need to use the bathroom quickly when I got back cause it took me almost as long to undress as it did for me to get dressed with all those clothes.
I do feel that my emotions are not so much on a rollar coaster. I feel like things are beginning to level off in my head.
Tomorrow night i will be going to see my grandson in his schools play. They are not allowed to call it a Christmas play . I think they call it a holiday play I am not sure, but I hate that so many people thinks it is wrong to use the name of Christ, or to say merry Christmas I mean that really is the reason for it all. Without Christ we would not have Christmas we would only have mas. And that just does not sound nearly as lovely as Christmas.
Friday night is the Christmas party at my friends church. Sat is a singing near hear and then Sunday is church. I have the Sunday School lesson almost finished, I will probably finish it tomorrow.
Sleep well
God bless.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
another bad eating day.
You know thin people probably don't have bad eating days. They probably just go on with there lives when they eat a little more than usual. Why do I have to tell myself that I had a bad eating day? I did eat more than I should have, I called a pastor friend and unburdened myself to her. I told her about the way mom lambasted me about the tree I had told her previously about how mom had treated me when I was a child. When I got through this morning she said. "consider the source of your pain" She pretty well said that mom is what mom is . And yes she is now a Christian and she is old but she is still living with the same personality she always had. She said I could not allow her to steal my joy. AND SHE IS RIGHT. I need to show her respect but hold on to my joy. I need to stop trying to find peace in food. She did not tell me that cause she does not know how much I ate today.. lolol
But she did tell me that she wanted dh and I to go to her church this coming Fri. She wants us to be a part of their Christmas celebrations because I am an unofficial member of her church. She is the preacher of the church and i just thought that was very sweet.
Dh and I are going because we do love the people there. It is just a simple country church but the people there are very loving and that is the kind of church I like to go to.
The church I am goin g to now is a little stand offish and I know that God put dh and me there so that I could help the Sunday School teacher, She loves being a teacher but she is slowly going blind and I am her assistant teacher. She is a dear lady and I know that the time is coming probably in the next 6 to 12 months when she will not be able to teach at all. She is a good teacher and I feel honored that she wanted me to help her. I think when she no longer needs me I am going to my friends church. The people there are just a lot nicer.
I pray that tomorrow I will have a little more control. The bad thing is I could not even exercise today. I had hurt my knee and it is swollen. But also it would have been too cold. This is the south and we just do not have the thick clothes to handle 35 degree weather. I mean when it is just a hint of snow the schools are close down and all the bread and milk flies out of the supermarkets. But I am praying for a better day tomorrow.\\
Sleep well
God bless
But she did tell me that she wanted dh and I to go to her church this coming Fri. She wants us to be a part of their Christmas celebrations because I am an unofficial member of her church. She is the preacher of the church and i just thought that was very sweet.
Dh and I are going because we do love the people there. It is just a simple country church but the people there are very loving and that is the kind of church I like to go to.
The church I am goin g to now is a little stand offish and I know that God put dh and me there so that I could help the Sunday School teacher, She loves being a teacher but she is slowly going blind and I am her assistant teacher. She is a dear lady and I know that the time is coming probably in the next 6 to 12 months when she will not be able to teach at all. She is a good teacher and I feel honored that she wanted me to help her. I think when she no longer needs me I am going to my friends church. The people there are just a lot nicer.
I pray that tomorrow I will have a little more control. The bad thing is I could not even exercise today. I had hurt my knee and it is swollen. But also it would have been too cold. This is the south and we just do not have the thick clothes to handle 35 degree weather. I mean when it is just a hint of snow the schools are close down and all the bread and milk flies out of the supermarkets. But I am praying for a better day tomorrow.\\
Sleep well
God bless
Monday, December 6, 2010
My eating was out of control today
I simply could not get control of myself. I know what happened it just did not do any good for me to know. I called my mom this morning and our talk was going good and I told her about me and grandson putting up a tiny tree for him and letting him decorate it. I thought it was cute. And she started her harsh talking and made me feel like she was calling me a sinner becasue I put up a tree. All day long thoughts of my abusive childhood kept popping into my head. I could not help it. The bruises and scars that dad put there and how she would call me stupid and ugly. I know that all of that was covered by the blood when she became a Christian and I know I have forgiven her but sometimes those memories keep popping there ugly head up and I just want to eat and eat and eat.
Only God can help me to forget.
Sleep well everyone
God bless
Only God can help me to forget.
Sleep well everyone
God bless
Saturday, December 4, 2010
I am back and what a time I have had
almost two weeks of staying at my moms trying to stay in between her and my brother. He tried to get me upset one night he told me I was"holier than thou" just because mom and I were talking about the bible. I told him I was not holier than thou but I was holier than him. I know that was the wrong thing to say but it came out before I even thought it was the wrong thing to say. Anyway one day he told my mom that her bible wasn't anything but a pile of sh__. a couple of days later he was trying to do everything for mom and I told him he needed to let her take care of herself so she could get some usage back in her muscles. As a stroke victim she really needs to do for herself. He had gotten her bible and put it on her stool. He looked at me and said and I quote his words exactly "I do this out of respect and love for God and my mom. My stomach actually turned over. Mom does nothing but defends him. My grandson is 5 and my sister is raising her granddaughter that is also 5 . I keep my grandson away from her. But she put these two children down she talks to sister granddaughter like she was a dog. I have tried to tell mom that they are 5 nothing but children and they will be loud and they will run and they will jusmp because they are children.
Anyway yesterday she told me I needed to forgive. ACK Now she had just spent 10 minutes telling me how much of a brat sisters granddaughter is and I just don't understand.
I know what kind of person my brother is . He has been married 5 times and none of his wives could live with him because he is too controlling. he is manipulative and controlling and mom wants to stay in her house so bad she is putting up with it.
Yesterday I came home and after two weeks of not seeing my grandson except for just seeing him and Thanksgiving, today dd brought him to me and we took him out tonight to see Christmas lights and it was so much fun. ANd now he is spending the night at my house. I am glad he is here.\
I am looking forward to getting back into an exercise routine. I tried to eat right but it was hard to eat at someone elses house and cook those special foods she needs and then turn around and cook my foods. so I just ate quick foods and foods that oh well I can now get back to my old way of eating that seemed to keep me full of energy and I felt better.
I get to go to church in the morning and I am so hungry to go to church. I read dthe bible and I listened to some preaching that I had on cd. But it was not the same. I need to go to church. I know that God would not fault me for not going because I was needed to go to moms but my spirit hungers to be with my church family.
I am even happy to be blogging again. Who would think that I would miss blogging. lol
Sleep well everyone
God bless
Anyway yesterday she told me I needed to forgive. ACK Now she had just spent 10 minutes telling me how much of a brat sisters granddaughter is and I just don't understand.
I know what kind of person my brother is . He has been married 5 times and none of his wives could live with him because he is too controlling. he is manipulative and controlling and mom wants to stay in her house so bad she is putting up with it.
Yesterday I came home and after two weeks of not seeing my grandson except for just seeing him and Thanksgiving, today dd brought him to me and we took him out tonight to see Christmas lights and it was so much fun. ANd now he is spending the night at my house. I am glad he is here.\
I am looking forward to getting back into an exercise routine. I tried to eat right but it was hard to eat at someone elses house and cook those special foods she needs and then turn around and cook my foods. so I just ate quick foods and foods that oh well I can now get back to my old way of eating that seemed to keep me full of energy and I felt better.
I get to go to church in the morning and I am so hungry to go to church. I read dthe bible and I listened to some preaching that I had on cd. But it was not the same. I need to go to church. I know that God would not fault me for not going because I was needed to go to moms but my spirit hungers to be with my church family.
I am even happy to be blogging again. Who would think that I would miss blogging. lol
Sleep well everyone
God bless
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